3 Reasons Why You Might Be Missing The Red Flags

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I can only speak to my own experience, however I know this is true for many autistic/neurodivergent men as well. This is why learning about boundaries and understanding my own patterns in relationships has been an essential part of mitigating the negative impacts of having a neurodivergent brain. #redflags #relationshipcoach
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I'm a guy but can related a lot of what you talk about here, Fraya. Codependency, tolerating toxic relationships, no sense of self, lack of boundaries, abadonment issues, wanting to help/rescue/save others (especially women)...all of those and more. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I experienced a flashback (when a toxic relationship was ended by the other person) and realized I've been repeating the cycle of getting tangled up in unhealthy relationships despite my quiet voice of intuition telling me otherwise. I don't know if I would be considered autistic or neurodivergent but I certainly did not have healthy life experiences when I was a child and that has greatly affected me to this day.

Thanks for another great video!


Great video Fraya! very informative. Thank You!!


Yes, yes, yes! And yes! It is not our fault, that we are how we are and we can take responsability for it if we want to become ourselves (again).


yeah, thats me, diagnosed a year ago. Thank you for this great video


I am "Neuro Divergent" (not autistic/aspergers), and I am hypersensitive and accurate with social cues. I dont even need social cues to interpret people mood, personality, etc. It is very strange. I think I seem autistic because my sensory processing disorder/ hyper sensitive syndrome and extremely severe introversion, and also, treatment resistant depression causes me to not make eye contact and/or laugh or respond to jokes while in the company of humans. No wonder why i never dated, intimacy, or relationshipped in my whole 42 years on Earth. lololololol FML. I am extremely rationally creative( life long drawing, art, multi instrumentalist) and have very scary accurate intuition. Even some "psychic ability". No, I dont believe in it. Yet at least.
