What does a Narcissist hate the most?

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Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. And here I discuss my own personal experience living with narcissistic personality disorder. Including the symptoms and behaviors associated with this disorder, as well as how it has affected my life. I also share some of my coping strategies and how I have been able to manage the disorder, along with helping you understanding your loved ones and their behaviors that may seem almost incomprehensible and potentially hurtful. Hopefully, my channel will provide insight into what it's like to live with narcissistic personality disorder, as well as what it's like for your loved ones. Thank you for watching!

If you wanna keep updated on Pathological narcissism and NPD, check out my other social media.

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That's why grey rock seems to be so effective when dealing with a person that has a high level of narcissistic tendencies.


Don't block the narc, Just ignore them like they don't exist, that will give you that nail in the coffin, no contact is the only way.


Thanks for letting me know that I’m finally treating my “mother” correctly 🤣


Yep. No contact is best for the victim, but if it isn't possible, grey rock is the next best thing. The only issue with it is that it makes the narc even more fixated and obsessed, because they can't relax knowing there's someone staring them in the face who got away. It literally eats them up inside and brings all their biggest fears to the surface, so play it safe and avoid face to face or one on one interaction as often as possible. There's no stalker on earth more dangerous or obsessive than a narcissist who feels entitled to your emotions, but is kept at a safe distance.


I prefer people not notice me rather than hate me.


I found it impossible to hate a poor little animal in distress that bit me every time I tried to help. Poor little thing.


I don't like being ignored or left out. I agree, as a female narcissist w npd, you are so correct.


It’s cool to see how they look for a reaction and when we don’t give it, they look for any micro reaction in your face or in your body language. And when you don’t give it, they try their best to bait you. And when you don’t give in…


Narcissists are the easiest clowns to manipulate. You just have to act like you don’t know but you know more than they think you do and their egos won’t allow them to believe otherwise lol


Why would you possibly want someones fear? Or hate? I try to do my hardest trying to understand you just want a feeling, a response ...but why aim for fear of all feelings...of course you said you go for admiration first... But still. And why admiration? Why not love? ... I mean all three of those are just someone's feelings towards you. But none are WITH you. How very lonely it must be to be a narcissist. It's you - and other people. Never a union. A team. am sorry. Thank you for talking about this and explaining. I learn a lot.


I met someone like you the other day. I ignored this person after the rude way he treated me. I could sense that it drove him nuts that I was unphased by his bullshit. 😂😂😂#HorrayForMe #IHateEvil


That’s the vibe I get from my husband, he wants the emotions from me that he experiences. A limited range of lust, fear, envy or hate. He doesn’t want my unconditional love, acceptance or kindness. He wants trust and respect he never earned and quickly lost.


Sometimes people aren’t ignoring you they are just preoccupied with their own issues. Not everything is about you ya know 🤷‍♂️


Don’t expect people to validate you unwire your brains to trust in yourself as kind human whose time on earth is short lived and all you hv to do here is take it one day at a time, don’t expect people to be in ur image, your doing a great job!continue spreading awareness 👍


Thank you for sharing your world so people like me can n know what we're dealing with.


Cool, Well that explains a lot. I don't do hate anymore. I just avoid.
My ex used to say he preferred people to fear him than to love him. 20 years with him. Might explain why I'm here listening to this stuff.


Thank you for this nice little nugget of information, ...


Oh, so that explains the yo-yo effect in a relationship with a narcissist.


You deserve kudos for laying it all out there👍


This is such a good quick and important lesson. Love the way your boil it down to the smallest bites with the most substance. Keep up the self work 🫵💪
