Never Get Used To People - Life Letters (full song - no glitch)

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song: Kiss Me / Tseluiy Menya (Целуй меня)
artist: Mariya Chaykovskaya (Мария Чайковская)

kinda sad that no one is aware of the real song. i also changed the songs original tempo and pitch to the one that matches the life letters remix so enjoy
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This song gives me chills every time I listen. Without the glitch I can appreciate the whole song.


this song is so calming without the glitch


**A Russian Translation by my friend Volcha**

And while this fly will rub its legs (a Russian metaphor)
I'll keep telling that I'm fine
On average, the person can lie up to two hundred thousand times a die
And so now I'm gonna lie

And you'll leave
You'll leave and ill stay
The heart will feel strange
Pointless fatigue
And ill be afraid of being alone
In this room full of colored pelerines
Pelerines that you knitted on me

Kiss me
Kiss me
Kiss me
Kiss me while the sun rays aren't aiming at us
While we still feel something
While we are still here
Kiss me
I hate when I need you this much
Because everything could get so much worse
You breath out: we have a hour
An hour
One hour

Kiss me
I hate when I need you this much
Because everything could so much worse
You breath out: we have an hour
And hour
One hour
Your hands are warm
So the shor will be precise
There will be clear circles on water (?)
And like a thin branch I'm gonna stay to watch them fall down
Please teach me to do it this way...
And I will be quiet
Forever and ever
I won't be afraid of being alone
In this room of colored pelerines
Pelerines that you knitted on me..

And hour
Only one hour
And we put the weapons on the carpet


im russian and its so weird to read comments about how beautiful russian is (srry if something is wrong)


i love how she says “kiss me” so strongly the first time


filet mignon 😣😣 rlly felt that part. It hit hard.


Feels like a song that plays over a war, or a final duel between a protagonist and an antagonist


The glitch version gives me so much anxiety but this is so beautiful


If this song was human I'd marry it


Ne kadar sakinleştirici güzel bir ses rengi var ablamızın hayran kalmamak elde değil


i ruined this song for myself when i put the glitch version as my alarm in morning. i swear i would get so scared like kill me, not that it wakes me up at 5AM but it wakes me up at 5AM and scares the crap out of me with the volume-


Me: tf is this

Also me but at 0:36: oh that song


I really love how you can truly hear the emotion in her voice, sure you could hear that well in the remix, but in this version you really can tell shes heartbroken


0% s3x
0% drug5
0% violence
0% lag
100% calming angel's voice


This song, and the remix, takes me back to when I had an a e s t h e t i c phase when I was 14 - 15. I obsessed over pastel coloured art and clothing, wrote random Japanese phrases on my homework, and listened to lo-fi hip hop, vaporwave, future bass, remixes of 80s and 90s Japanese pop songs, and cutesy 8 bit songs while I did homework or drew moons, planets and stars. I’ve grown out of that phase, but I do look back on those memories fondly. :)


Both lagging and not lagging of the type song is cool.


Se siente el sentimiento y la tristeza en esta canción.
Simplemente hermosa en todo sentido.


finally some good fucking food

edit: wow ive never gotten 1000 likes on a comment u guys are cool


Lyrics (English):

And while this fly rubs its legs together,
I will keep saying that I'm alright.
On average, a person can tell up to two hundred thousand lies a day.

So I will lie now,
And then you will leave.
You will leave and I will stay.
The heart will feel weird,
A pointless tiredness.
And I will be afraid of staying alone
With this room full of colorful pelerines,
The ones you knitted on me.

Kiss me,
Kiss me,
Kiss me.

Kiss me while the rays are not aiming at us,
While we still feel something,
While we are still here,
Kiss me.
I hate it when I need you so much
Because it can become so much worse afterwards...
You breathe out: we have an hour,
An hour,
One hour.

Your hands are warm,
It means that the shot will be precise.
There will be distinct circles on the water,
And like a thin branch, I will stay to watch
As they fall down quickly.
Please teach me to do it this way,
And I will say nothing,
I won't ever tell anybody about it.
I will not be afraid of staying alone
In this room full of colorful pelerines,
The ones you knitted on me.

Kiss me while the rays are not aiming at us,
While we still feel something,
While we are still here,
Kiss me.
I hate it when I need you so much
Because it can become so much worse afterwards...
You breathe out: we have an hour,
Kiss me while the rays are not aiming at us,
While we still feel something,
While we are still here.
Kiss me.
I hate it when I need you so much
Because it can become so much worse afterwards...
You breathe out: we have an hour,
An hour,
One hour,
And we put our weapons on the carpet.

(translated by Leni "mezzafredda")


The one with the glitch is very nice and I enjoy it but with this one you can really appreciate the voice and it’s just absloutely lovely
