Don't Make These Common Mistakes in Destiny 2 PvP!

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This video covers 8 common and impactful mistakes that Destiny 2 players make in PvP. Cutting these mistakes out of your game will help you improve and have more fun in the Crucible. Topics include the mistakes people make during sliding, teamplay, movement such as jumping and sprinting, opposing supers, and more! Hopefully this video helps you identify exactly what is holding you back so you can grow and become a better player.

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0:00 Explanation
0:34 Mistake 1: Spam Sliding
1:55 Mistake 2: NOT Doing the Bait and Switch
2:49 Mistake 3: Dying to Sprint
3:47 Mistake 4: Only Using 1 Loadout
5:10 Mistake 5: Poor use of Vertical Space
6:26 Mistake 6: Countering Supers
8:06 Mistake 7: Using Weapons "Ineffectively"
9:06 Mistake 8: Animations Out of Cover

#PvP #Destiny2 #Destiny2PvP
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The first mistake is entering crucible, don’t lie shadow


Excellent video. The least obvious one to me was the sprint around corner tip. Makes sense, I'm totes guilty of doing it.


"Once you start sliding, there's no stopping, and this often leads to overextension."

me, after sliding too far & accidentally triggering the wall of wishes when my friend was halfway through entering a code 🙃


Watching Shadow’s live streams is like watching a 3 hour montage of the best pvp clips


Great video it's really making me look at my play style from a different perspective. I'd say my biggest problems right now are not paying attention to my mag size and getting caught reloading and peaking while low heal. I know not to peak and I scream at myself in my head not to do it but my fingers just take over thinking hey he's also one shot I think I can make the first shot if I peak back out early and get him. Then I peak and die lmao. I'm so bad about doing this although I know I shouldn't.

But I'd say the biggest thing that helped me improve and become at least some what competent in crucible (although I still consider myself just on the scale of the average player who hovers around 1.0k/d) was slowing down my play style and consciously not dying to sprinting. The moment I see red on my radar I immediately stop sprinting and assess my situation positioning and make note of the area that my radar is indicating. That hands down is the main thing that brought me up from that embarrassing .40-.50 k/d to around a less embarrassing 1.0 k/d although it may not perfectly be reflected in my life time k/d because of how long I was absolutely terrible and played the crucible like I was playing a solo halo 2 multiplier match against only bots.


These are great tips and great for those that wonder why they can’t get better. I myself have tried PvP but unfortunately cannot follow or track players that quickly due to head injuries. But great info.


The humbleness in voice tone adds extra immersiveness to already great content brother.


Nice video! Sometimes these things are kind of obvious but it's nice to have someone point them out and, more importantly, offer advice to fix it. Also, I miss the Mars map you showed in the gameplay


Amazing advice, but I also wanted to bring up that awesome transition at 4:23 of you popping your super and it going to a new map


Shadow unfortunately my guardian had surgery after a knee injury and he can't run properly so he has to slide everywhere to ease the strain on his legs.


Great videos. I started watching your content recently...great advice and I have been trying to put it to good use.


This is a great video it helped me with crucible went from a 0.83 Kd to 1.3 kd just by learning when to engage or back off


I needed to hear all of these because am guilty of them all lol,
Amazing tips bro keep it going!


You are awesome man. I recently bought series s and this is me playing first time ever on controller. You are a blessing love your hard work you are putting into making these great videos.


As a casual player, I am guilty of many of these mistakes. thanks for the help.


Thanks a lot, these tips are pretty new to me.


I see a lot of things like this, and even though I use this to improve my gameplay, I don't see very many videos on how to pair or appropriately synergize weapons and armor to benefit off of the current meta or even off-meta. I know it's about what a player is comfortable with, but for newer players that don't know much about which weapons, archetypes, armor, or mods can help a players loadout become their own.


Thanks for the vid. You're so good your gameplay is so smooth


Thank you so much for recommending this Shadow! This is my first season starting fresh & watching your content. I will say this. After having my brain surgery in June I have been able to play crucible almost daily my Kd went from1.2kda then after I watched PattyCakes 1.64kda then finding you on PattyCakes 2.2kda. Mt next goal is to go Flawless or try to well first it's finding a team anyway Thank you so much it really helped with my confidence in recovery 💜


I didn’t know these things I appreciate YouTubers like you helping people like me get better at pvp. Thank you this video is very eye opening.
