Shia Islam vs Sunni Islam explained | Abbas Amanat and Lex Fridman

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Abbas Amanat is a historian at Yale specializing in the modern history of Iran.


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Guest bio: Abbas Amanat is a historian at Yale specializing in the modern history of Iran.


Shi-a means sect
Shi-ee means a person that belogs to the group named “sect”

It’s in Arabic as it’s not Mr Abbas’ mothertongue


They’ll be arguing about the same things for evermore. No one will admit that they’re wrong after all this time.


Are the differences explained in Part 2 of this video?


Funny that 'god' never thinks it a good idea to show up for once and set the entire world straight about its existence and what it wants from humanity. If Allah was real and gave a damn it would step up to at least settle this dispute eh? Nah....
In other words, 'god' remains unavailable for comment.
When will humanity get past this ancient nonsense?
May 'god' b-less.


I'm a PhD student, and was embarrassed to hear such basic mistakes from Abbas Amanat


This is a brief explanation of the Shia & Sunni conflict.

The Shia sect believes that when the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was approaching his last years he appointed Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (AS) to be the leader of the Ummah (whole community). This was during the event of Ghadir, also there are numerous sayings from the Prophet which indicates that he intended Ali to be the leader after this death.
When the prophet died, Ali was preparing him for burial, as Ali was conducting the burial ceremonies Abu barkr had joined a political event called Saqifa, to appoint the next “leader” of the Muslims.
Abu bakr becomes leader after this, he then seeks out Ali’s pledge of fealty as Ali has not given it.
This causes Abu Bakr to force Ali to pledge his fealty, they gather outside Ali’s house, set fire around his home and break the door open causing the death of his wife Fatima (Prophets daughter).
Ali eventually pledges due to not having enough supporters at the time.
This is when the divide between ‘Shia’ & ‘Sunni’ began as Ali’s followers stayed loyal to him and did not accept Abu Bakr.
While Abu Bakrs supporters (Sunni’s) stayed loyal to him.
Eventually Ali becomes the 4th Caliph due to overwhelming requests for him to become the leader.
During his time as caliph one of the prophets widows by the name of Aisha decided to gather followers and wage war against Ali.
This was the major split between the Muslims as it is the first civil war of the Muslim community. Half the Muslims joined Aisha and the other half where with Ali, which later became Sunni and Shia.
Ali won the war, but had another war waged against him by the leader of Sham (Syria) Muawiya son of Abu Sufyan (first enemy of the prophet) they eventually stopped the war and conducted an arbitration.
Ali would go on to be assassinated some time later during his morning prayer, by order of Muawiya.
Long story short, Muawiya seized control over the Muslim community and then passed it over to his son Yazid who would go on and send an army of 12, 000 to massacre Hussain son of Ali and his 70 followers at the battle of Ashura. Due to Hussain refusing to pledge fealty to Yazid.

After this event the Shia sect was very careful and stayed ‘underground’ due to all the killings and persecution which still happens today in some countries like Afghanistan.

There is much more details to the story but that requires hours of history & discussion.


Islam is no different than other religions. The others created sects too. It’s what humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years. We create nations we create tribes we create teams we create religions then we think we are better for whatever reason than the others and we will fight to the death for it. When in reality we are all the same.


he really didn't answer any questions lol felt like he was going around in different topics without answering all podcast long


As a Muslim, I prefer not to divide us into sects. Instead, I believe we should follow the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) alone without adding different segments into the mix. This is what the Quran teaches us and the last thing we need as Muslims is further division amongst ourselves.


Still waiting for the explanation but the video is over


Everyone should have equal rights, a book doesn't get to dictate how you treat women. Women need permission to get divorced, Wife-beating is instructed by the the Qur'an and the Hadiths, and has been an accepted part of Islam law since its inception. Getting caned for drinking, homosexuals executed, an eye for an eye, and the list goes on, Sharia is disgusting.


dude forgot Azerbaijan regarding majority Shia.


Azerbaijan and Bahrain is also Shia Majority


They tried to form an isolated but parallel government in Nigeria and in one day, the Sunni government/military wipe/killed them off. Now they are a much smaller, totally persecuted group with their leader rotting in jail.


The word Shia means a follower or a friend in Arabic grammer.


Got it, clear as mud. I've had an Iraq war veteran explain the differences to me and it still foggy in my mind.


So is it basically like Protestism ​and Catholicism? I realize it's not the same.


1-There’s Allah

2- Allah is the only one who chooses Prophets and Those who will be the messenger of the truth

3- but Who have access to Allah ?

And who knows who will be the Next Person who will Be the leader of Muslim community after the death of prophet Muhammad ?

4- Answer :

Definitely Prophet Mohammad himself ! Research About the “Ghadeer day” غدیر
And what prophet muhammad did and said on that day to the muslim community


#lexclickbait #strikesagain #notexplained
