Totalitarianism vs. Authoritarianism

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Hey there! Welcome to this Mometrix video on totalitarianism vs. authoritarianism. We understand that distinguishing the two can be a little confusing. So, today, we want to try and help clear things up for you. Today, we will define totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Then we will put them up against each other so we are able to see the difference more clearly.

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Thanks, great clarification. The Totalitarianism = Authoritarianism + A Lot More! is a good way to understand it. They are different degrees of the use of power, not different kinds/types.


a good example of authoritarianism is the russian empire in world war one where the king had all political power but didn't control any aspects of russian culture, behavior, beliefs or economics.
compared to nazi germany where hitler controlled the political power and the lives of his citizens unlike the tsar


So essentially totalitarianism is authoritarianism on steroids?


Some democracies have totalitarian and authoritarian aspects too, nothing is pure one thing or the other


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Once you stop valuing individual willpower, you infantilize the people and start confusing being a leader and a commander. It's a fine line which paves the way to authoritarianism.


So Australia is Authoritarianism headed towards Totalitarianism. got it.


I'm having trouble to understand these terms, but thanks to you, I fully understand!


Authoritarian = alows individual initiative and values the individual, but not at the price undermining the group or Authority (whether a King, Oligarchs, Senators, ect).

Totalitarian = no individual initiative or value beyond those that wield the power of the state

Every government can become Totalitarian, especially democracy in a time of crisis.

What prevents totalitarianism is good strong men and honorable women that value their people and their ability to become stronger/more powerful on an individual level.


Thanks for being unbiased I was just trying to learn so when I searched the first thing that came up was trump and authoritarianism


The best governance system could be a mixture of all "isms". I believed my country the Philippines is a democratic and republican government with a touch of individualism, authoritarianism and socialism but not totalitarianism and communism. The Philippine Constitution says: The Philippines is a democratic and a republican state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them. Through popular election the president and other national and local elective positions are elected. the individual has sovereignty of itself and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of the Philippine constitution. The individual person(natural or juridical) can do anything for itself and benefit provided it will not impair the rights of others to which if happened the other person can have its redress of grievances through the court. The government through the President can call the armed forces or declare martial law and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in case of invasion, rebellion, and lawlessness and violence. This is already authoritarianism . The late Philippine President Marcos declared martial Law on 1972 throughout the country because there was anarchy then. The state is under threat by Communist party of the Philippines and its armed group, the New People's Army; and in the southern part of the country it was threatened by the armed secessionist movement of the Moro national Liberation Front. The state must defend itself from these actual threat. The state introduces agrarian reform to give the tenants(serf) their land they are tilling owned by the landlords and other wealthy families owning big tracks of lands while others have no land to till at all. Socialism practice like Medical and health care, free education, housing and other benefits for the people were undertaken. the best practice of governance is democratic as it allows other "isms" to practice when they are beneficial.


This help alot unlike Social Science Research.


It's a type pf rule for any government in the dictatorship section of governments.


This video is a good summary of the distinction between totalitarianism and authoritarianism, but for the claim that Nazi Germany was totalitarian. It wanted to be, but lacked the opportunity. The regime's military objectives came first. Germany had to acquire lebensraum (living space) in the East, before it could set about crushing all dissent and perfecting the Germanic race. That meant that open dissent by the churches and hidden dissent from the military could not be dealt with until after the war was won. Fortunately, Germany lost the war.

Stalin's USSR and Mao's China are good historical examples of a totalitarian regimes, as is today's increasingly repressive China. In the late 1930s, Stalin could and did execute any military leader he distrusted. Mao killed millions for not being enthusiastic followers of his communist dogmas. China is moving against Hong Kong because it cannot allow a successful democracy to exist on its doorstep.


so does my mom practice authoritarianism by forcing me against my will to stop playing fortnite and make me do my homework?

if its true then why isnt the cia do anything about her regime im being oppressed by her despotic ways


What does "get-off-my-lawnism" mean?


Deferentiate between monarchy system and Authoratic system?


I would view the authoritarianism as the moderate between the two extremes of totalitarianism and individualism.


So what social and economic institutes are not in an authoritarian's control?


Struggling to understand authoritarian behavior vs normal behavior? Learn about the two main parenting styles.
