Why No Second Date? 3 Surprising Reasons She Stopped Dating You

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The first date was great so why no second date? After all the effort of meeting a woman you like and having what you thought was a really good date it can be baffling when she disappears after the first date. Especially if she's still texting you but there's no second date planned. In this video I give you an insight into 3 core reasons why she seemed to lose interest after date one.

My dating advice is for good guys that want that sexy edge and for women who want to take control of their dating lives. It's modern, liberal, ethical and not about playing games or living by dating rules.

If you want to meet more people in real life, have more exciting dates and discover your dating identity make sure you subscribe and check out my blog.

(Also I don't always get through my YouTube comments but you can always contact my on Instagram @hayleyquinnx )
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Why would I even be want to be with a girl who is unsure or has second thoughts about me. I am really not interested in what her reason is for not seeing me again. I want to be with a girl who likes me and is into me. If she doesn't want to see me again I move on. If a girl likes me she will make a second date happen. I will only date girls who are into me, with 3 billion women why pursue girls that are not into me.


Women have options it’s called competition. You are not the only one she’s dating. Move on she did you a favor. If she was into you she will go out of her way to see you again.


Had two fantastic dates, lots of touching from her and myself, lots of laughing, you could feel the electric chemistry, she was kissing my face off on both dates for nearly a minute. You could tick every sign of attraction in the book, but I've asked her for a third date and she's now fallen off the face of the earth


That is so true...I know when a date is or will be a bad date immediately, but I'll try to act into just to make it a seemingly pleasant experience for us. Afterward, I can't wait to get home.


I've had several first dates go well lately just to have the girl change up on me afterwards. Start to take long to reply to texts, send one word replies etc.. Completely the opposite of how things were before the first date. After the date I'd get home and politely say thanks for meeting and I had a great time. Then not get the same in return, and these girls are not out of my league IMO. I feel like if the girl likes you she would let it be known to the guy. Because if not I feel there is no mutual connection and I feel like a fool for chasing.


Those are 'surprising' reasons....but lets get to the real is more interested in someone or something else instead of you. So, I wouldn't worry about it because women tend to be ruled by their heart and emotions; which, cause them to make some of the worst decisions. That is one reason a lot of them are not all that happy today.


The trick isn't to cater to her child like demands and want to be entertained constantly. The trick is to have self respect and if she's not interested move on and not analyse this bs.


for me, it feels very strange to show physical affection to someone on the first date even if u have messaged alot before the date.


If i try and kiss or touch a girl on a first date isn't that sexual harassment?


I've had the best first date ever, and then I managed to playfully ask her out on a 2nd date using a role play (and she was playing along all the way) but when it came the moment for her to Accept, she ghosted me! Funny thing is, she has continued to text me here and there, I have no idea where she stands!


Why must all the responsibility lie with the man to make the date interesting or exciting? What effort is she putting in? It takes two to tango. If a date isn't going the way you want perhaps you should communicate that, maybe you should take charge if you want more excitement, you can't rely on the man to always be able to read your mind and do exactly what you want to do on a date.


How're you supposed to keep the interest up with a complete stranger you met only for 2 hours. Definitely the interest wanes after 4 or 5 days. So much effort can go into the 1st date this interest needs to be kept up at that level to move forward for a second date, not easy when the person ends up a figment of your imagination. As a woman, I got asked on a 2nd date but it never eventuated for whatever reason, texts days apart and offer of a phone call that never happened. Also people start to really reassess if they really want a relationship. Or just went of the date for the sake of it, didn't want to say 'no' and be rude. Alot of emotionally unavailable people out there men and women who think they want a relationship but aren't capable of it.


Thanks for the honest reasons. I would substantially disagree with the idea mentioned in this video that guys should assume she is interested, which you yourself walk back as you contextualize and made point #3. Doing this as a guy is utterly the wrong thing to do. Assume she isn't interested and has 5 other men trying to get her attention and deal with your reality that way. Put in effort if you are interested, but if she doesn't respond to reasonably, strong, and attempts, then leave her alone. She's missing what you're putting out there and heavy effort isn't worth any more time an investment. Don't ever accept the lie if a woman claims to not trust people easily. That's her just trying to buy time to evaluate you longer because she knows you're not a yes and wants you to keep trying (giving her whatever attention, or resources you have).

I hate to do this but I also have to criticize one of the things women do that was mentioned in #3. The whole "she's just not into you" and kept being polite during the date. The problem I have with this is how the fuck was this concluded within minutes or seconds? And more importantly: now that she's in this 'just act polite mode' this is effectively a 'sunken place' for a guy and there is no getting out of it. Whatever disqualified the man in a few minutes, will set a tone for the conversation immediately making the woman not give a fuck about any substance that may come out later in the interaction. I get that we all tend to form an early judgement quickly, but don't mature and sensible people realize that how you feel around a person when you just met them and at various stages and contexts/situations can be extremely different thus definitely changes how you act? I don't suggest women give me all the chances in the world, but if you're going to mentally check out, physically leave to and don't add to any confusion. Maybe the guy knows the conversation isn't going 100% that well, but if it's a potential long term relationship, he is hoping he might have a chance to share time in a setting that energizes him. If you're a guy and you notice a woman doing this, keep calm, form the quickest possible exit strategy, and leave.


Momentum is key. If it takes too long I no longer care.


What is SHE bringing to the table? Takes two!


This is excellent feedback. I think this explains why this was happening to me. Rather than try to use this information to try to get that second date, I have given up on dating. It is just not worth the effort. There is more peace in just enjoying life on your own terms. That 20% of the guys that are willing to play the game, they can have them.


Also... filmed a whole first date yesterday from beginning to end which I will release and then deconstruct in full to show the conversation, touch and venue choices that make for a great first date. Of course the people who are on the date and their connection is the biggest factor but wanted to get this super clear too


#1. She is impatient. #2. You didn't try to flirt with her. #3. You mistake a having a good time as something to build upon. Women want a man who doesn't see them as a sexual object, but don't have interest when you don't flirt with them before really getting to know them.
All I hear, is you have to be a man who wants to have sex with them first, and then work on an emotional connection. Women's "logic"


If you say even the one smallest thing they don't like or disagree with your done. Women are too judgemental on first dates like that. Dating sucks for men but sometimes it goes well so I keep trying.


If she not into me then she not into me time for both of us to move on.
