Why These WMSCOG Former Member’s Didn’t Leave The Church

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WMSCOG former members Edgar and Kelsey explain what kept them from leaving the group.

The World Mission Society Church Of God is a South Korean based cult group that makes great boasts about being the “one true church” who alone has the truth of God and can teach the right way of salvation. Not very surprisingly, this is nearly the exact same claim that basically every other Christian-based cult makes. The WMSCOG asserts that their deceased leader “Ahnsahnghong” is the second coming of Christ in the flesh who restored the way to eternal life through the Passover. Another central doctrine for them is their doctrine about “God the Mother.” They believe that a South Korean, elderly woman named Zhang Gil Jah is a second female deity who they refer to as Mother God or Jerusalem Mother. According to WMSCOG doctrine, one must have faith in Mother God in order to be saved. With a little critical thinking, analyzing of the WMSCOG doctrines, and an honest and responsible examination of the biblical text, it can be decisively shown that the WMSCOG is nothing more than a high-control, high-demand cult group that will likely only bring you and your family emotional, spiritual, relational and financial pain and devastation.

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METAMORPHOSIS | From Violent Drug Dealer To Jesus Follower

SEEK FIRST (Freedom From Anxiety And Fear)


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I feel really foolish that I spent 4 years absolutely convinced that an elderly woman in Korea would answer my prayers. I gradually kept less services and then I did not show up for the Feast of Trumpets, so a sister from the church came to my house. I refused to talk to her and my dad dealt with the situation. My family and I are grateful I left.


Rereading the Bible is a big one. After leaving, I lost faith in Christianity. Randomly, a Bible was mailed to me. I started reading it again and it's amazing some of the things you understand once you're out.


Thank you guys for shedding light on this church. My daughter has been in for almost 2.5 years. She attends the SA church in Texas and seems to do a lot of work and barely answers her phone.

She graduates from Texas State this Friday 12/9/22 and she's doesn't really seem excited about it!

I have texted her with excitement to ask her about her feelings and she HAS NOT responded. I just keep her in my prayers, as well as my niece who has also joined recently.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal all the lies to them soon.


I realized I needed to stop attending the WMSCOG when a member told me "People with disabilities cannot understand God's word." That infuriated me because Jesus healed a blind man and for them to refuse to help the disabled and handicapped really broke me. Then, when I heard a phone call of "God the Mother, " I knew in my heart that that wasn't God. God knows my name, my story, my future, and my present. However, this lady doesn't even know my name, she can't even speak my language. God can speak any language, know everybody's name, and so much more. I left a month ago, and I couldn't be happier. Can't believe I disobeyed the 1st commandment by accident. I also discovered this channel, NCPCOG, and I prayed that God revealed the truth to me.

Before any member currently at the church try to come for me, THIS IS MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND MY OPINION. Can't even try to argue with my personal experience. I'm never going back there!


I agree with you Kelsey...THAT CHURCH was HELL IN ITSELF!


As a former member I relate to both reasons for leaving. I would see members and leaders do/say questionable things to others but was taught to play it off by the church as we all sinners by nature. However, I think the fear they instilled in me was the biggest thing that kept me in for almost about 2 more years before leaving. Once I went on the examining site and compared ahn’s hidden books with their current teachings, everything confirmed my doubts and made me ready to leave.

During those 2 years I slowly started going to less services and went to as few as possible to just please my mom who is still in it. Prior to having doubts, for about 3 years, I preached as often as I could and tried to keep as many services as I could. Now that I left, I have seen current members downplay my faith ever being there in the first place because I was keeping less services. Even though I committed a lot of time a while back, now they look at me as if I never partook in their propaganda 😂 it hurts but in the end, I am free and they are not. I hope wmscog members soon realize the inconsistencies in their doctrine and find the strength to discover the actual truth ab the church, so that they may live a more meaningful life


Thank you for help wmsc atleast you all helping in telling that there is God the Mother exist in Heaven and has come to south korea as human form, though you all says it as cult but gospel is accomplishing as speed of light .. but poor mere mortal man all never believing as if entire heavens must've laughing to those who are senseless and talks foolish as if they Were author of Bible.... Pitty upon for the foolish..


Is there an email or a phone number I may called.
