This worker found a unique solution.. | AITA

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This worker found a unique solution.. | AITA

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The bacon story sort of sounds like the 14 yo is developing contamination OCD (was around the same age when I was diagnosed with it). It should, under no circumstances, be entertained to such lengths. It'll only get worse otherwise.


Everyone commenting under that naked over the covers story are missing the fact that every time she's barged into his room in the morning he's always pointed out she should knock, yet she dismisses it with a stupid giggle every time.

He could have 100% been much more mature about it, but seeing as she clearly doesn't care despite him mentioning it directly to her I can understand why he went to those lengths, I don't fault him as much as everyone else seems to do yet I also acknowledge that he still has partial fault in this situation.


I remember that first story - definitely an NTA story to me. It's a pretty funny way to get back at entitled customers, but it was hilarious to hear the honking sound effect to censor language get used so much. lmao


The see through bikini isn't just a harmless prank lmao. If someone isn't comfortable exposing their body like that, you've encroached on a HUGE boundary, and you've just publicly humiliated them if they chose to wear it in front of people for the first time they're putting it on. Honestly, disgusting lack of empathy and sense for a gag gift. I'd drop that friend faster than a bag of bricks. Definitely NTA in that one.


Naked sleeping: NTA. You gave her fair warning, and she still violated your privacy. It's basically one step better than flat out breaking into your house, and finding you wanting one.

Edit: I will say, you could have worn underwear, and basically had the same effect without (or less likely) offending anyone.


18:03 people keeps saying “there’s stuff you could do first” but he told her 7 times beforehand. Also stop acting like seeing a dick and balls is going to kill her slowly. Everyone has accidentally seen someone naked. You don’t die you just look away, say sorry, and act like it never happened especially if it’s your fault which it was the girlfriends fault. NTA. If the genders were swapped the gf would’ve gone to prison and been put on the sex offender registry


Nonononononononono, he did not “expose himself”, he was in his room, his own room. She has been warned and then did not respect his space.


The bathing suit prank is not entirely harmless. That girl could have gotten in a lot of trouble and gotten put on the sex registry if she had worn that in public around the wrong people without noticing.


Editor really clowning around with the Algorithm censoring lol.


About the story with the 12 yo sister: I've got a little sister and I'm absolutely protective of her. You can say a lot to me, but jokes on her expense are off limits, doesn't matter how close you are to me. The biggest fight I had with an ex was because of something similar to this. Needless to say, he's an ex now (there was other stuff too, but that was the ultimate trigger). So I'd defo say NTA!


Vegan needs to get over herself. It's people like her that give us regular vegetarians and vegans a bad reputation, and turns off others from giving the diet a try. My husband and I have been vegetarian for about 20 years, and our son is 23. We'd still make chicken or tuna dishes for our kid all through his childhood if he wanted, or he was free to eat our vegetarian food. When he was old enough, he'd cook his own meat dishes, but we'd still buy the meat for him. As a teen, and now adult on his own he's about 50/50 with meat vs vegetarian meals. We didn't want to force our lifestyle on him, knowing how pervasive meat is (school lunches, friend's or relative's houses, etc); we didn't want him to feel weird or give other kids a 'reason' to pick on him. We wanted to minimize food hangups and let him choose.


The vegan daughter honestly sounds kinda like OCD. I could be completely misinformed but I assume if food contamination was already on her mind, and then she went vegan it could add the obsession of meat contamination to the mix/intensify the obsessive thoughts in general.


AITA for hating the clown horn so much?


For that last story everyone who said ESH thinks too highly of themselves. Like she tried to not let it bug her until it got to the point of being unavoidable. That’s way more mature than bringing it up sooner bc she was already aware they were in a relationship. If you have to tell person 1, who already knows you’re in a relationship with person 2) to not flirt with your partner then there is no help beyond getting in their face. Sometimes you gotta uppercut someone with words and im tired of people telling victims of harassment that they need to be the bigger person. Fuck that. Most people have a limit and if you’re willing to find out where the limit is you should willing to take a slap to the face or a punch to the jaw. Getting yelled at is getting off easy.


The one about privacy got under my skin, I don't care if his intention was for her to see him naked because he has already asked her to stop and she hasn't, even giggling when he brought it up. She is a grown woman presumably and if someone asks you to knock because they sleep naked or any reason you do so, he was in his own room just on top of the covers he's in the right when a full ass grown woman won't take seriously someone's vulnerability. Also saying to talk to her Boyfriend (his childhood friend) is not okay as she's the one doing the act not him and it just misplaces the responsibility. Bitch woulda seen me masturbating the first day, which would piss me off.


The girl who's parents didn't pay for her college wasn't asking for the 100k for the sake of the money. She's an engineer, I'm sure she's not lacking cash, they make bank. But the 100k would show that her parents see her as equal to her brothers. I have 2 daughters and a son, and I couldn't imagine doing for one something I wasn't ready to do for the others. Those are horrible parents, I hope you stay away from them.


For the last story - It would only be an ESH if the girl didn't know they were together at all and the first reaction from OP was to react in anger.

However, the girl knew OP and her boyfriend were exactly that - Girlfriend and Boyfriend. She also went out of her way to continue to seek roles with him, and more specifically a romance role while knowing that he has a girlfriend. No, I'm not saying only couples can perform romance roles - what I am saying is that it's suspicious she would purposely take a "lesser" role just to be able to kiss OPs boyfriend.

OP tried to avoid a conflict as much as possible, and eventually that blew up. Yes, OP could've handled it sooner, or a bit better, but that alone doesn't make her the AH.

If anything, I would say OP is NTA, while that girl, and possibly even the boyfriend, are the AH.

Why the boyfriend?
There is no way he was oblivious to what this girl was doing.
There is also no way he was oblivious to how his girlfriend was feeling, because I can bet anything that even if OP didn't mention it, she definitely talked at least a little crap about that woman.
He, however, never seemed to make a move to tell the director / teacher / whatever the title is that he is uncomfortable with directly acting with that girl. He could've asked to not have any romance roles with her as it not only makes him uncomfortable due to her insistent need to always have a role with him, but it also makes his girlfriend uncomfortable with some of the things she's said about him outside of class.

OP reacted like I feel any girlfriend would to someone who is so blatantly trying to steal their boyfriend from them, and that is with an almost primal feeling of protectiveness.
It sounds stupid - and it makes you feel stupid after reacting that way - but men do it all the time as well, it's just usually women that get ridiculed for it.


The dad thing ... the kid's struggling with something, it seems like.


I read something once about a department store that used to have a designated person who one of their jobs was to pretend to get fired whenever a Karen customer would come along. Of course, this was decades ago, long before the term "Karen" was a thing.


Nta for last she literally knew the op was in a relationship with the man, yet still tried to get together with him despite knowing, and op was pretty mature since she decided not to let it bug her to the point where it got pretty annoying
