Root Chakra Healing Guided Meditation | Healing Camp #1

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Welcome to Year 2016. We are starting this year with Healing Camp. Subscribe & Join us in this 30 Days of Healing Journey.

For the First 7 Days we will be posting Guided Meditation for Healing 7 Chakras. These Guided Meditations will include Affirmations, Chants and Tuning Session to Heal and Balance the Chakra.

Healing Camp Day#1

Today We will be starting with Root Chakra Healing Guided Meditation.
ROOT CHAKRA / Also known as the 1st or Root Chakra, the Muladhara (sometimes spelled as mooladhara) is considered by many to be the most important Chakra as this is the Fundamental (or Mool) Chakra. Without Balancing it, now matter how hard we try, higher chakras can not be healed / unblocked. Located at the base of our spine, it is the root chakra that governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves.

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Voice & Background Music : @DilpreetBhatiaMusic

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If you have any questions regarding this Meditation or Chakras in General, You can ask us in the comments below. We would also love to hear about the feedback and suggestions, please dont hesitate to let us know.

Smile & Cultivate Mindfulness

♫ MP3 DOWNLOAD of this Root Chakra Guided Meditation is Available for Sale at

♫ Our Mantra Chanting Meditations, Chakra Chants & Music, Healing Music are available for sale at

Meditative Mind would like to Thank all you Beautiful Souls, who support us by listening to our meditations and music, giving us their feedback, sending us their love and blessings and buy our meditations, chakra chants and healing music. This all helps us to continue on this beautiful journey of creating these meditations, chants and music. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts and Blessings all the way!!


For more chakra meditation, mantra chanting and meditation music please subscribe our channel:


☯Mantra Chanting Meditation Music - Playlist

☯30 Days of Chants - Playlist

☯Chakra Healing Meditations - Playlist

☯Gurbani Meditation Music - Playlist

☯Deep Sleep Meditation Music for 7 Chakras - Playlist

☯Healing Frequencies Music - Playlist

♡ LET'S CONNECT - Meditation Music, Mantra Meditations, Chakra Healing Chants & Healthy Living Tips.

Рекомендации по теме

Hey, you. Whoever reading this, this is your sign. Everything's gonna be okay. You did not come this far to give up. I believe in you


He said “open your eyes and smile to the universe” ... my daughter been asleep this whole time as I was meditating, and once I opened my eyes, she woke up and smiled so big to me 😢❤️


🐲 Year of Wood Dragon 🐉 2-17-24
When ouroot chakra is not strong we will have all kinds of issues from health to financial.
I'm happy to see you here doing excellent self care. ❤ 🧸🐻
You're on the righ path. 👍
May your journey be happy, health and abundant with everything your heart desires. 😊
So it is, so be it !
R 🌹


If it wasn't for these meditations, I would be in severe depression now. I dont think people realise just how this can change your life


This was the most powerful meditation I’ve ever experienced in my life. Instantly, I felt a tingling in the base of my spine… then when the chanting began, I felt every cell in my whole body begin to vibrate in sync… it was a beautiful and euphoric experience. I was laying in the dark on my bed with my legs crossed and my hands gently placed on my lower stomach, so that’s where I initially felt the vibrations emanating from my root chakra, which then spread throughout my whole body towards the end… when I rubbed my hands together and placed them on my closed eyes, as soon as I opened them, I saw a clear night sky illuminated by hundreds of stars… so beautiful that the smile came naturally… even after the video was done, the vibrating continued and my hands felt super charged with energy. I could feel it emanating from my hands. Deeply, truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for this meditation…. I write this comment in hopes that whoever reads it will feel more inclined to continue on their spiritual journey of growth and transformation…. Grief and suffering are temporary, and they are necessary for your evolution. After the darkest of times, you will emerge with a new light… I pass on all the light I am receiving to everyone practicing this meditation and reading these words. I send you love. I send you healing. Namaste ❤️


I am a mountain... I am solid... I am strong... I am stable...


We are all divine beings and once you recognize the divinity in yourself, you will begin to recognize it in others. Have a blessed week ✨


When I started this meditation I was in my room alone with my headphones on.. the entire time during this meditation I felt a strong vibration tingle down my spine.. I pictured the words “Mountain, stable, solid, and strong” but after the meditation I actually pictured a mountain standing strong, stable, solid and beautiful.. I put my hands over my eyes and opened them in my hands and once I took my hands from over my eyes my son was taking his hands from over his eyes and smiled at me and said “let’s do it again” .. I took my headphones off and he ran to me and gave me the biggest hug all I could do was laugh and kiss all over his face!!!! Btw ( he has his own bed in my room he was sitting on his bed with his hands over his eyes opening them at the EXACT SAME TIME I WAS OPENING MINE) 😩😩😩😩 i feel beyond amazing 💫🥰


I have serious root chakra issues, this really helped me, I even started to laugh during the meditation because I haven't felt this good in a long time. Thank you


That was amazing..i CANT believe that 25MINS went by that FAST WOW IM DOING THAT EVERY DAY EVERY DAY


I used to meditate every morning before I studied for my exams and I felt strong, stable, and solid. I managed to get through the toughest anxiety-ridden moment of my life. Thank you


I used to be so anxious, I can't believe that I did 26 minutes straight of meditation in complete peace, I feel so refresh right now. This meditation felt like magic to me the level of comfort that I felt can't be putted into words.


I have severe anxiety. I tried it once and it worked. It's gone 80%. Two or three more meditations and I'll balance my root chakra. Thankyou so much. ❤️


This is my third time doing this session. I am a very anxious person, and now after the third time doing itI decided to do this for 30 days straight during my morning meditation. One of my favorites now. And I agree with another comment about the music, it was like it was lighting up the entire pelvic area. Gets better each time. I am mountain. Thank you for sharing this session. Blessings to you.


This meditation once a day keeps the anxiety away.


This is something beyound i am speechless
If you wan to get over an emotional trauma in life this
This will help you a lot
I am thankful this whole universe for bringing me to that


2022 will be a year full of love and abundance ❤️

Say Yes if you are ready to prosper!


This meditation is so unique compared to others. Great for the anxious and adhd mind. One of the best meditations I’ve done and can’t wait to try more


Loads of gratitude for creating this video. I was feeling unsafe, emotionally vulnerable and resorted to this meditation. I am feeling alot better. The world is looking much more bright than 30 mins ago. Thank you thank you thank you!!


Wow, during some parts of this I started feeling intense fear and that I needed to open my eyes. It felt like I could feel things around me or in front of me. I know fear stands in the way of this chakra so I pushed to not open my eyes and to instead think I am a mountain. The feeling got so intense by the end but the joy of having pushed through it was so worth it. Also when I rubbed my hands together, they didn’t even feel like my hands, did anyone else feel that?
