God Told Me to Breakup With My Boyfriend 2 YEARS AGO!

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We started 8:02 GAMETIME to inspire people to make wise decisions in their relationships. "8:02" signifies our wedding anniversary (August 2nd), and “GAMETIME” was added by Carrington, who is a former collegiate footballl player. Carrington and his team mates used to say “GAMETIME” with 3 claps before every game!

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I was disobedient for six years but soon as I let go of my relationship God blessed me with a new man 11 months later and now I am married and never have been happier. Please listen and trust God he is the key.


Been there! Dated a man for all four years of college, but God gave me sign after sign that he wasn't the Godly man he had for me.... One moment we were talking about the future and then out of the blue he broke up with me and had a new girlfriend within a few months. The residual soul ties were NO JOKEEE, I was terribly insecure and heartbroken . All of which could have been avoided. But after seeking God avidly, I met my husband almost exactly a year later, got married a year after that, and now we are expecting our first child in a MONTH. I'm happy God ended that relationship in whatever way he could because I would have missed out on ALOTTTT. Word of Advice: make sure when God closes a door, that you make sure it stays SHUT. The devil will try to find a way back in any way he can.


I am in the same situation right now... and although it hurts really bad I've decided to let go and obey what God said! I know he will heal and make me whole...be encouraged to do what God said😊


Bottom line you won't submit to God, you won't submit to a husband. Obey and receive the Father's very BEST!!


SAME EXACT THING happened to me!!! God told me to leave my boyfriend 2 years into our relationship. He is handsome, EVERYTHING I thought I wanted, good job, 2 boys who I odored and I feel in love SUPER HARD AND FAST. So when I prayed to God one day I heard him SUPER CLEAR tell me that he loved me but this man was not who he had for me. He told me to leave and to trust in him. I dIdnt listen, I thought maybe I heard wrong and or maybe didnt want to hear it. I loved him...Fast forward another 2 years and I prayed again about it. I asked God why won't he marry me?! Why are we always fighting, unhappy? God told me, did I not tell you to leave 2 years ago. You need to walk away, I have something better for you. TRUST IN ME. I will never leave you or forsake you, you are my child and I love you. TRUST IN ME AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN finally left. That was 3 months ago. Of course my heart broke and I miss him but, I know that God has something better if I just have faith.


I've definitely been in a situation that involved a man that God told me not to commit to. Ended terribly and took me a long time to get out of that depression and knowing that I was still worthy of a good relationship. Although it was not fun, it gave me time to grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I became a whole person. So whoever my husband is he doesn't have to carry my past burdens of insecurities and unresolved issues.


A few years ago there was a sister that we are attended church with. She's very nice, faithful to the church and lived a Godly life but she suffered from chronic migraines, nerve and digestive problems. We prayed for her often but she remained sick. Come to find out later on she said GOD had been speaking to her for years to leave that church but 5 years later she was still there. Eventually she left and joined another church. We ran into her one day and I asked how she was feeling? She said when she decided to leave the old church that her migraines, nerve and stomach issues stopped. She said she remained sick because she was disobedient. When GOD gives instructions we must be willing to follow.


The exact thing happened to me. I am not with the man any more but trust that God knows EVERYTHING!! God told you 2 years ago and now he is saying it again. Trust me sis, continuing to stay and even marry, will bring unhappiness because it is not the will of God and you eventually will began to see WHY God told you to leave. Trust God and GO and have peace. That man is someone else husband and God has someone else for you. I JUST went through this!! PLEASE LISTEN.. Because I am still recovering a little.


God told me to quit my job and I didn’t for a while. When I finally put my 2 weeks notice in months later, I got in trouble and got fired. Now I’ve been in business for myself for a year. God is truly amazing. He definitely had better for me.


