we broke up.. then God did THIS

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My wife and I were both Christians when we got married and He has been the center of our family ever since (for the last 45 years). It is from that perspective that I can say you are so right. In long lasting relationship pulling in the same direction is critical. Jesus is the Only One who can lead our relationships through the stuff that the world will throw at us. Keep speaking the truth.


Once you realize the Holy Spirit lives within you, you slowly learn to listen to what he says. I suddenly stopped drinking and smoking pot one day after praying to him. He is our friend and guide, God's voice to us


I hope that me sharing this story gives you courage to walk away from what He never called you into!


Had a very similar story. Was living with my ex gf. Knew it wasn’t right, but didn’t listen to God. Things got worse, fast. I’m here to tell you all, DO NOT move in with someone before you’re married. God’s word is always correct. Listen to it


Taylor, I literally just found your channel like 20 minutes ago, and, as a 14 year old girl, I already want to be the Godly woman you are when I’m your age. Please keep posting and sharing your wisdom. It’s so awesome. You are such an inspiration.

P.S. - I live in Florida too :)


Believing in God is not the same as walking with God. Knowing His Word will show you the difference, and His Way.


Taylor there are so many people around your age who walked away from God and are now living a life of sin. You have an amazing story about the importance of not hanging with unequally yoked worldly people. The path to heaven is very narrow. You are a great example of what the love of God looks like. Pray for those who so desperately need to come back to Jesus.


I absolutely Love 💗 the way You described Loving 🥰 the Good Lord with Everything You Have and Are!

At 66 years old and raising 3 children (mostly as a single parent) and helping raise 6 grandchildren children, I can say We can Love someone with all of our Hearts 💞!
Like I have learned and taught others We Can (and should) Love 💗 Our Lord & Savior with Everything We Have And Are! Period.


I haven't been the best Christian I will admit. I was dating a girl that was into witchcraft, tarot cards, and that sort of thing. We had a rocky relationship with her leaving multiple times. I went on a trip with my buddy and she blew up at me. Said very mean and nasty things to me. I had never seen her be so mean to me. I ended up blocking her and getting away from her. I can't help but think that it all happened for a reason and God took her out of my life so that I have room for the right one to come in.


My daughter is in the same situation right now that you were in with dating. I am believing in faith she will have a victory story like you have.


Thank you Taylor, every single believer needs to hear this. Being "equally yoked" is more than just believing in God or Jesus. Our walk in the Spirit really defines who we should be yoked with. Like you said, you would rather be alone, than out of "yoked". I don't even look any more. God knows what my yoke partner would have to be like, and it will take His miracle. 🙏🙏


I had a best friend who was living the total opposite lifestyle as me and it got to the point where I started behaving outside of my character, so I prayed and asked God to truly show me who she is and if I should walk away from the friendship and literally the next day we went out to an event and she got really drunk and physically assaulted me. I feel like that was God answering my prayers. I didn’t know how to walk away from the friendship until that night and I never looked back. I forgive her for myself, but I won’t allow her back into my life. God has better for me. I’d rather be alone in seclusion than be friends with someone who tried to physically hurt me.


Been there and living it. 4 years alone but not alone because the Great Redeemer is at my side always.


With so many young people not taking Jesus in the lives feeling they do not need him I feel so bad. I have four children and when they went to College their believes were swayed away with the teachings of the professors and I pray every day they will realize their life is incomplete without him !


🎶"Our God is an awesome God" Amen!! 🎶


Your story is my story....and it took me joining the Marines to get me away from the bad influences and to get my attention towards him. Thanks for your story!


This is a prayer I did with my dad every night until he passed away with Covid in 2021 Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; His Love to guard me through the night, And wake me in the morning's light amen. The night my dad passed awake was the night I stopped praying 😢


This is an amazing testimony. I had a toxic friendship and she was worldly and was a bad influence on me. I made the step to leave that friendship and since then I found Jesus. Praise Jesus. I am at peace, I am happy and I forgave her for how she treated me. I truly accepted Jesus into my heart. God brought me out of that friendship with my ex best friend. I really started to see how she was not good for me. But everything happens for a reason, God will bring and remove people in your life. Praise God. I am so ready for more incredible miracles and blessings God is going to provide. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and that is God and His son Jesus who is the truth, the way and the life.


Thank you for sharing, sister Taylor. I am praying and waiting for my future wife. I do not know who shall be my wife, ☺ but what I believe is that she is somewhere on earth and praying for me. Your testimony is encouraging other believers not to fall in love with those who do not know Jesus. I am blessed to hear that you are in a bible belt now and I am happy for you, ❤. I wish to be in a place like yours.Yes, Light and Darkness cannot be together. We should go in His words not by our emotions and thoughts. I pray for a good better half of our sister Taylor. God be with you always, sister. Praying for you from India, 🙏❤✨🙌✨🙏❤.


That is me. I recently broke up with him. It wasn’t an easy choice and I couldn’t do it with my own strength.
