Rebound Relationships: 3 Reasons Why THEY DON'T WORK!

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Rebound relationships are unlikely to be successful. In most cases, rebound relationships don’t work and end up causing more damage and causing problems. In this dating a relationship advice video for men and women, I will give you three reasons why rebound relationships don’t work.

Rebound relationships don’t work because you are going to entertain the wrong person and end up setting yourself for failure. It is always best to not rush into a new relationship before working out on the 3 reasons that I discuss in this video. What you get in a rebound relationship is not love, it is attachment, and you will now be setting yourself up for bigger problems later.

Many times those who opt for a rebound relationship after they break up don’t really love the person because many people go into rebound relationships because they just want someone there, they don’t want to be alone or dwell in the hurt, they don’t want to think about their ex and many other reasons.

Find the three reasons why rebound relationships don’t work that I discuss in this dating and relationship advice video below;

1. You haven’t had time to heal 1:46
If you don’t heal, you will carry the baggage from your previous relationship to the new relationship and you make it harder to find success because you have not resolved the things that might trigger you.

2. You are more than likely going to overlook the red flags 5:07
When in a rebound relationship, we don’t feel as bad, we don’t feel like we have to do anything about our issues because they also have issues and we will find it easier to overlook their red flags and end up entertaining the wrong individuals. It is important that you address the red flags, not just in your partner but in you as well.

3. You’re probably not truly over your ex 7:41
When you are not over your ex and you are in a rebound relationship, it is easier for your ex to come back, and because you haven’t really addressed what you feel for them or the fact that you even want to still be with them, you will now find yourself in a situation where you are conflicted. You now find yourself in a situation where you may hurt the new person even more because you drop them, go back to the ex, and now you continue the cycle of hurt people hurt people.

It is extremely important that you heal and that you understand that you cannot overlook or make excuses for the red flags and to get over your ex, when you work on the 3 reasons why rebound relationships don’t work, which I discuss in this video, then you won’t need to have a rebound relationship. Instead, you will be able to receive a great healthy, and successful relationship.

As a certified life coach, dating coach, and relationship coach who provides relationship and dating advice for women and men, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you, and I pray that you find this video helpful. If you are asking yourself the following questions;

- Can rebound relationships work
- Why do rebound relationships not work
- Are rebound relationships healthy
- What are the signs of a rebound relationship
- How do rebound relationships fail
- Why rebound relationships fail
- Can rebound relationships last
- What causes rebound relationships to fail
- Rebound relationships signs
- Rebound relationship stages
- Relationship coach
- Relationship expert
- Rebound relationship advice
- Do rebound relationships work

Well, I believe this dating and relationship advice video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video “Rebound Relationships: 3 Reasons Why THEY DON'T WORK!”

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Рекомендации по теме

Rebounds are toxic relationships, that one person emotionally numbs themselves using this other person, and the other person is also emotionally unstable themselves because they clearly desperate to be in a relationship, you cant possibly so blind to not know that someone is using you to get over someone else... which is also a very selfish reason to get into a partnership...rebound relationship= 2 unhealed people who are not ready for a relationship.


I wanted to rebound when I saw him rebounding. Decided not to, instead started going to therapy, hit the gym, spent more time with friends/family. 3 months later I’m feeling so amazing! Still have more work to do...but his rebound failed miserably and he’s back at square one wanting to “rekindle” things with me. No thank you. He’s the same person he was 3 months ago and I’m not. I wish him the best, but it’s not going to be with me.


I have had 3 exes who went for rebound relationships and guess what? They all didn’t work out. In the end they all came back to me somehow but I just ignored them. I will never take back someone who went for rebound just because they couldn’t handle their own emotions.


Rebounding is childish, because you're putting someone else in harms way. Your only going to hurt an innocent person in the process. When God is ready to put me in another relationship he will. Right now I'm just focusing on my purpose💯


I've gained so much self-love by staying single after my first breakup.


If you ever see your ex flaunting someone new infront of you, and you were good to them, just remember this video!


'Because you just want someone there. You don't want to be alone, you don't want to dwell in the hurt, you don't want to think about your ex, You just want COMPANIONSHIP. I can't even say love; you want love, but what you're getting in that situation is not love. What you're getting is attachment... " PERFECTLY ENCAPSULATED.


The reason rebounds fail is simple: rebounding is selfish, and love is allergic to selfishness. If the new person is down for a relationship, then they are selfish too. And the person you just broke up with will always stay between you.


When you do entertain the wrong person you create a unnecessary soul tie. Then it makes what was a lil mess a bigger mess.


The best way to describe it is like an injured athlete wanting to continue competing at a high level with an injury, it not only ensures a bad performance but worsens their injury, take a break and heal


Give yourself time to heal, to grow and to set higher standards for yourself and for your potential partner


You are on point. My ex went right into a relationship that he thought was on point and he also betrayed me with this person...his outcome not good. I took the opportunity to heal for 2yrs, finding myself and voice, learning who and what powers I have, loving me and learning me. No rebounds for me. Everything you talked about in this video i've done and am doing. My ex is that for a reason....EX. Move forward people, Love yourself, find peace, forgiveness for your own mental and there is no time limit for healing. Thank you so much for this❤


After my divorce, everyone kept saying he immediately got someone else, why dont you do the same!I used up every bit of my time focused on getting back up, healing, transforming into way better version of myself.Best decision I ever made. Thank you Stephan.May God continue to bless you .


I can speak from experience that rebound relationships don’t work. I did it twice and both times it was a disaster. Don’t do it! Focus on yourself and your healing. Fall in love with yourself first before falling in love with someone else.


Luv your content! People who refuse to take breaks between relationships can be the most toxic


Don't be selfish ladies and gentlemen, be selfless....HEAL!!!!


I like this, it's educational.

I feel like once you get out of a relationship, you need time for yourself, time to heal, time to get fresh air.


Sadly I had an experience with jumping into a rebound relationship lets just say lesson learned and never to be repeated ever ever ever again


It is true. No matter how far that relationship seems to “make it” they aren’t healthy. People in rebounds are lucky if they end up breaking up. Some end married and miserable forever. Because it was created within toxicity.


I agree, people have told me in order to get over my 10 year relationship, is to get under someone else and get with someone else. I agree with Stephan, there’s no way I’m ready to move on to a rebound relationship
