Does Free Grace Encourage or Give License to Sin?

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Does Free Grace Encourage or Give License to Sin?

Welcome to the Grace in Focus radio / podcast. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii give an answer to a question about free grace. If there are no works or other requirements for Eternal Salvation except to believe for it, won’t that encourage people to take advantage of it (so to speak)? Won’t human beings then be in a position to not appreciate grace? Please listen for an interesting discussion and lessons related to this topic.
Free Grace, Sin, License, Consequence, 1 John 1:9, Confession, Fellowship, Motivation, Holiness, Overcoming, Victorious

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Greenwood Arkansas, I listen probably every day because you guy are the only ones who don't teach any form of Lordship salvation. Thank you!! And keep grace in focus. 😇


My debt is paid, and the victory won, Praise God


Grace has provided us all things that pertain to Life and Godliness, having been made partakers of the Divine Nature.


Why did God make us a part of Adam's fall?


GES believes that you can believe for three-six seconds, be saved and then you can have an evil unbelieving heart, fall away from the living God, and heaven will be your home. You would have grace...
But if you believe you have to walk in the light, walk by the Spirit, obey his commands, you are a work salvationist and will be lost, there is no grace for you.


Sure it does, Once Saved Always Saved. Tell us GES, once we have been saved, can we WALK IN DARKNESS, 1 John 1:6, and never repent, and still be saved? GES says, YES YOU CAN!!
Can we LIVE BY THE FLESH AFTER WE HAVE BEEN SAVED, commit adultery, fornication and even commit murder, never ever repent and do so 24/7/365 and still be saved? GES says, yes you can.
Can you DISOBEY his commands? have an evil unbelieving heart and fall away from the living God, Heb 3:12 and can you depart from the faith and give heed to doctrine of demons, 1 Timothy 4:1, and still be saved? GES says, yes you can.
But if you believe you must walk in the light, live by the Spirit, obey his commands, you are a works salvationist and you are
So, does it give you a license to according to GES
