Why Does The WMSCOG Sue Former Members?

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The World Mission Society Church Of God is a South Korean based cult group that makes great boasts about being the “one true church” who alone has the truth of God and can teach the right way of salvation. Not very surprisingly, this is nearly the exact same claim that basically every other Christian-based cult makes. The WMSCOG asserts that their deceased leader “Ahnsahnghong” is the second coming of Christ in the flesh who restored the way to eternal life through the Passover. Another central doctrine for them is their doctrine about “God the Mother.” They believe that a South Korean, elderly woman named Zhang Gil Jah is a second female deity who they refer to as Mother God or Jerusalem Mother. According to WMSCOG doctrine, one must have faith in Mother God in order to be saved. With a little critical thinking, analyzing of the WMSCOG doctrines, and an honest and responsible examination of the biblical text, it can be decisively shown that the WMSCOG is nothing more than a high-control, high-demand cult group that will likely only bring you and your family emotional, spiritual, relational and financial pain and devastation.

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METAMORPHOSIS | From Violent Drug Dealer To Jesus Follower

SEEK FIRST (Freedom From Anxiety And Fear)


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"For if their purpose is of human origin it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”
Acts 5:39 NIV

How many court cases have they lost up to this point? That speaks for itself.


A cult! Suing former members for talking about their experiences is insane! But I have never seen a Catholic or a Muslim being sued for leaving their religion and expressed their experiences and beliefs.


I just don’t see Jesus as retaliating against someone like that. He would turn the other cheek.


Sued by God — what a joke. Think about it. (Also trying to bully people into being quiet just makes yourself look more sketchy.)


When it comes the church of god, I am so lost. I am a member of that church. And I haven't been going there for a few now. I am looking for a new church to attend.


Idk how my loved one is so careless to this. What have they done? I’m desperately waiting for your interviews with Michelle and also waiting for audio tapes from courts.


Thanks for the video Jordan!
You are definitely an example of the truth prevailing.
Very good information 👍


Severely insecure organization- that is such a true statement.


Imagine getting sued by ur parents, let alone God for any reason. Completely throws out all credibility that the organization is truly run by a loving God. Its just so disheartening to see former members who committed so much time, money, and mental energy into this group only to get sued when they come out and speak against it. Aren’t you suppose to turn the other cheek regardless of what they view as “persecution” as a true christian organization rather than trying to instill fear and try to destroy lives of those that fully committed themselves to the movement at one time? Wmscog’s actions are becoming more and more transparent that they are a damage control group that likes to separate its members from the actual truth, which is they are a cult


I would like to be in the court room when they are sueing somebody it would be nice to see.


one thing i want to know, are you cult expert or what, and how can i bileave that what you are saying is true, becose of bible rev5 the bible is seald by 7 seal . then how can i bileave somone teach right thing
