Former WMSCOG Leader Responds to Members Accusations

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In this video, Jeremy responds to some of the questions and accusations from members after the interview we did with him.

Find more WMSCOG-related videos and interviews with former members at @answeringthewmscog

The World Mission Society Church Of God. is a South Korean based cult group that makes great boasts about being the “one true church” who alone has the truth of God and can teach the right way of salvation. Not very surprisingly, this is nearly the exact same claim that basically every other Christian-based cult makes. The WMSCOG asserts that their deceased leader “Ahnsahnghong” is the second coming of Christ in the flesh who restored the way to eternal life through the Passover. Another central doctrine for them is their doctrine about “God the Mother.” They believe that a South Korean, elderly woman named Zhang Gil Jah is a second female deity who they refer to as Mother God or Jerusalem Mother. According to WMSCOG doctrine, one must have faith in Mother God in order to be saved. With a little critical thinking, analyzing of the WMSCOG doctrines, and an honest and responsible examination of the biblical text, it can be decisively shown that the WMSCOG is nothing more than a high-control, high-demand cult group that will likely only bring you and your family emotional, spiritual, relational and financial pain and devastation.

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I burned a lot of bridges and also wasted a ton of my college days attending this church. When I left I just sort of blocked it out of my mind and never talked about it to anyone again.


Thank you for this video. I'm a current member of the church and after seeing this video you are right and you show the evidence to back it up. Also, I went through the comments and couldn't believe what I was reading. How are 'children of god' talking like this? This is actually half the reason I no longer want to attend. The leaders constantly gossip about members, there is jealously of whos bearing fruit who's not, and I was told not to associate with certain brothers because they are 'bad brothers' I'm sorry you have to take all of the rude and disgusting comments from those people, but you helped me make the decision so much easier not to go back so I want to thank you for that. And after reading the comments, you are helping so many others make the decision to leave too. I will def share this video with the members of my branch and help spread the word. Is there any way I can chat with you and share my experience too?


To all the current members commenting that he wasn't faithful or he was wordly or he didn't obey the lord, can calm down and leave please. Didn't your mamma teach you to not go on the internet ? Why aren't you following her commandments, do you want to go to hell Man stop disobeying your mamma, and keep your threats to yourself.


This is awsome, you made me feel better about leaving. I appreciate you putting your neck out for all of us!


Praise report!!! My son left the cult!!! Thank you Jesus for His faithfulness!!!


WOW ! former member here, amazing mind blowing video! bless your humble soul my brother


A child who obeys their parents just because of punishment is truly not an obidience child.


I like that you are still referencing the bible and not letting a bad experience shake your faith. Be blessed!


It’s been a year since left them and til this day they try to get me to come back


They got their main teachings from SDA’s, the founder came out of that. He was excommunicated, but this just shows how bad the SDA teachings are for people. Praise Jesus Christ, not Ellen White and not Ahn Song Hong


I became a Member in 2014 I recently left WMSCOG - They told me that if I didn’t give my 10% I wouldn’t be blessed and after they wanted me to download a new website so they can see what I’m doing and was told it was almost like my social security- when I refused to go to church one of the girls from the church came to my house pounding at the door and windows screaming out my name. Now that’s scary-


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Bravo!! Wonderful video!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 please keep speaking out! I detest this church for having my husband and anyone else under their deception!


Remember that Jesus was hated by the world. So this prophecy is fulfilled. But their are also those who repent and accept the truth.


Thank you for posting this video. My sister has been a member for about 8 years or more. I wish that she would see the truth. She is so blinded by it. I am happy you made it out of there. God bless you!!!


How can I reach you? I have a few questions. Also I don’t see any links to the videos regarding prophecies. That’s the main way they continue to trick ppl who don’t know how to put two and two together. If you guys (who find your way out) teach ppl the psychology of this church maybe we can better help those lost in the absurd way of thinking and help rewire their thinking back to normal ...if that makes sense. People are loosing people they love everyday to this belief, including myself. Just like yourself I know ppl who have went to California to chase their dreams, connected with these ppl and lost sight of their whole passion. This is pure evil. More awareness needs to spread!


It's funny you talk about them forcing marriage, because while I was there they heavily frowned upon it and multiple, multiple times was told "Sister why would you want that? Sister you don't want to be married, being in a relationship is horrible. Sister you shouldn't think of that or it will take away from your thoughts about Heavenly Mother." or they would just ignore my question with a "bible study." It was frustrating and I never want to go back to that horrible place.


Hello Jeremy. Thank you for sharing. This means a lot to me. How can I reach you? I need some more advice from you? I share the same feeling with you. I believe in GOD and feel grateful for what I have. However, I recognize some red flags when joining this cult. I step back and try to think about it.


I was confronted by three of them. I told them they needed to learn how to exegete scripture properly to be taken serious. They can only get one who doesn’t know scripture. Their interpretations lacked tremendously.


Whats so creepy about wmscog is they will still say "we love you, we dont want you to leave us, " when they actually want you to leave. Its a korean way of indirectly banning members.


All true! They have attacked me for putting out this true information, also. I know that you are TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT their end of the world teaching, because they told me the false prophecy about the year 2012 being the end. I gave up school for many years because of their lies. Now I am finally doing something positive for myself. Thanks.
