Does teach salvation by grace, through faith, in Christ, alone? - Podcast Ep 227

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Great stuff! I pray that this company remains biblical & that it doesn’t waver. Soli Deo Gloria


Si tu lengua materna es español (como en mi caso) aunque hables inglés, comparte este canal diciendo que a través de YouTube pueden ver subtítulos en 17 idiomas (incluyendo inglés) y puede ser de bendición para más personas. Gracias al equipo que hace esto posible. 🙏🏻


Problem is most of the Christians in the Last Days are becoming "Performance based" Christianity. There was a worship leader who said "I wanna make sure that by singing up there is Im making the Holy Spirit come down." In my thought I was like what did I just hear?" with jaw dropped.
I know people who are so quiet and living a holy life that just by praying for people, serving God by helping people quietly are full of anointing than those who are pushing the tithes and offering to people before they could be called "obedient"
for me RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD through JESUS is so deep that the carnally minded believers do not understand.


Excellent video. Thank you so much for your thoughtful commentary. Blessings to you all!


Continue being FAITHFUL to the whole Word Of God. We don’t live with a dead faith. I hope the evidence of my salvation is seen in the things God desires, compels and guides me to do in this life.


This is good. ♥️✝️👑 God bless you. Follow Jesus.


Absolutely there’ll be a change, we’ll bear good fruit, we’ll be generous with all the Lord’s good gifts that He showers on us and share with others. Especially the gospel, the greatest treasure we could possibly share . Most importantly we’ll grow In Christlikeness.


If you just look at Baptists’ favorite example of salvation through faith alone, the thief on the cross, even he technically did a good work. His two good works were acknowledging he deserved his punishment and reverently asked Christ, “remember me when You enter your kingdom.”


Thank you God you made this video. I have seen a lot of people preaching "Faith Alone" message but don't talk about the new life expected from a born-again Christian. I think they're so so so misleading.


Thank you so very much for this video!! This info helps so much❤️


Doing good works cannot save because it is impossible for an unbeliever to do good works in the eyes of God. Unbelievers do "good works" to bring glory to themselves in the eyes of humans, but those works cannot bring glory to a God they do not know. Nor can good works bring glory to a God one only thinks one knows from what they have heard about Him but have never met.


I have a Bible study question and don't know where to ask it. What parameter of time makes up the 40 years in 2 Sam. 15:7, when it says, "after 40 years, Absalom". I have NKJV. Some other translations say just 4 years but both can't be right if the Bible is 100% God inspired.


and you were dead in your trespasses (Eph ch. 2)...dead men can't do work, God saves by grace alone...SDG


If you change your mind your actions will change also.
All this is only possible after one is born again but the Spirit of God. Only then can one repent and truly trust Christ alone.🙏❤️.


If you think there are no works involved in being saved, you are don't understand the gospel. I will use the example of the Ninevites to explain why because they portray perfectly the picture of redemption.
Jonah came preaching a message from God that God was going to destroy them because of their wickedness.
And its says that when they heard it they believed God and turned from their wickedness and repented in sackcloth and ashes and when God saw their works he relented from the disaster he intended to bring upon them and they were saved by the grace of God through their faith because of what they did and not simply by their faith alone.
And the same has always been true and it is true for us today and that is precisely why Jesus used them as an example.


Great discussion. I believe in once saved always saved but with salvation the mind changes and so does the will of a person. This was a balenced take on the issue


2 Corinthians 6:14Do not be fnbound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?

2 Corinthians 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.


Has there been a large number of your subscribers accusing Got Questions of promoting works based salvation?


Well I seen that thing the other day to go through the Bible and circle all the IFS I think salvation has some conditions to be met 💥


Smile 😊 doesn’t the Bible say that if they leave they never were of us 1John 2:19 kjv
