Star Wars - Darth Plagueis The Wise

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Love this theme. Plagueis is far more than a prequel meme - his novel is honestly one of my favourite SW books.


My saber is Red..

Yellow are my eyes..

Did you ever hear the Tragedy..

..Of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


This music makes me think there's some untapped potential to a Darth Plaguies film. The idea a dark sorcerer, using the mystical force for his own unnatural ends goes much further than just extending life - but also draining it, manipulating, mutilating, and mutating it, using it to create life in all sorts of bizarre twisted forms, abominations, and to even raise the dead - creating will-less servants of the dark lord (force zombies if you will) - it would be all so new in the Star Wars universe. With the right director, it could be the the most disturbing, most haunting tale of the Star Wars universe.


"To say that the Force works in mysterious ways is to admit one's ignorance, for any mystery can be solved through the application of knowledge and unrelenting effort. As we had our way with the Senate, and as we will soon have our way with the Republic and the Jedi, we will have our way with the Force"
―Darth Plagueis


Everyone associates Darth Sidious with the sith, but Sidious was a politician, a negotiator, a manipulator.  Surely he was powerful in the Dark Side, but he mainly used it to seize power in the Senate and to become Emperor....Darth Plagueis on the other hand, was a teacher, a wiseman,  he studied the Dark Side extensively, always trying to find new things about it, like immortality.  He was not one to pursue power and glory, that is why he seeked out Palpatine, because he needed someone like Palpatine, that had that fire in them, to destroy the Jedi.


"Remember why the Sith are more powerful than the Jedi, Sidious: because we are not afraid to feel. We embrace the spectrum of emotions, from the heights of transcendent joy to the depths of hatred and despair. Fearless, we welcome whatever paths the dark side sets us on, and whatever destiny it lays out for us."


Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


I've always found Plagueis very interesting. I hope they show him in a film or a tv show.


this fits so perfectly. it feels like a ultimate sith lord score


this shit captured Plagueis so well. jesus christ.


The Plagueis novel was amazing. Loved seeing Plagueis, Palpatine and Maul in that book!


I truly believe that they originally had planned for Snoke to be Darth Plagueis, but changed their minds about it to bring back the emperor.


Everything echoes. All the sounds. The voices.


Echoes... Like a voice that never dies. A life that does not end.


Darth Plagueis could teach me more than school ever could


Hearing this on the Acolyte and seeing Plagueis in a cave made me smile.


Darth Plagueis’s theme is very creepy, ominous and dark! It puts me to sleep each night. If I was a sith, I would train under Darth Plagueis!


Have you heard the comedy of Darth Plagueis, the Wise? I thought not, its not a tale you can find in the archives. Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise he could use the force to create life...and cheat death. As dictated by the traditions of his era, he took a young, ambitious boy named Sheev Palpatine as his apprentice. In his training, Sheev grew arrogant, and believed his master had taught him everything he knew. In a moment of prideful ignorance, Sheev struck Plagueis as he slept, unaware that what he had done was all a part of his master's design. Upon his passing, Plagueis entered the world between worlds, refusing to enter into the cosmic force naturally and instead becomming a disease; a sickness in the force that struggled to control it. As time past, he gained greater influence over the cosmic force, and through it, manipulated events in the galaxy through the most unlikely of forms...a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks.

With all his foolish actions, clumsy trips and falls...all his "dumb luck"....nobody took this gungan seriously. They all thought Jar Jar a fool, yet benieth the surface, he was the master...the sickness in the force. As Jar Jar, Plagueis bumbled and fumbled his way into power, ending democracy, the Jedi Order, and even his former apprentice all through a few waves of his hand and some ample force persuasion. The galaxy may have laughed at Jar Jar, but in the end, Plagueis had the last laugh as his embodiment as the Galaxy's most sinister jester laid the foundations for the end of the light.

Next came Snoke. A dark side master that rose literally out of nowhere, the Supreme Leader was naught but a second incarnation of Plagueis. Through his absolute mastery over the Force, Plagueis was able to use his snoke identity to organize and use the empire of his former apprentice as a tool in his plot. Through the First Order, he corrupted the seed of Skywalker, and through Snoke's "death" drove a permanent wedge between him and the only one who could turn him to the light and foil his plans. Now as Light and Dark, Rey and Kylo, clash endlessly in the dance of war, Plagueis looks on and laughs from the shadows as hope dies, his minions profit, and he remains the one and only winner of the Star Wars.


It's not wise to listen to this when you're alone on a whole floor...


is it possible to learn this piece of music?


Snoke should have been Plagueis. Plagueis surviving Palpatine's attempt to kill him and waiting in the shadows to take back what he probably believed to be his would have made sense.
