Time Traveler From 2749 Reveals Prophecies That Are About To Come True!

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Time Traveler From 2749 Reveals Prophecies That Are About To Come True!

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In 2137 I find it hard to believe we are still using wall mounted color tvs.


As a young man, I had a professor that claimed to be a military observer of “The Philadelphia Experiment”. He stated that some very unexplainable things happened that day, but what was being attempted, was to try and make ships not have a radar signature, as radar was a new thing at the time.


I met Al Bielik twice at a UFO convention near La Guardia Airport and later at the Pennsylvania Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, I believe his story. This was the only incredible story he told and was not known to constantly tell other stories to get attention unlike a career politician.


My time story is a little bit different! I back talked my mom once and she back handed me into the middle of that next week! I preferred to stop time travel at that one time!


I believe a lot but this one is the least of. Time travel is possible but not physically. It took place in Russia 1990s by using Kozyrev mirrors. We are here to work on things in the reality of our own making. Human bodies are rigidly connected to their own timelines. However, human consciousness/Soul exist across time, space and dimensions. Meaning, you only need to focus your consciousness where you want to be and you are there. Anywhere in time or space. Credit:A book titled, "The Journey of the souls, " by Dr. Michael Newton.


Hard to believe, many claim the experience but have nothing to prove it.
Myself, I would have kept a newspaper or item.


I wish I could travel 9 minutes back in time.


There are likely different timelines all occurring simultaneously all related to the multiverse wave particle duality theory in presence of conscious observers. Bielek may have entered into one of many potential alternate stable timelines including one where Von Neumann didn't die in 1957.


I believe because I was I a bad auto accident and died . I lost control of my truck and l knew I was going to die my thoughts where oh God no and I closed my eyes than with that thought time stopped when I opened my eyes my truck stopped about 10 feet from the tree and was frozen I couldn't move anything the steering wheel the shifter the door I crawl out the window and was amazed that I couldn't even shake the the truck it was like a rock it wouldn't move at all . Than I ask myself how can this be all that I understand about the world says this can't happen but it did and with that thought a light in the sky drew my attention at first I thought it was a star but it was to big than it must be the moon but it was new moon that means it can't be seen its in earth's shadow but still it was too small then with a speed like lightning I was inside and a voice said come this way I was in a intermedyet place between heaven and hell and was asked to put my books on the scale and I had a white book in one hand and a black book in the other and when I placed them there my white book out weighed the black one so I was given the chance to come back . So you can see time can be controlled by God and yes heaven and most definitely are real . Amen and God bless you if you read all of my words because they are all true I lived it and came back to tell it to everyone that will read it to the end . By the way this is only part of it


Good to see that plaid shirts are still the thing in 2750.


Electomagnetic Resonances Electomagnetic Fields can be CREATED to make a rift in space time...


I did 9 Radio Interviews with Al Bilek in 2002 - WILD


There was 3 guys that jumped! He left me behind in the year 2742. I was trying to Eat an Ice cream sandwich and I turned around and they both were gone. I had to Yell, there's no place like home, over and over and poof, I was back.


Wish I could go back in time -I’d now be a millionaire 🤣


Was Al Bielek telling the truth about his time travel experience?



I traveled to the year 3000. They still had roadworks on the M25.


Al Bielek was known for his claims
About time travel, with fascinating aims,
From 2749, let his voice resound,
Prophecies, mysteries to be found.

A future tale, a cryptic scope,
He whispered words of future's hope,
In the fabric of time, he'd roam,
Revealing mysteries yet unknown.

The world he described, so far away,
Transformations in an unforeseen way,
Technology's bounds, beyond our might,
In his prophecies, a future's light.

Bielek hinted at shifts in sight,
Environmental advances, an Earth set right,
Renewable energy, a planet's dream,
A future promising, or so it seemed.

In health's domain, a cure's bright gleam,
Medicinal wonders, a wellness stream,
His whispers hinted at a world restored,
A future where health's treasure poured.

The social fabric, a different blend,
Harmony and unity, a message to send,
Peace reigning, where conflicts cease,
A future held in a tranquil peace.

Al Bielek, his whispers true,
A future tale, a prophecy's view,
A window to 2749's plane,
A glimpse into what may reign.


The ultimate test for Bieleks story is the exact date of the nuclear war.If he travelled to that future time he must have been told the date of its occurrence.If it's not too far in the future we will know if it was real or if he imagined the whole thing.I notice there were no specific dates linked to the changes so either the narrator omitted them OR Bielek went silent when asked about dates proving it was all in his head.


???? Nothing surprises me anymore. AND I do believe there was a Philadelphia experment.😂Which the government will never answer too, so???


Goona make everyone laugh with this one😂
