Home Makeover in 10 Days // Uplift Mission #3

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Big thanks to everyone who made this project come to life:

Jancee at Finding Your Fancy organized the whole home for free:

Tile Ram removed all the tile and carpet for free:

Glauser Painting painted the whole home for free:

Jones Paint and Glass provided the paint for free:

Blvd Home provided several pieces of furniture as donations and others at cost:

Ogden's Flooring provided flooring at cost:

Master plumbing reinstalled toilets:

Wilkinson’s House donated several lighting fixtures:

Borrowman Electric installed the light fixtures

Alyssa Ence with He Lives Christ series donated a photo of Christ:

Torie Denning with TorieDenning Art donated an art piece

Everlights donated and installed Christmas lights on the exterior of the home:

The Piano Guys donated a piano:

And thanks to everyone else who contributed time and talents to make this project happen!
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Thank you for letting us be a part of this. The work and dedication from your family as well as the volunteers was truly inspiring for us. You and your wife are such an amazing example of service and the lasting effects it has on not only the families we serve and help, but especially for those giving back. We are so grateful we could help!


Mad respect for these missions you put on every year! The world needs more of this.


I love this kind of Show n Vlog...it gives us Hope and inspirations...Life is a Miracle


Best start to my day watching this. Thanks for the reminder of what the season is all about. Keep up the grind Parker, you’re making the world a better place


"Focus your energy outward and seek out or even create an opportunity to serve someone else" - Parker Walbeck. The most important phrase in the entire video. God bless you all.


Parker, you are such an inspiration man. Thanks for representing us believers in such a great way.


Can't wait for this year's uplift mission👏🏻


This is a very heartwarming episode Parker and team. Thanks for your compassion and good intention. 🙌


My favourite video this year in YouTube... I always cry with these makeovers Bro... I'm so glad to be part of FTF students.... Missions #1, #2 and #3 are ❤️


I have been watching your content for the last two years since I picked up a camera. I have watched hour upon hour tutorial and educational video from tons of creators as well as you Parker. I've pondered purchasing your courses more times than I can remember but my heart always felt hesitation even though you've given me tons of help without even knowing it! For that I am beyond thankful. However for the first time I stumbled upon "Uplift Mission" and I am beyond blown away. Your faith, your family orientation, your willingness to do good touched my heart so deeply. These are the stories I want to tell. You've convinced me that I'm not just buying and expensive product from another wealthy YouTuber and Creator but more so a man of faith and morals and I thank you for that! Thank you bro! I'm proud of you, your family and team. This is why we tell stories.


Parker you are a true hero. This is something that many don't do yet have the power to do. Big ups to your wife, and your family! Happy Holidays!


Praise the Lord. Praying for this family today... what a change and a blessing to them!


Wow! Nice work Parker Walbeck Team. Such a wonderful work.
Congratulate to Slack Family for their new home.


Amazing work! You and your team made this families' Christmas MUCH more special!


The consistency and joy you bring to the face of the families every year. Thank you for been an inspiration. 🎄


LOVE watching these videos. So many people going through things and people really just need something to look forward to or be excited about again in life. What y'all do, the sacrifices and all, is incredible! Such a heart after God, serving people in their hardest moments and making the world a better place. My family is struggling, we've lived in our home 16 years and it's falling apart, I can't imagine what joy these families feel not having to worry about doing all these things themselves. God bless y'all, each and every hand that helped and volunteered and donated. May they reap what they have sown ten fold!


close to tears here. thank you for this inspiration.


Hi Parker, you have made my day....Some People are making the différence ...respect to your wife, yourself and your amazing community


So precious. I cried my hubby has had leukemia and had kidney cancer in 2020 and he just had to have his adrenal gland out. We have such a heart to fix up our home which used to be my parents who died 8 months apart to have laughter back in the home and be able to love others again in the home. I want to change the old yucky carpet that is 40 yrs old and have a change in the living room to not be reminded of where they passed away and gave friends over again w meals and ministry once more and lift my husband's spirit. He was laid off two yrs into treatment unfortunately and I don't know many guys who have had to deal w two cancers and a Rare disease on top of that. He is so precious and deserves an uplifting moment right now for sure. I wish you guys were in our area.


Cada año que veo este tipo de vídeo rompo a llorar como un niño, gracias por la grandeza del ser humano de ayudar a los demás, gracias a todos ustedes por hacer algo tan bonito por lo demás y gracias por compartir para que todos podamos concieniarnos de ser mejores personas y amar al prógimo, amén.
