Follow Up on Free Grace Debate - Galatians apostasy and more

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Dan and Turretinfan discuss their debate with Eli and Charles on Free Grace. Specifically, they follow up on the argument that the Galatians stopped believing and remained saved.
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Here’s a longer version of my statement during the video (slightly revised):
I get the impression that if Jesus of Nazareth were standing in front of you guys and said, “I, Jesus of Nazareth, have done everything necessary to give you eternal life, and I promise to give you eternal life. If you believe me when I say I promise you eternal life, then eternal life is yours as a free gift. Do you believe me?” that you would say something like, “No Jesus. I don’t believe you. Believing you and your promise is not enough. I need to repent. I need to commit myself to live for you. I need to persevere in faith.”

Dan’s response to my similar statement: “What a ridiculous argument. No. Why do you think that? No, what we think is that the Bible tells us that we are to repent of our sins, repent from dead works and turn to God and trust Him and Him alone for our salvation, and continue to trust Him. And faith is the instrument God uses to justify us. And we remain in Christ through faith wherein all the blessings are given to us. And so it’s that union with Christ that gives us that free gift. And without union to Christ there is no such free gift. So we need to be united to Christ forever. That’s what the Scriptures teach, and that’s what I believe.”

So, in other words, Dan would say (paraphrasing Dan’s response): No Jesus. Believing You and your promise to me is not enough. The Bible tells me I must repent of my sins, repent from dead works and turn to God, trust Him and Him alone for salvation and continue to trust Him. We must remain in Christ through faith. So no Jesus, I don’t believe you when you promise me eternal life for simply believing You. It’s more complicated than that.

TurretinFan’s response to my similar statement: “If Jesus of Nazareth were to preach the gospel here, He would presumably still preach the gospel of repentance and faith and tell people to go and call people to be disciples. This Great Commission that’s mentioned is something that Jesus actually said. This isn’t something that Lordship Salvation people cooked up. It’s actually part of Scripture. It’s inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus did actually say repent and… I just don’t know. I do think it’s odd to suggest that we would try to correct Jesus, but, you know, people have. Disciples of Jesus did try to correct Him from time to time, so not saying I would never make a mistake. Certainly the Apostle Peter tried to oppose what Jesus said at times thinking he knew better.”

So in other words, TurretinFan would say (paraphrasing TF’s response): No Jesus. Believing You and your promise to me is not enough. When you were on earth, you preached repentance and faith and told people to go and call people to be disciples. You said repent. So no Jesus, I don’t believe you when you promise me eternal life for simply believing You. It’s more complicated than that.
