Will They Let You Live Forever?

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Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and Sam Altman want to live forever, here's how they're planning on doing it and what it could mean for society.

First 'long form' video I have made in awhile. Very excited to get back into it and play around with different ways of styles and editing. Excited to hear what you guys think!

0:00 Introduction
0:35 The Epic of Gilgamesh
1:23 The Anti-Aging Industry
1:59 Billionaire Life Extension
3:17 Digital Heaven
3:40 The Immortal Animal
4:25 Impacts on Society
5:25 The Great Equalizer

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Additional Footage from Storyblocks
Music and Sound Effects from Epidemic Sound

Sources & Further Reading

Me trying to be SEO Friendly:
dr david sinclair finds cure for aging, jeff bezos backed startup altos labs plans on biologically repogramming dna so we don't get older. how will billionaires live forever? did they find a cure for aging? harvard doctor reverses aging in mice. can we extend the human lifespan? Biotechnology Jeff Bezos Sam Altman Black Mirror San Junipero Vampires. is it evil to be a billionaire? are billionaires evil? is there no such thing as a good billionaire?
Рекомендации по теме

This is the best long form content ever created.


As a person who feel really slow I think it would be nice to at least live twice as long. Maybe like mature at a normal rate until 30 and then stay 30 for 100 years and then age out like normal from 130 to 200 or so. I need more time to improve and learn and experience stuff before I die and I've not met my goals and I'm already 46. Time goes really fast in my opinion. Can't believe I'm this old already and I hate it and hope they find a way to extend life for all people, as well as improve quality of life.


Now I'm just picturing 21 Savage freezing himself and then the technology to stop aging comes out. "Oh good now we can unfreeze him and bring him back to life."

"we don't have that technology yet..."


Gilgamesh: Meets an inmortal man
Also Gilgamesh: I have learned that death comes for everybody


This is so well done! Looking forward to more long form content


will there be more long form content? could watch this for hours


More solutions, more problems. The natural cycle of innovation. This time it just seems a bit scarier. Although part of me shares the same sentiment about living to see this happen, the other part wants nothing to do with it.

Great video. Excited for more.


4:25 yeah about that...
Advancements in bioprinting and regenerating tissue are being made as well. By the time we hit longevity escape velocity, we'll probably be able to regenerate tissue as well, which can allow us to actually reverse death and potentially even revive the dead, assuming their bodies have not rotted too much


Good to see you also make longer content


I think the human mind can handle more than our ~100yr limit. Back in medieval times our life span was shorter and now as a society we have realized plenty of people can enjoy life all the way past 100 even. So the question is, how long can the average person bare it if they had unlimited time? Humanity is all about life and death. Educate, find a mate, raise children, career success, retirement, watch children find a mate, watch them reproduce your grandchildren, and then what. Our concept of life is learning, working, reproducing, loving, and then dying. If we achieve immortality, then we remove our ability to reproduce because of over population. Then we really screw ourselves on just learning and working forever. We will change, and become something different and define ourselves a different existence, because our humanity as we know well today will be nothing but a distant story we eventually forget.


Several questions.

1. The mice, did they actually reverse aging or is this the usually misinterpreted experiment with the DNA of one mouse destroyed after full development? If so, I believe they sped up aging of the older looking mouse and not make the other younger.

2. Is this rejuvenation of cells in regards to the mice different from what is produced by naturally occurring foxo genes?

3. I had heard that the lobster was immortal and only dies because of continuous growth. Also tardigrades where immortal because of thier ability to dehydrate. I'm unsure about the genetics of the lobster and I think the second is a arbitrary definition of what constitutes as alive. Still, I'm curious about the lobsters genetic life span outside of dying from gigantism.


Me personally, I'd rather be cryogenically frozen and go 1000 years into the future a bit like futurama but my one concern is the human language evolving over time ( there better be language chips


Just found your channel from your shorts and you should definitely do more YouTube videos these are top tier man keep it up!


Came for the shorts, stayed for the longer content


Incredible! Been waiting for longer content 🙏🏼 Keep them coming 👏


It would also force us to change some of the systems in our governments, for example, in the USA the Supreme Court Judges stay in office till they die or until they choose to leave, which would be a issue if we develop immortality.


Came from the YT shorts, staying for the long form content😁


Great long form content man keep doing what your doing. Got me hooked the whole vid haha😅


You deserve so much more, like i just started watching your videos, and i am blown away. Thank you for being on this earth.😁🤩🥰


the editing is so good!!! loving your content! when are we gonna see some merch???
