Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder

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Encina Severa lives with Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) or multiple personality disorder as it's more commonly known. She is transparent about her struggles, her commitment to healing, and the all that she faces along the way.

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I hear ya girl! 5 decades of experience with mental health challenges addictions trauma etc..finally off all substances except my mental health meds and a strong faith, prayers, meditation exercise and good healthy food if I can do it so can you!❤ one day at a time we heal


Finding medications and treatments that are effective in healing from clinical depression is definitely a lot of work. A lot of trial and error. A lot of side effects to put up with until enough time passes to see if it’s worth taking that medication. Health insurance companies can be difficult to deal with medication coverage. Not all psychiatrists are good at their job.

This battle for your mental health is not only exhausting, but it also takes a lot of time. After years of determination, you can still find nothing has helped you. It can be heartbreaking.


She'll make it, I've seen her other videos. She has cats that she loves dearly & animals give us something people cannot. Also a Disneyland fan!


Prayers and positive vibes for this lovely young woman always! ❤❤❤❤


Wow… therapy since the age of 6, and still struggling with feeling “healed”. That must be very difficult and frustrating… I’m beginning to think there is no “healing” from DID, only learning to function “better” within the system our brains were forced to develop in order to survive. I’m so desperate to heal, as well, to feel I’m making some sort of “progress”, but I’m not even sure what that really looks like. This week I told my therapist that if I am still struggling like this in two or three years, or if my system keeps destabilizing and crashing, or if another traumatic event “breaks” me all over again… I don’t know if I can keep doing this.


I’ve been in therapy for about 28 years now. Most of my alters have integrated into other alters. I now have only 4. EMDR therapy has helped tremendously. Also, books and therapy I received from Dr. Colin A. Ross has literally saved my life.

I don’t know your story. But I do know how hard the work is. Meds help with symptoms. DID is curable. But it’s therapy work.

I’ve shared about EMDR & Dr. Ross. But finding a therapist you can trust and build a relationship with is monumental. I was with a therapist for 2 years before we even started the real trauma work with EMDR. It. Takes. Time. And pacing is EVERYTHING.

I wish you the best, hon. 💚


Some therapists are more skillful and specialized than others and utilize different techniques. Please don’t give up! Perhaps someone who specializes in trauma? 💜


Mental health issues is a heavy burden to carry. It is only temporary in the earth realm. We come to earth to experience hardships because that is when the most growth happens.


Damn, this is kinda sad, in therapy since 6 and she still feels broken?😟 I've got issues too, but I feel bad, she seems completely stuck



I really understand my capacity to handle my own mental health situation.

Since childhood.

My capacity was going to be exceeded.

An alternative and new solution was required.

Thank you,

The J System



Take time to heal from a breakup! Rushing into a relationship will only lead to more pain and heartache because you may not be ready yet. Healing is a process! Processing those emotions, doing your shadow work and falling in love with yourself again, will take you one step closer to attracting a healthy relationship that you deserve.
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


Has anyone from MedCitcle kept in touch with Encina? Her last YT video was a year old. Do we know if she's ok, alive, taking a break or???


I've been to multiple therapist and tried different meds. I have made progress but it seems like there's always another problem so I'll heal on my own.


The only way to heal from something like this is too embrace it. The more you except it the better it is. There might be difficulties but you can’t change who you are only your way of thinking . The Bible speaks of this things the more you move toward and leave everyday old in the past the better you are. Hope this helps


Biofeedback and I praying and fasting for you get healed and deliverance. 😇 in training watch and pray.


I love her purple themed makeup & hair 💜


People say they are desperate but aren’t actually it’s more as determined and bold. Even psychologist and therapist get the wrong information they think they know everything then get so much wrong. They say they’re professionals but they aren’t as smart as they think they are. they too make mistakes to the point they get the wrong information, don’t be so entitled, naive & fooled to believe everything that’s thrown at you even from therapists and psychologists


Therapy is never a one time thing.ITS A LIFETIME. Keep working on getting better. Most people still like that devils gene (Not getting better.) the right way.


Would love to write a character with this challenge


Some of the most messed up people have been in therapy since they were children. How did that help?
