2 Tips in 2 Minutes to Better 7018 Welds

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Running 7018 uphill is tough for welding students. But once your machine is set, there's only 2 things you need to worry about:

Travel speed and Arc Length.

It's a simple concept that has been taught over and over, but needs. to be repeated.

0:00 - 2 Tips in 2 Minutes to Better 7018 Welds
0:52 - Proper Weld Technique
1:22 - Travel Speed Too Fast
1:51 - Arc Length Too Long

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For any one that is struggling with 7018 3g uphill, when i was first learning, i was really inconsistent, i would always run a nice solid looking bead one pass and then a second pass would look like shit and the puddle would always fallout and create a giant squidward nose on my weld, for me i was unconsciously changing my rod angle while yhe rod was getting shorter, as i was getting my stinger closer and closer to the plate, it would get a sharper angle and would cause my puddle to fallout because of the arc length, make sure you are keeping that arc super tight and make sure your rod angle is constant, never change the rod angle mid weld or the puddle will likely pool unevenly and it will lump up. Keep on burnin folks


I am a welding virgin taking my first class as a great-grandma! Bifocals caused me LOTS of trouble until I figured that out. So much trouble for me-I’m struggling. Thanks for the info! Helpful!


Who let bingo out of his cage without supervision? The other 2 in that room are not supervision...


Great content! Definitely helps! Thanks for everything also love the humor 😂


This really helped. Thank you. Running a little down then back up creates a base to build up off of. Wow very cool


Good work man.
Posting videos, just for the sake of helping others.
Big Thumbs Up.


Welding is an excellent paying career. It is fun and rewarding financially and with pride.


This cleared some things up, I mig weld bleachers, but wanted to go back and reteach myself stick welding, couldn't remember if stick was a drag or or a carve then go back and full motion lol


As a welder I can confirm the last half of the video is mostly what's happening lol


Thanks for the video -- helps a lot! The ONE THING I hate about 7018 is just like a 2-stroke chain saw. Huh?! Yep, runs great but REALLY HARD TO START (for me anyway, yes even after cleaning off the end for re-strikes). 7018 -- Love it and hate it.


What settings would you recommend for 4mm 7018 welding 4-5mm steel vertical? I’m using a rohr wsme 250 to learn on for the life of me I can’t get a constant arc vertical, even horizontal I’m struggling with 😂 working on my own van which is why I decided to learn … 6013 are easier but want to use 7018


I loved the twist of humor for the intro. Keep it up :)


Really helpful how you included common problems. Thanks for the vid.


I know that you showed how to do it and how not to do it, and it's very helpful to me. I now know what to look for when welding 7018 3F. but... I wish I could have seen the end result of purely doing what you are supposed to, so that I can know what it looks like when finished, ya know? maybe there's a vid that you guys have that you can direct me to so that I can see what it should look like when done correctly? but other than that, thank you a lot for the help!


hey, i just got a deko 120 amp stick welder for christmas and i new to welding i have 6013 rods and 7018s whats the best amps for those?


Question. You mention outrunning the bead. Yesterday I had to vertical weld a feeder hopper that sheared. If I went slow and controlled like normal, it would drip out, so I would go faster but I would push the rod up about a half inch from the puddle then pull it back down to build the puddle hoping it cooled enough to not drip out. It worked well, stopped dripping but the welds weren’t as pretty as they could’ve been. Was I just welding too hot? Do you drop the Amps when you vertical weld, or even overhead weld?


How would you handle an uphill weld with a decent size gap to fill, say a 1/8 or 5/32 gap? Can you do that with *just* 7018? I had no luck. Had to fill the gap with 6010 then continue on. My example comes from a cracked weld on my dump truck bed that I had to gouge out and re-weld. There were no options for flipping the part or having a better fit-up.


Do you have tips on starting the weld with a 7018. I can’t seem to do it.


I have a mts 275 have mine set with the powerset option for 7018 1/8 should I shut it off and set it up like you did I have my arc force at 25 and hot start .8 seconds . What is the VRD option for? I usually just use the power set option for stick and might never seemed to get the machine to weld nice with it off .


What about rod angle when your starting on the floor and can't have an uphill angle, how do you hold your rod?
