Can I Stop my Antiseizure Medications? For Adults, When and How

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Can I Stop my Antiseizure Medications? For Children, When and How

Epilepsy book: Adult Epilepsy, 2nd Edition

There are many factors play a role in stopping antiseizure medications. We should put into consideration when deciding on antiseizure medications withdrawal.

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#DrOmarDanoun #Epilepsy #AntiseizureMedications
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I went 12 years without any seizure activity. But as soon as my anxiety and high stress levels occured often, I started having seizures. In fact every seizure that I've had was triggered by high levels of stress and anxiety. During those 12 years my stress/anxiety levels were low.


I've thought about stopping the medications for years. As a matter of fact, I've been seizure-free for 25yrs...since 1999. I've asked about stopping & have actually reduced the dosage. In my mind I've enjoyed not having seizures to the point that meds don't matter. Now, reducing the meds and/or only being on one was an option via my neurologist. The problem for me with that was it was suggested the I wouldn't drive during the medication reductions.


I have watched many of these videos and found them informative. I have suffered from epilepsy since the age of around 13 years of age. However, it was initially diagnosed as migraines. Through an EEG and having a seizure while this procedure was being done, 39 years later, the diagnosis was changed from migraines with visual disturbances to epilepsy. The medication I'm on has controlled it very well, but over this last year, 2024, I have had several absent seizures. I will now consult my doctor for further investigations.


This is good information. I had brain surgeries and was in the hospital for months. Neurologists said I wouldn't "walk or work again". Was on anti seizure drugs with awful side effects. I was able to read up on my condition and weaned myself off the drugs. I pushed myself and slowly got better, employed, and out in life. Decades now without any seizures. And, that, is the short story.
Thank you for this, I wish you had been around 40 years ago.


If a patient has an EEG done, then the patient needs to get ALL of their micronutrient levels tested the same day as the EEG. The reason is due to the impact of electrolyte levels on electrical activity in the brain can lead to seizures. In fact balance of all of your electrolyte levels on a daily basis has a huge impact on seizure activity. Even better if you stop taking synthetic chemicals in the form of municipal water/bottled water, processed foods, all manufactured products. BTW anticonvulsants cause memory loss faster than epileptic seizures do.


Your videos are the best ones on epilepsy. So informative!


Had one seizure in 27nov, ct scan fine, on meds still but they are affecting my life i.e. drowsy, headaches, No seizure since, i am prepared to quit my meds.


Thank thank you Dr.Danoun, I'm so grateful that I finally found a excellent doctor that helps me out and understand how to help my daughter with her seizures and medication, you are and angel on heart.🙏🏻


I've been on dilantin for 45 years after one seizure at 15, many years without seizure, and then only in sleep.


Thank you for you video. I was diagnosed with Focal Impaired Awareness (Complex Partial) seizures in 2020. I have had multiple seizures each month increasing in number and intensity. Today I am 40 days seizure free. I have never been medicine dependent before I had seizures and wondered if I could ever stop. Thanks to this video I now understand how necessary my medicines (Keppra and Vimpat) are for me. Maybe I will be on them for a few more years, but I know they are working. From your video, I learned to be patient and trust my neurologist. Thank you for teaching through your videos.


Apart from the risk of stopping the medicine how about a test to confirm the disappearance of seizure in the brain


I feel as if my Nero is overdosing me with my medication. I have consolted him about it, but he says I need them. The Briviact he put me on makes me feel crazy! I told him I feel like killing myself while on them. He told me to go see a therapist. I currently don't take my Briviact, but still take the Gabapentin and Lacosamide. And what a surprise I feel ok and don't have seizures, as long as I take those medications, don't over do my coffee or any alcohol.


