Did Jesus really say that we should not judge at all? | #shorts

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We're supposed to judge rightly, but this should happen in a Christian community with love and relationship.

#shorts #alisachilders
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Thank you very much for sharing the Truth


Yes, people often use that Verse and form a whole Theology from it that we should overlook everything


He's saying clean up your own life before you judge some else's.


It says we shan't be thinking of ourselves better than others. We're all sinners. What it doesn't mean is that we can overlook sin and act like everything is just fine. Example: if my husband cheats on me, and I'm rightfully hurt and upset and ask for an apology, and even more, counseling or I'll give him an ultimatum since this isn't the first time it's happened, and someone says to me I'm not right to judge, then this verse is being taken out of context. I've had people do this kind of thing.


That’s def not any atheist’s favorite Bible verse. Ezekiel 23:20 is much more.. thought provoking.


The bible does say judge a righteous judgment.. In that you are never wrong.. Because that is a Holy Ghost filled judgment.. You are seeing what God is seeing and that you know you can't go wrong..


Jesus said get the beam out of your own eye, first so you can see clearly to help remove the beam out of your neighbors eye.And to clean the inside of the bowl first, then the outside will be clean, the bible says those of us born again, will judge the devils Angels.


It’s saying to judge yourself. The father judges no one he’s reserved that for the son ( which is the person judging themselves). You don’t accuse anyone pharassiee. When you take out what’s in your eye of perception then you can clear the lie out of the other person! Not accuse but help them to see 👊🏻


He did not say judge without hypocrisy. He said don't judge me, you have no right to judge me. That's what he told them, it's as clear as a bell. Who am I that I should judge God, I judge not, how can the lump of clay tell the potter what to do. Lord, do they always put words in your mouth that you didn't say? We don't have to wait for his answer, we know it.


No. Jesus says do not judge others. And it is because only God can judge, we as sinners can not judge. That doesn´t mean we shall not assess the moral value of a specific approach or deed for our own orientation. But we are not supposed to make assessment or evaluations of others AT| A|LL because we simply are not in a position to do that. Even if we have a diploma in moral theology. ;)
