Former WMSCOG member testimony

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Just wanted to share some of the reasons why I decide to leave the WMSCOG.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Sorry for the poor image quality I'm new to making YouTube videos and should have had better lighting 🙂
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When I told my deaconess I wanted a baby she told me there was no time for that. :( I got so sad. And lost hope in having a baby. Then when I got pregnant I was sooo joyful and took a large step back from the church. Now I’m completely Thanks to Jesus!!!


I went to a "meeting" or study today. I left feeling so confused and overwhelmed. Thanks for your story now I see I need to never go again.


I sincerely hope your family will recover from the trauma that WMSCOG has caused. I came here after seeing Dory's video. Thank you for your testimony and for speaking the truth.


My friends and I were approached by these cult members several times. Thanks for sharing this


I am an exJW and a lot of this sounds eerily familiar. Stay safe out there everyone. It’s easy to fall for a cult.


Just left this week. I just want you guys to know a lot of members are leaving and are planning to leave. Because of the lockdown many are looking up the church and are finding out about the history of the church.
Thanks for this video. -


I was a member for 7 years and this is all true


The homeless people thing is definitely true! Everything you say is true!


All former members which are coming out from this church have almost the same story. It cannot be false! I also had a same experience like all former members which came out from this organization !!!


When the true gospel goes up against a false gospel it will crush it. The true gospel is transparent and is found in the study of the Bible. Thank you for your testimony and may you be blessed.


I go to this church, and we read straight from the Bible... I’m watching all these videos and it’s funny cause the church I attend is much different. People there are very kind and they do what all churches do, pray, sing songs, read the Bible, etc. These videos surprise me


I was never a member, but I want to help people. Thank you for sharing. This helps me a lot!


good Job sister...
I was a member of this cult too.
I was there 5 months too long. I'm happy to see more people come to light.
You should watch other youtube channels about this cult.
God bless you


I left a month ago after 7 years and the damage is still so traumatic


I am so sorry that you all had bad experiences but my experience was that whatever I gave was accepted and if I didn't have anything to give, there was no judgement. This church had taught me unconditional love and kindness. I feel closer to God than ever before. I pray that you all will give it another chance. Maybe those people just had more to learn? The Deacon and Deaconess of my church are like angels. They are so kind and they will pray with you over anything and offer any solution they know to help you. The Spirit and the Bride say "Come".


I used to preach before also, i remember, my schedule when i was college, they wanted to drop my subject so that i can attend sabbath days coz i have my saturday class, it was so hard in decision making, but now it's been 4yrs that im not active to them.


I just left this church I feel so deceived 3 1/2 years of brainwashing got baptized suffering from serve anxiety anyone who is a part of this get out. I never felt so betrayed in my life, I joined my sophomore year in college.


Thank you, for three weeks i was going to Bible study one on one study . I just found out about this church today.


Amen. I went in 2010. Manipulated me as a student and the world never ended in 2012 like we were told. People committed suicide, marriages were broken and than they tell brothers and sisters to basically leave you alone because your going to hell.


This is what happens when men decide to infiltrate the written Word of God and add human perception to please their selfish desire :(

-God does not function the same way as his creation. He created man from dust (not through natural birth). And He gave man life through his breath. (Gen 2:7)

-Jesus taught us to pray to the Father. (Nowhere was that an indication that god the mother exist) (Matt 6:6)

-When God said "let us make them in our "IMAGE", the word image is to mean as in appearance or as a person. It was not an indication that God would only create "male" gender because obviously He created Eve from Adam. Again, this does not give liberty to add a "female god figure" (Gen 1:26)

-Eve was not created at the same time as Adam. Adam came first and Eve came after, when God felt that Adam couldnt find a suitable helper to take care of God's creations. This does not mean God is a woman just because he created Eve. Please read the bible IN CONTEXT. (Gen 2:20-22)

-Revelations 21:1-3 speaks of the New Jerusalem (the tabernacle of God) as a bride and God as a husband. This is a figurative description of the reconciliation of God and His creation. God intended from the beginning to be with His creation and at this moment, the prepared bride will finally dwell with their God and God with His people. Please read beyond your selected passage to see the overall context

-Galatians 4:26 is again selected only to please this cult's agenda. In this passage, the Apostle Paul is speaking to the Galatian church about the covenant of faith vs covenant of the flesh. SLAVE vs FREE. Hagar vs. Sarai.
Which would you choose to be under?
Sarai who bore Isaac, who is the father of Jacob/Israel is the mother of the free people/Israelites where Jesus would eventually be born from. Hagar's descendants as prophesied will live in hostility and hatred. (Gen 16:11-12)
This whole passage DOES NOT refer to God being a mother.

Please stop saying the word "biblical" when you don't really know your bible as a whole.
