Why wasn't China ever Colonized? #chinafact #chinahistory #countryfacts #countrytrivia #amazingfacts

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China's resistance to colonization can be attributed to several factors:

Geography: China's vast size and geographic features, such as the Himalayas, deserts, and ocean barriers, made it challenging for foreign powers to invade and establish control.

Strong Centralized Government: Throughout history, China often had strong centralized governments that were able to maintain order and resist external threats. Dynastic rulers implemented policies to defend against invasions and maintain sovereignty.

Cultural and Technological Advancements: China possessed advanced civilizations, technologies, and military strategies that deterred potential invaders. The Great Wall of China is a testament to China's efforts to defend its borders.

Unity and National Identity: Despite occasional internal divisions, China had a strong sense of national identity and unity, which helped mobilize the population against foreign aggression.

Adaptive Diplomacy: Chinese leaders often employed diplomatic strategies, such as tributary systems and alliances, to manage relations with neighboring states and maintain sovereignty.

Internal Conflicts among Colonizing Powers: During periods when European powers were expanding their colonial empires, they were often preoccupied with conflicts and competition elsewhere, which diverted attention and resources away from attempting to colonize China.

Overall, a combination of geographic barriers, strong governance, cultural resilience, and diplomatic maneuvers contributed to China's ability to resist colonization throughout its history.
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Wrong. It was colonized at least twice. Once by the mongols and the second by the manchurians.
