Pharmacology - Neurological medication full video for nursing RN PN NCLEX

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Today’s video is all about neurological drugs and medication for Nursing Students and NCLEX Review.
Neurological drugs are administered to patients with conditions such Parkinson's disease, Tourette syndrome, and Schizophrenia. These include anticonvulsant, cholinergic, and anticholinergic drugs, as well as neuromuscular blocking agents.
Knowing how to administer these medications safely and successfully is crucial for for the NCLEX exam and nursing process.
00:00 Introduction
01:24 Pharmacology Overview
03:43 Anti-Convulsants
08:04 Cholinergics
12:12 Anti-Cholinergics
15:11 Parkinson's Drugs
21:25 Migraine Medications
26:02 Osmotic Diuretics
28:13 Neuromuscular Blockers
32:31 Top Missed Questions
41:16 Conclusion
#NCLEX #pharmacology
#seizures #epilepsy #Neurologicaldrugs #RN #registerednurse