Are Crocodilians OP? | TIERZOO REACTION

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He didn’t even touch on the tough skin which is a big bonus for crocs and alligators.


Bro. I visited the Magnolia plantation when I was 14 (30ish years ago) and came about 2 feet from a 16 foot gator while we were walking through the swamp. I was obviously NOT paying attention. I was freaked out, but I called out to several park employees who were supervising from the far bank and they just chuckled... "oh, that's just Brutus/Phil (I don't remember the name)". I have an incredible respect for these creatures and I truly appreciate the keepers who kept the MP gators properly fed!


One thing TierZoo didn't mention is that while their bite force is strong...the muscles aren't as strong when opening their jaws. It's why humans can hold them shut very easily and it's not uncommon to see zoos transport them from one enclosure to another with some rope or the like to keep their jaws shut during transport. Make no mistake, they are still very dangerous and depending on their size that tail and their simple bulk can be a danger to be around even with their jaws shut.


It's fun to watch the extent that he has dove into the Tierzoo format and style. Keep these reactions coming, they're great and how super serial he takes them is icing on the cake.


I think that one that popped its head up to look at you was just trying to let you know it was there. If it was thinking you looked like food, it'd have stayed hidden.


In terms of Crocodilians, although still to be respected Alligators are pretty chill with humans on less you happen up on a nest or have a small dog beside a lake, or stupid enough to swim with them etc, there not inclined to come at you. Crocodiles (the high predatory ones) typically will more often than not have a go to make you dinner. But even that's depends on species, the Australian saltwater crocodile you're dinner to them, a Australian Freshwater crocodile not so much, there more interested in fish, amphibians, crustaceans etc. The African nile crocodile you're dinners to them, African dwarf crocodile not so much, there more interested in fish, amphibians, crustaceans etc. There's to many crocodilians even just Crocodile species with different traits to have just one set of stats, also as it said crocodilians, it should have included Alligators, Caimans, Crocodiles, Gharials, also only referred to the American alligator, didn't include the smaller Chinese alligator.


I worked with venomous snakes and crocodiles for decades. Around since before the dinosaurs, and still here, I consider them wise old elders of the planet, and give them the repect they deserve.


Alligators can climb chain link fence just so you know.


They're good for boots and belts. There's an alligator in every puddle of water in Florida.


Modern crocodilians are cold blooded though, that's why outside temperature can affect them so much. Although, crocodilians are fascinating animals they have a few features, like the number of chambers they have in their hearts, that shows they used to be warm-blooded (just like their cousins the dinosaurs) but went back to being cold-blooded at some point. And the only crocodilians that survived to today are cold-blooded ones. Because being cold-blooded has its own set of advantages, like not needing as much food when times are harsh like say, during a mass extinction event.


Ages ago, more than 30 years probably, I read a short story(pauses to google) The Day of the Dragon by Guy Endore, where a researcher corrects a defect in the hearts of several alligators, of which a male and female survive. This correction leads to a higher metabolism, grow in size and wings. This story could have been the inspiration for the movie Reign of Fire as the end result of the test subjects escaping was about the same; mankind in danger of being nibbled back to the stone age.


Croc’s had a weakness, then a Stingray went and took him away from us!


The short is that Alligators are way less aggressive the Crocodiles


Crocadiles are SMART they will spend months watching prey, including people, to learn their habits before attacking. They live for a century or more and have really good memories too. I've lived in croc country in CQ for years now and they are the one animal I'm wary of


"With out much consequence"
That's how I feel when I am randomly attacked, while finding a grape fruit sized chunk of skin and muscle missing.... 😆


The music of TierZoo’s intro where he starts talking is the intro music of the “EYEWITNESS” show. It is, or was (I don’t know if it’s still a thing), an educational show, and I think it was mostly directed at a younger audience. That music is ingrained in my head as childhood nostalgia.


yes it does matter if it's a gator or croc. crocs are quite a bit more aggressive and tempermental


Didn't touch on how their scale structure allows them to move at speed underwater without creating ripples on the surface; even in still water. Or, how about large specimens being able to go a year without eating (three in very extreme, and detrimental circumstances).


if there is one thing i want him to see, its the secretary bird. Animalogic has a great short vid about that bird


Just another thought that I would have added to my other comment if mobile would let me edit:
Have you ever heard of Purussaurus brasiliensis? It was a giant ancestor of modern caimans that could reach a length of 13m, maybe slightly longer, with a bite force that some say could have surpassed a T-Rex. That thing could have been an actual threat to a modern elephant.