Ask me any questions you may have about epilepsy and seizures


My little dog has been on anti seizure medication for 2 years, she is 5.6 kg and her seizures started when she was 5 years 6mths. When she started her seizures in 2021 she had 5 in the first month and was put on Epiphen. She started on 2 mg twice a day and initially her seizures went up to 19 in the first month, the following month she had 16 seizures and the vet suggested we increase the dose to 2.5 mg twice a day. The next month she had 9 seizures so again the dosage was increased as per instructed by the vet to 3 mg twice a day. The next month she suffered only 2 seizures, and the following month it climbed back up slightly to 4 seizures. The following month she suffers no seizures but then the following month she had 3 seizures. Then the following month she suffered no seizures, but the following month she had 2 seizures, then the next month 2 seizures, then the following month 3 seizures, then 2 seizures, then 2 seizures, then 4 seizures, then 2 seizures, then 3 seizures, then 1 seizure, then 2 seizures and the vet said increase dose to 4mg but the seizures continued to 3 the next month then
2 the following month, then 6 the next month, then 12 the following month, then 6 the next month, the next month was 12, then the next was 6 seizures but the following month it jumped up to 9 and by the 14th of the following month she had 16 but some of them were clusters. I had been doing research of my own at this point because the vet had said she was now on the maximum dose. After researching I read about L.Taurine and so without telling the vet but checking it was safe for dogs I put her on 500 Mg of L. Taurine per day. And this seemed to stop the seizures completely so I was actually hoping to reduce the Epiphen by 1mg at every dose and continued this trend for the next 3 weeks reducing every week by 1 mg until by the 5 th week she was completely off the Epiphen with no seizures and I was absolutely amazed. However this was very short lived and the following day after completely coming off the Epiphen she started having clusters and in the following 8 days she suffered a total of 22 seizures. I had in the first instance started her back on the Epiphen 1 mg twice a day increasing it weekly by another 1 mg until she was back on the same dose of 4mg twice a day with the L Taurine. It's been an absolute struggle trying to balance the seizures but I'm happy to say she's gone through this month with only 2 up until the 26 April. I have through my research made friends online with a pharmacist who has his own laboratories and asked his advice. He explained to me sadly that unfortunately although Epiphen is an anti seizure medication one of the side effects is to cause seizures. I'm at my wits end because it now makes sense as to why we have never been able to get the seizures fully under control but the longest she has ever gone with out seizures is the 5 weeks when we introduced L.Taurine. I remember when we first had the diagnosis from our vet that she needed anti seizure medication they did a full physical check and reported she also had a heart murmur and they wanted to do a ultrasound at a further cost of £260 and then put her on heart medication in top of the seizures medication. I refused this because until we got her seizure free I didn't want to introduce more big pharma medication because the side effects of the Epiphen were already showing. We have another similar size dog with no underlying health issues who we do the same walks with and eats identical foods such as fresh chicken with rice, fresh beef with rice or pasta and fresh salmon not tinned with wholemeal biscuits or black rice. My dog on the Epiphen weighs 600 grams more and has a very swollen abdominal area in comparison to the other dog. I have since questioned my vet with regard to the prescribed Epiphen medication because it states on the leaflet that comes with the Epiphen that under no circumstances should an animal with cardio vascular issues or renal issues be prescribed said medication. It hurt me that our vets like our doctors will deliberately prescribe medications that will cause other health issues and it's seems deliberate to me because they are supposed to be the experts yet it seems it's all done to gain extra revenue by prescribing one medication to get her on other medication all in the name of more vet visits and more tests and more revenue. I am a person that takes my own health seriously enough to get myself off all my medications and using alternative remedies with no side effects and I have kept a record of my own progress in the same way I have kept a journal on my dogs seizures since day one. Hence I have the data. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Is the side effects of Epiphen as my pharmacist friend said causes seizures. Both dogs Also get krill oil, CoQ10 and vitamin D3 + K2(Mk7) as I feel after researching these natural supplements have no side effects but come with many benefits. They have both been on these supplements for 4 months now in very low doses as they are now middle aged at 7 years old. I myself am 65. Thanks for reading my comment.


Never had seizure in my life. Last year 3 of them. 1, 250mgs a day terrible side affects. I have no further seizures but I will never drive again. I shredded my drivers License.


Hi, appreciate your video. I started having seizures 29 years ago (at 25), I had a number of seizures then so it was decided I have an EPG, the Scan results of which were a suspected scare on the brain (they couldn't find it) I started on medication and still had seizures until the correct doses was established, I was then seizure free for a number of years and then suddenly I started having them again (whilst on the medication), the doctors then slowly switched me from one antiseizure drug to another (I had a few seizures during this period as the first is decreased as the new is slowly increased) eventually the correct dose was established on the new drugs - which is considered the absolute maximum dose they would allow me to take : 600mg Lamotrigine a day and 3500mg Levetiracetam a day - these doses are actually split in half with a morning dose and an evening dose but those are the totals. I (like I think most) do not want to take medication atall but I came to the conclusion I would never be sure I would never have another seizure again if I do not take them so I take them without fail everyday - for those who have just started I live what I consider to be a regular life with a job and I drive and nobody would know I have epilepsy unless I told them or I had a seizure infront of them - my concern though is as I get older I will start to forget taking the medication and thus start having seizures again - I live alone with no family local - My question then there is, is there new technology that will be able to find a scare and in someway help? I stopped attending hospital appointments years ago as I was always just told to keep taking the medication as I was seizure free (so it became a waste of time) - is there any point in speaking to my doctor now if nothing can be done - I have general epilepsy (Not Focal). Appreciate a reply. Thank you


I stopped taking Depakote It was terrible medicine. I had a seizure last year. I am in my 70’s. Last year I had three seizures and I was hospitalized. No body shaking but I have no memory of it.


In simple terms, the electroencephalogram (EEG) results show that the brain activity is generally normal when the person is at rest with their eyes open. There is some interference from the heart's electrical activity. There are occasional bursts of brain activity on both sides of the brain but without any specific pattern or asymmetry. The brain activity increases when the person hyperventilates, and there is a modest response to flashing lights.

Overall, the EEG suggests that there may be a slight abnormality in brain activity, possibly related to a seizure disorder. However, further evaluation is needed to confirm this.
I did this EEG when i was 28 yrs 10 yrs after I started having seizures i dont drink or smoke I'm on multiple seizure medications and still having 3-4 seizure every month. 😢😢


I have Epilepsy and Cerebellar Atrophy/not symptoms.
What should l do now to prevent future symptoms with the Cerebellar Atrophy?
