PSA: Bird Feeding in Winter

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World Bird Sanctuary is here to talk to you about the DO's and DONT's of feeding birds in the winter time.
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I put out Black Oil Sunflower seed in one feeder that most all the birds love, another that is suet as I get several Downey Woodpecker’s, a saucer on the ground filled with millet and some other seeds for the Doves. I also put out a handful of unshelled peanuts each morning for the Stellar and Scrub Jays!! I also have a couple of birdbaths with deicers so they have open water for drinking and bathing! Feels like a bird sanctuary in my yard! The birds love it!!❤


An affordable way to provide water in the winter is a heated pet bowl. It works just like a heated birdbath but at a fraction of the price.
