Space-Time, Quantum Mechanics and the Multiverse (Nima Arkani-Hamed)

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Lecture from the mini-series "Multiverse & Fine Tuning" from the "Philosophy of Cosmology" project. A University of Oxford and Cambridge Collaboration.
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Gotta love this guy. Who buys a new shirt and doesn't iron it before talk. Very cool.😊


Been using this to go to sleep, never get past the first 10 minutes!


I quite enjoy Nima's insight. For those who are interested in some of his work he is featured in a documentary about the Higgs on Netflix called Particle Fever.


Both of his parents are physicists from Iran.🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Thank you for that wonderful and I’m I love it thanks Nima!!!!


As a graduate student in theoretical physics, I have always had little patience with string theory and its holography and multiverses, as often heard from the pop sci literature. This lecture finally convinced me that multiverses and holography are at least conceptually valid, perhaps even desirable, options to consider.


Great video, he's my second favorite lecturer, Lenny Susskind is the first. I wish I could understand Witten but I guess everybody says that


I can't get over his brand new shirt.


I'm reading rn Sean Carroll's "Something Deeply Hidden" book and so, managed to get Nima's very articulate presentation. It's obvious this guy is not only eloquent, he seems to have a firm grip of the subject. Obviously, many questions are unknown due to the cosmological horizon impeding observing vestiges of a multi-verse but, that point was well explained. I also liked the infinite apparatus vs finite limit to what is observable at the miniscule scale before a black-hole is created part, plus the notion space-time is doomed (or emergent) used to title a lot of these talks. This lecture/synopsis seemed more accessible than others I've seen. It would be nice if Nima could popularise more of his own work such as on the 1) Large Extra Dimensions and 2) the Amplituhedron scattering amplitudes work as these seem to be scientific theories of the large and small respectively, or put these talks' suggestions and tips for future theorists into popular written form as I reckon he's a talented speaker, no doubt, just would be nice for more popularising work, although, Sean Carroll does a good job at least so, that these talks are more comprehendable as a result! Cheers. 👍


I realize this is from 9 years ago, but I don't understand why the CC can't be 20 orders of magnitude smaller than the critical value that allows anything to exist (23:00).


41:04 bookmarking this part for future reference


Fascinating!  I for one will double take this one in.


"Infinite part that does the observing of the finite". Quantum Mechanics if taken seriously can make you spiritual 😁


What is the problem with having a literal infinite universe?


درود به نیمای عزیز من به فیزیک و فضا خیلی علاقه دارم ولی زبان انگلیسیم خیلی ضعیف است کاش فارسی بلد بودی برای ماهم صحبت میکردید.
یاحداقل زیرنویس فارسی میگذاشتید.سلامتی ترا آرزو دارم.


What was the name of the song in the beginning? Who is the artist?


It's pleasant to have a philosophical review, thanks.

Accepting that the reason to say that spacetime is doomed might be because the "spatial" terminology such as "vacua" applies only topologically, ie it applies to the stable effective result of cause-effect, ..the Quantum Fields Mechanism of temporal superposition, (the apparently material substance of time-duration), that can be calculated as projecting & modulating time-inflation states, is a "nameless" principle of mathematical multiplicity. (Implying the conjectured structure of quantized reality postulated by the calculation of discrete identies in infinity)

It's the "virtual reality" of potential +&- relative temporal position at 1-0D. In timespace, "vacua" applies to conduction, the "empty space" of frictionless, crystaline field harmonics, ..time only transition or "jump space".

If the Planck dimension is an evolved state within the anthropic conditions of a complete Universe, then the observable universe is the Quantum "containment field" of evolving and re-evolving life cycles from seed to adult in sub contextual environments of corporeal bodies, by the quantum logic of this cause-event here-now.

Spacetime => standard modeling, (suggested by the particular effects on a metastable field in a Wilson's Cloud Chamber), is the natural identification "nomenclature " of the Quantum Fields Mechanism, ie the apparent modulated-modules of quantized bubbles in a theoretical Quantum Chemistry equivalent to the BBT, in terms of phase-state. The LHC is operating on the same principle with more refinements.

Timespace is Quantum, scalar properties of the unitary-function of connection. "Infinitely big" identifies the physical evidence of the extent duration-due to the effective connection of eternity in the reciprocal position to now, ie it's the orthogonal quantized scalar properties of the objective singularity with transverse-tangential displacement of relative possible probability, in temporal superposition terms, a mathematical nomenclature.


The observable Universe has a beginning, its just not the beginning of everything.
Our Universe belongs as a much larger structure, an infinite structure made out of an infinite number of other universes all belonging to what we will call the Omniverse whose nature is governed by the Aethoesystem.
Each individual universe starts off as a magnetic singularity. This infinitely small singularity is then transfixed to the end of an umbilical cord tethered to the Aether by the Aethoesystem which then begins to pump the Aether into the singularity which then makes the singularity of magnetic force highly energized. After a time, depending on the singularity’s position in the Omniverse, both spatially and mathematically, the Aethoesystem would begin to transform the Aether into the fundamental particles that will be needed for the successful maturation of the Ovum along with the nuclear forces to assist in the particles processing.
Once the particles begin to fill the singularity it simultaneously begins to expand. As the Aether transforms, fundamental particles begin to appear and fill the ovum which begins to grow in size as more and more particles enter, jockeying for room that just isn’t there and creating chaos as the particles continue to bang into each other, and if one is anti-matter and the other normal matter, they then destroy each other’s vibration, releasing the energy back to the Aether and creating quite a bang as a result.
During this initial period, the magnetic field splits into two separate forces, the postromagnetic force and the electromagnetic force. The postromagnetic force then attracts the heavier anti-particles into the center of the ovum and the electromagnetic force attracts the lighter normal matter outward, around the center. This then continues until the ovum reaches a certain size, again depending on its designation in the omniverse, at which point the fields would reach their elasticity point and snap, releasing from the umbilical cord and causing the ovum to spin off into the Aethoesystem as the magnetic forces reverberate back and forth throughout the ovum, and once again creating absolute chaos. As this occurs, Gravity then takes holds and keeps it all together while each of the magnetic fields, already permeating throughout the ovum, are able to establish order and create a stable structure for the ovum to maturate and grow as it expands into the Aethoesystem to join all the other Universes in the Omniverse.


"I am not scared of Einstein!" haha, that was funny.


Audio out of sync 03:38
Is there a corrected version of this video?
