Common Traits of Scientists & Researchers! | Atousa
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I received a great question from one of our friends asking about how to get work experience without having work experience, and at the end, she also asked if there are any key skills or qualities that biomedical scientists of general lab researchers need to have in order to get involved in research work. So here I have discussed some of the qualities and skill sets that I have observed by working amongst lots and lots of researchers. The placement video is also linked below!
I received a great question from one of our friends asking about how to get work experience without having work experience, and at the end, she also asked if there are any key skills or qualities that biomedical scientists of general lab researchers need to have in order to get involved in research work. So here I have discussed some of the qualities and skill sets that I have observed by working amongst lots and lots of researchers. The placement video is also linked below!
Common Traits of Scientists & Researchers! | Atousa
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