I remember years ago, after leaving a toxic relationship, thinking “although someone may be a good person, they just may not be good for you, ” and that has always resonated with me. You may be dating a great man or woman and still not be in the will of God. It’s almost easier to leave when you have an actual reason to, but what about when things seem great? Well, God hears the conversations we didn’t and sees the visions we cannot. So the best option is to trust God’s plan and will for your life, no matter what. They don’t call His path “straight and narrow” for no reason. It’s certainly not the easiest route to take, but it is the most rewarding ❤️


Yes! I believe this is a big issue people have when they allow their feelings to weigh heavier than their faith! I stayed in a relationship that God called me out of and He had to get me all the way together! Listen to that still small voice when He speaks to you! God would never steer you wrong! Trust Him!


I definitely had an experience where I delayed my promise. The guy was an amazing guy, he was everything I wanted in a man! The guy became my God and things got ugly, we both became mean, bitter and resentful towards one another. The longer I held on the more damage that was done to me emotionally. It was when I was able to let go and TRUST God, I was able to heal and forgive. I was able to launch a blog, co author a book and the man I prayed for helped guide me throughout the entire process. Our purpose is locked up in our ability to trust the plan that God has for you. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾Submit sis!


I just broke up with him this morning because my sister in Christ said "Sis in order for God to bless your level in life. Are you willing to sacrifice your boyfriend?" This sat upon me for a few days and today I stepped out in faith. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Delayed obedience is still disobedience. Your delayed obedience is not only hurting you, but it’s also hurting him because the direction that God wants the both of y’all to go would be delayed and then who the both of y’all have to meet and minister or talk to is off track. And on top of all of that, God divine plan is delayed and along the way people that you were suppose to encounter are getting hurt as well.


Let me find out another woman is out here being disobedient and holding onto my blessing, lol! Great advice!!


I am actually in this predicament right now and I actually broke up with him and I am so heartbroken... the story of Abraham and Issac keeps coming across my studies and chats with other spiritual mentors... and I just hope that God is testing my faith and will bring back together at another time... but I am literally dying inside and fighting daily not to go back in the way that I want to and am trying to trust God’s timing - but I miss him so much. Thank you for your transparency and your ministry- I pray that this will help me stay on the right track and that I won’t need a brick to fall on my head to follow instructions🤦🏾‍♀️


God told me to leave a relationship and like Jonah I didn't listen. I ignored the signs and God calling me back to Him. I stayed and ended up being emotionally and physically abused. And now I'm dealing with the consequences. And now I'm a single mom of twins. God was trying to protect me. Listen to God because He knows everyone's heart. He could see ahead of you. And He knows what you will be getting yourself into if you don't listen to Him. And I watched Redefined Ministries with Jerry Flowers and His beautiful wife. He mentioned that if you go out of God's will to get something (example: a relationship) you have to stay out of God's will to keep it!! That's so true because I stepped out of God's will to be in the relationship therefore God didn't bless it and I suffered for it. To get back into God's will I had to let go of the relationship. God is blessing me again and He is making all that was wrong in my life, right! God is so beautiful. He welcomes back his once disobedient children with open arms. He forgives and He heals You. So please listen to God and return back to Him. Thanks for this video. It was a great reminder! Blessings!


Who is holding on to my man? Please let him go! I command you! 😂😂
But...This video hit me! Smh!!!


I had the same experience as the lady in the video. God was showing me red flags throughout the relationship, but I wanted what I wanted. The last time God asked me if I would let it go and I said no to God! Stupid, I know! We didn't even last two days after that. God removed him and some pain that could have been avoided was felt. God is jealous for me is the lesson I learned.


Disobedience to God NEVER ends well! If God told you to let go, you better let go! You will open the door to destruction being disobedient to God. God sees your whole life from beginning to end so he knows the outcome of that situation. You never know what he is protecting you from and you don’t want to be in a situation of where you wish you would have been listened to God. Being outside of the will of God is the ultimate way that leads to destruction. Our view is limited but God view is unlimited. That’s why we can’t trust ourselves to make the right decisions because our view is limited so we can’t see what’s ahead. God does! His word and his will has to be the final say in our lives. If not, we will definitely see why in the worst way. Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death”
