2-Minute Lightroom Tips - B&W Mix

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This is a new series that I'm not sure is something anyone would want but I'll test it out for a few episodes - 2 Minute Lightroom Tips - In each video, I'll give a single tip on using Lightroom. The tip may be basic, advanced, or somewhere in-between. The idea is the tip will take 2 minutes or less. In today's tip, I explain the B&W Mix.

All 2-minute Lightroom Tips are in this playlist:

If you're interested in Photoshop, Lightroom, Adobe Stock, and the Creative Cloud, you can find more info here:

Gear Used For Image in Video:

I use this software to record my screen and make parts of my screen enlarge and zoom out so you can see it:

Unsure of how to price your photography? Check the 2019 Guide to Pricing Your Photography:

I am an affiliate for all of the companies listed. Please read my Code of Ethics Statement here:

Thank you!
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This is a new series that I'm not sure is something anyone would want but I'll test it out for a few episodes - 2 Minute Lightroom Tips - In each video, I'll give a single tip on using Lightroom. The tip may be basic, advanced, or somewhere in-between. The idea is the tip will take 2 minutes or less. In today's tip, I explain the B&W Mix.

If you're interested in Photoshop, Lightroom, Adobe Stock, and the Creative Cloud, you can find more info here:

Gear Used For Image in Video:

I use this software to record my screen and make parts of my screen enlarge and zoom out so you can see it:

Unsure of how to price your photography? Check the 2019 Guide to Pricing Your Photography:

I am an affiliate for all of the companies listed. Please read my Code of Ethics Statement here:

Thank you!


Amazing! I shot so much B&W in high school in the late '70s that I'm still sick of it, notwithstanding my utmost respect for the master, Ansel Adams. But now, after toying with one of my favorite recent landscapes using the B&W sliders, I'm excited about the possibilities.

Green and yellow do so much for foliage contrast, while blue and aqua adjust the sky. I can't wait to see what red and orange might do for a sunrise. And I barely played with this before coming back to thank you for this video. So thanks, Anthony!


This is great. I love the concept. You have been my primary source of Lightroom learning and while I still have a long way to go, I think these short videos are great. Thank you for these and all of the previous knowledge you have passed along to me.


Good concept. Short video make it easier to remember new material. Thank you for your work!


Ooh, like the 2 minute idea, Anthony. Keep that going.


Good luck on your new serie Anthony! I'm sure you'll nail it!


Great video Anthony, you always make your videos easy to follow which is fantastic.I have just subscribed so keep up the great work, and Hello from the UK.


I love the concept. Actually, i love all your tutorials. They have unlocked the world of photography for me. Thank you so much.


This was great, and I love the series concept. I am five years in on LR . . . and still learning things about it. A lot of my initial knowledge foundation re:LR was courtesy of your videos. Great stuff. Thank you. Peace and health to you and yours.


It’s fantastic! Looking forward to more 2-minute tips. Thank you, Anthony!


Great video and really looking forward to this series! I am getting more skilled in understanding LR and these short videos will help me to learn even more useful things. You are helping me stay sane during this shutdown. Cheers!


Very good video - keep it up mate!
One suggestion - 2 minutes for one topic seems to be too short. It would help if you could extend your subsequent videos in this new series to 5 minutes.


Really like the concept, to acquire a tip in a short space of time, works for me. The digital timer in the top left hand corner does not. This I find distracting and not needed. I'm watching your video and this moving timer is always in my corner vision. You have a like tick from me. Look forward to more.


Fantastic..! I used the B&W tab today and would have applied these techniques had I known them...!! Cheers mate...!


I know this feature, but i continually forget to use it. Thanks for the 2 minute reminder post!


That helped me learn an easier way to do B&W


i have learned so much from you. thank you and good luck


Thank you Thank you. I think I may just gives this a whirl, normally use Silver Efex. This lightroom gives serious control. Keep them coming :-)


Interesting but the final 15 sec of the demo is obscured by suggested video pop ups. Can that be disabled?
