Pharmacology - Neurological medication full video for nursing RN PN NCLEX

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Today’s video is all about neurological drugs and medication for Nursing Students and NCLEX Review.

Neurological drugs are administered to patients with conditions such Parkinson's disease, Tourette syndrome, and Schizophrenia. These include anticonvulsant, cholinergic, and anticholinergic drugs, as well as neuromuscular blocking agents.

Knowing how to administer these medications safely and successfully is crucial for for the NCLEX exam and nursing process.

00:00 Introduction
01:24 Pharmacology Overview
03:43 Anti-Convulsants
08:04 Cholinergics
12:12 Anti-Cholinergics
15:11 Parkinson's Drugs
21:25 Migraine Medications
26:02 Osmotic Diuretics
28:13 Neuromuscular Blockers
32:31 Top Missed Questions
41:16 Conclusion

#NCLEX #pharmacology

#seizures #epilepsy #Neurologicaldrugs #RN #registerednurse
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They say third time a charm, am officially a nurse 🎊🎊 for all my repeat test takers don’t give up and don’t be discouraged.


Levodopa/Carbidopa AND I'm getting from my professor and book (Pharmachology & Nursing Process 8th Edition) that this is a NO NO! - Nurse Mike, did you mean MAO-B?


He is such an EXCELLENT Teacher and Nurse!! 👏🏼😊☺️🙏🏼


I've learned more in a hour with him then I have in school in 6 months. Thank you so much


Thank you Nurse Mike, ur videos are life changing.I recently passed my Nclex, first time, international graduate. Your pharmacology lectures got me through. Words like "Don't let the Nclex trick you" was all I heard while selecting my answers.God bless u


Hi Nurse Mike! I just got my NCLEX exam result today and I am so happy I PASS!
Thank you for being a big part of my review source. I learned a lot from your videos and even answered most questions because I can hear and recall your voice during my exam. 😄 God bless you! ❤️


Don't purchase any membership. Totally not worth the money. I did and regret it. Stick to the free videos for supplemental information. I passed the NCLEX in 75 questions. ATI, Klimek material, and the free simple nursing videos or other videos on YouTube was how I did it. Good luck! Don't let companies take advantage of you during a most stressful time.


I passed my NCLEX because of you! You have helped me through nursing school and nclex! Thank you nurse mike!!!!


this video was originally 41 mins long and now it feels like you are changing your whole platform. Sounds to me like you care about money than helping people dude


My program takes students money, and in exchange teaches then nothing. Everything I've learned has been from yall, nurse Sarah, or ninja nerd. Thank you.


I would like to thank Simple Nursing for all the knowledge and Nclex Tips. I passed My Nclex. Thank you! Please continue to make videos !


Hello Mike, Thank you man. It is very useful especially for foreigners. I came from Uzbekistan and never had been studying in the USA med school. So it was really hard for me to understand the whole content. I was using your videos to smooth my pharm, then I have purchased the membership of SimpleNursing to have a full access for a year. I promised myself that I will leave a comment once I pass. Last Tuesday I did it on 75th question. I am really thankful for your service sir. The way you make difficult topics look really simple to understand is a talent. Thank you for your whole team. Special thanks for animations.


Simple nursing! Mike and group thank you. I passed my NCLEX a month ago. May God elevate you and give you the grace to soar higher in Jesus Christ name. Your videos are amazing. The questions on your bank are powerful. Thank you.


Thank you nurse Mike. Your videos are awesome and helped me pass my nclex RN on 5th attempt at 75 questions. Glory to God. May God richly bless you in all areas of your life in Jesus name Amen🙏


I passed the NCLEX last week thanks to your videos.. I watched all the pharm since that was my weakest and passed omg thanks so much !


Almost said sh*t instead of poop! Super funny. Ill def remember that for my test :D


Hi Mike thank you very much for all interesting and useful videos I watched so many times. I am 63-years old. I passed my NCLEX RN test. I hope it will help as motivation and inspiration for young students. Never is to late to study and love. Thank you thank you


Couple months ago when I was preparing for my NCLEX, I watched most of your vids here in youtube. It definitely help me a lot to pass my exam on my 1st attempt. And now that I am gonna be starting my RN job soon, I am still here again listening to your videos. Thank you so much for all time and effort you put in to come up with this excellent vids. More power and God bless.


Thank you so much, I love how you do the questions with asking us what we do we know about that topic first before even looking at the answer choices. I did it this way and my UWorld scores improve greatly!!


Just found out that I passed! Your videos helped so much in understanding some of the more complicated pharmacology drugs and complex topics. Thank you so much for making this content for free and helping out so many ballin on a budget students like me.
