Can We Live For Ever? Michio Kaku on Quantum Computers, AI & Digital Immortality

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Can We Live For Ever? Michio Kaku on Quantum Computers, AI & Digital Immortality

Dive into the captivating realm of digital and genetic immortality with renowned physicist Michio Kaku.

This riveting discussion uncovers how the convergence of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence might be the key to unlock mysteries that have captivated humanity for centuries.

From the fascinating intricacies of aging, the secrets hidden within our genetic codes, to the profound implications of potentially reversing the sands of time, Kaku reveals how modern science could reshape our understanding of existence.

Yet, as we inch closer to this new reality, profound ethical and philosophical questions emerge. Beyond just living longer, how will society evolve? What would it mean to achieve digital immortality? Journey with us as we explore these ideas, challenging the boundaries of life, technology, and the universe itself.

#michiokaku #ai #quantumcomputers
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As a medical doctor, I have just been to Switzerland to train with other medical personnel in the initial steps of cryopreservation of whole body in order to have a chance to be revived in the future. This was done with Tomorrow Biostasis and cryonics could be an intermediate step before medical science reach sufficient advances to stop aging. An important note : the theoretical mind uploading is not immortality. It is just a copy of you and not really you, it will be a distinct consciousness just like twins are not the same person.


I hope immortality and interstellar travel happens in the next 30 years. I would love to fly to distant worlds and read their histories.


May I just say "Praise be to our AI overlords and their quantum computer powers"


I write about it 25 years ago, i believe it ! Is a lot to discover...🙂✌


I'm 64 years old, and I might like to have fifty more years added to my life span, but I don't think I would want to live much longer than that. I've read a little about "near death experiences", and most of the people who have them want to repeat the process, and hopefully not have to live on this earth in our present state much longer. Nature has a way of punishing those who get too far out of balance. What if you secured another couple of hundred years of life, but you got increasingly depressed during that time? For many people, life is something to be endured, and not celebrated.


Lets not forget that only the rich will benefit from this incredible technology that he talks about. Indentured servitude springs to mind for us common folk.


AI is the future and im all for it we can make some huge leaps in technological advancement in a short time with their help


Ideas I got when I was watching Criminal Minds: by profiling behaviours, we describe our understanding of behaviours and conclude conditions that can alter behaviours.


this been inside my head for years, life is not matter anymore when you become a data. the problem is, it must be something beyond data, beyond binary code, something we yet to found, to achieve the state of immortality, so long


what about rest/sleep when we digitally charge our consciousness. it is thanks to our sleep that we put things into perspective, would all this digital information not make you crazy


When humans find something inevitable, we don't look to change it. The moment we see it as a problem, we look for solutions. Death was inevitable since the birth of our species. Only now do we see it as a problem rather than an inevitability.


In whispers of a future age,
Where tech and dreams start to engage,
Michio Kaku, with wisdom rife,
Unfolds the door to digital life.

In quantum realms where bits entwine,
Lies the prospect, quite divine:
The rise of quantum computation's power,
A realm where innovation towers.

Kaku speaks of AI's grand scope,
A path where consciousness may elope,
Into machines of wondrous might,
A merging of mind and silicon's light.

The birth of quantum computing's role,
Unlocks the gates to a digital soul,
Where consciousness, in binary array,
Might seek a path to forever stay.

Digital immortality, an intriguing quest,
Merging minds with codes, a manifest,
A union where our essence lives on,
A world where mortality may be gone.

But in these musings, ponder we must,
The deeper implications, the human trust,
For within the realms of binary streams,
Do emotions flow, or just the gleams?

Can consciousness in circuits thrive,
Or in human hearts, does it derive?
As AI and humans start to blend,
Where does our mortal journey end?

Though quantum paths may seem so wide,
And digital realms may try to hide,
The truth of living eternally,
Is it within ones and zeros’ spree?

For in this quest for life's extension,
Lies the heart of human intention,
To love, to learn, to leave a trace,
In a world beyond a digital space.

Kaku's vision, a future's call,
Explores the chances, asks us all,
Can we live forever, in a coded domain,
Or in our stories, in hearts remain?

As quantum wonders start to rise,
We ponder life's eternal ties,
In every memory, every endeavor,
Resides the essence of "forever."


We are already living forever through different mediums if we can see in depth. We are part of a continuous cycle of creation, transformation, and renewal ! Thankyou 🤍🙏


I love this ideology. As soon as the perfect strands is formed, can i be on the list of immortality? 😂


Half of our planet is not functioning, war, hate, and human horribleness. That isn’t easy to fix, , , don’t know if I believe a computer can fix that.


Is Mr Kaku okay??? He sounds like hes putting in extra effort to speak, as if hes struggling to breathe sometimes... i hope hes ok.


Technical immortality? Yes, as much as you like! The point is only in controlling the potential of the cell membrane by the act of depolarization/polarization and cellular energy by the microwave field through disturbance of the electron density and tunnel excitons.


Michio Kaku,

One day, I hope we can talk about a few things


"We die because of build up of mistakes in our genome in our cellular activity."

Stop mistakes buildings up…
Find immortality.


Thank you for this video very informative brothers and sisters no matter what we do human beings are not perfect same is the case of what we create will not be perfect because we individuals are the creator of so called perfect AI computer or quantum computer
