A Firefighter Adopts 11 Children | Extreme Makeover Home Edition Full Episode

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With 3 biological children Aaron and Jackie decided to adopt 5 Haitian boys but they didn't stop there they also then went on to adopt 3 more boys from Toledo bringing their family number to 13.

Jackie's health declined due to Ehlers -Danlos Syndrome a connective tissue disorder. With Jackie unable to work this means that Aaron is the sole breadwinner for the family so things around the house have not been able to get repaired.

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When one of the brothers said he will really study in college and then go back to Haiti and give back to other people what he have received in America is the proof that the parents raised them right. All of them getting scholarship is the best gift they will ever receive because this will erase the parents' worries of the children's future and so they can really spend their life to the fullest. ❤


BY FAR THE BEST home makeover I've ever seen!!! Not because the house was the best, not because the father was a fire fighter or the mother unfortunately suffered from a devastating illness but because you picked the most selfless, loving and by far the most deserving family in America. Congratulations!


The look on Moms face when she hears all the kids will be given a Scholorship from Toledo University sums up exactly how she feels and loves and cares and wants for her boys.
Brought tears to my eyes.


As a former firefighter who rose through the ranks I have been moved to tears to watch the video I am now 83 it is amazing the energy the lads have.


I wish there was something like this here in South Africa. I have fostered 8 children and had 35 in all throughout my life. I still have 6


The world need this couple. Can't stop crying while watching. How is mom now?? I hope she is ok now with her health condition. Praying for them for a long and happy life with this beautiful kids.
One of the best in Extreme make over. Thank you also to the team. Another job well done, guys! More power!!


I’ve watched, I cried, I smile . This is the most touching episode so far, these children will be grateful for all the help they received. Bless you all and stay safe.


I have never seen a family cry that hard with gratitude and I'm sobbing with them all the way from South Africa! Those parents are such incredible people with Father's love just flowing out of them, wow!


“You are not only building a home but you are building a future.” 42 minutes of crying, a tears of joy for the family, congratulations 👏 Extreme Makeover House Edition, you did a good job at a right time at the right place…more power and be blessed with more sponsors….long live your program 💪💪💪


Am I the only one here crying. This is a blessing . Thank you Jesus


This couple adopted 8 boys, adding to their own 3 boys. They had few possessions but a lot of love. All these boys truly appreciate everything they have received, but they are most happy about the college scholarships. It shows how they value the right things. This was an excellent makeover, nothing over the top, just basics, like beds.


These parents deserve the world, such sweet children too, they have just proved you don’t need money you just need love


Hats-off to the Mr and Mrs Frisch. I don't how possible for both of you to be so selfless. I'm actually touched by your generosity. May The Most High continue to bless you.


This was one of the most beautiful, wholesome, entertaining, and emotional house make over I've ever watched. My eyes are still wet, and i still have a big smile on my face. *All we need in this world is a little love in our hearts and a heart that doesn't see black and white* ❤


The last part really took me, seeing those children happy, i couldn't held back my tears. This has always been my dream (to help those in need)


Just had to leave this one nugget here....in African context when it rains it always symbolizes blessing...Truly this family is blessed beyond measure...Amen


i can't imagine that there is couple who can adopt so many children despite their situation!!! 😲😲😲


I was crying the whole time. This family is so beautiful. I hope the mom recovers well and the kids get to finish their education, have a bright future, and give back to the community.


This woman is truly a gift from God. I will never meet her but I feel a lot of love for her. She is a beautiful woman inside and out. Much love all the way from Central England 🇬🇧 ❤️


The sadest, yet most wonderful episode ever. I cried from start to finish. There is a plan for all of us, we may not know it at the time, but we all are being lead to exactly where we are meant to be. Will be watching to see what those amazing boys achieve. Beautiful
