TNC186- Why the narcissist in your life hates you. Why do narcissists hate how you make them feel

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Why the narcissist in your life hates you. Why do narcissists hate how you make them feel.

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware #narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( #NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the #Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

You can find me on -

Click the BEACON up top for direct links. Thank you so much and lets HEAL together
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"A bully doesn't want your candy bar. A bully wants to make sure that YOU can't have your candy bar."


They don't have to have a reason to hate, they hate themselves and project that feelings towards you and it can be dangerous in many different areas. Lee, thanks for your information 👍 🙏 😊!!!


Had the ex tell me how much he "admired" me and looked up to me. But when we were together, he would be verbally and emotionally abusive towards me. It was like sleeping with the enemy!🤯 Deep down I've felt he was envious of me bcuz of my inner peace. And my self-love that I embodied. Its like he couldn't find it within and wanted me to feel how he felt. That was incredibly frustrating and draining!😔😤


“They hate how we make them feel about themselves…. “ he pretty much told me so.


They hate us because they ain't us. There jealous of the relationships we carry with our and loved ones ❤. Instead of hating on us appreciate us.


They do it even if your not doing anything!


“Listen to what they say when they’re raging” 🙏 Thanks! That’s so helpful and explains why he hated me! He hated that I graduated top of my class, that my car was plaid for, that I love my work, that I get along with anyone and the list goes on. Crazy how I dimmed my light in hopes of stopping the raging towards me 🤦🏻‍♀️ Best thing I ever did was leave 😌


He treated me like he hated me while claiming to love me.,


I changed the locks 5 months ago when I found out about his girlfriend. Since then I have learned about 4 active life insurance policies… On me. I’m pretty sure that not only did he hate me, but he had some truly evil thoughts about how wonderful his life would be without me in it.

Cut to now (5 months later) he insists that he loves me and only me. He doesn’t want any other woman besides me. He is determined to win me back. Although, in 5 months he has made 2 gestures toward trying to win me back. TWO. In FIVE months. Other than the 2 gestures I have gotten a lot of pretty words. But 4 insurance policies?! That he has been paying on every month. And I’m supposed to believe that he loves me. Nope.
I think I may have just literally dodged a bullet. 😳


This is the one!! You've explained so much about the narcissist in 10 minutes. How they feel about themselves, the projection, the jealousy and need for attention. There's so many layers to a narcissist.


They say how they love you and want another chance, then put you down? What the heck? That's just not how to get someone back for sure.


The narcissist in my life hates everything about me. Even the way I laugh.


"Just cause you find yourself around a narcissist, or affected by one does not mean you are a good person or an empath."


I wish I had woken up to this thing early on...
Trying to win validation from one narcissist to another, finally feeling like there is something wrong with me when people start turning against me...
Very crucial to know the poison people closest to you spread behind your back 😤


His last words to me were I hate you now more then I've ever hated anybody. And I was loyal 3 years


Last few days together the hate was almost touchable.. I felt like he was disgusted😭 and when I leaved...he cried....🥴 I never met anyone more twisted


My ex narc cut his own daughter off completely after she confronted him with her feelings and issues about their relationship. That was 2 years ago. Later it was my turn. Thank you for helping me see the situation more clearly.


You are helping me, Mr. Lee!!! It’s been almost 11 years and I’m finally clear about what I’ve been dealing with all this time. Smdh


OMG so true! When he raged he put me down in every way from my friends, my sporting achievements, my work, my physical appearance… I would often think he hated me or was jealous, but couldn’t accept that would be true … thank you Lee … this helps so much with the cognitive dissonance and who he really was 🙏🏻


I can relate so fucking much to this, especially the discard that happens as fast as the toxic person thinks that you're the one disrespecting them/are trying to make them look bad. Even if they've been trying to frame you for murder (not literally), how dare you try to make them look bad?
