Star Wars A New Hope - Binary Sunset (Force Theme)

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The first thing we see is Luke in the foreground with the Binary Sunset in the background. This is important because our focus right now is on Luke’s place in the setting. He has just left the dinner with his (adopted) parents and has basically just been a whinny teenager about not getting what he wanted. Think about it: his uncle wasn’t “evil” or “abusive,” he was farming moisture on Tatooine. That is a hard way to make a living, and with comments like “…then we can afford more droids” it sounds times are lean. Asking Luke to stay on one more harvest is completely reasonable. So when the scene starts Luke isn’t mad at his uncle Luke is mad at Tatooine. He literally kicks the dirt when he emerges. We instantly empathize with Luke not because he can’t go join the rebellion, but because even Luke knows the right thing to do is stay and help. Many people have wanted to go do great things but didn’t because of perfectly legitimately reasons. That is why empathy is so strong in the first part of this scene. It is no different than a single mother not being able to become an actress because she cannot leave her day job and put her family at risk, or a student choosing a lesser College because he or she cannot afford that much debt. We all, at one point in our lives, faced, or will face, an opportunity that we turn down, not because we don’t recognize the opportunity, but because we selflessly choose to pass on it for the betterment of those we love.
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