The warning signs of alcohol abuse disorder

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Every year more and more people participate in Dry January. While it can be a nice break from alcohol for many, for some it can be a challenge or even a health concern. I talked to Jim Scarpace from Gateway Foundation about the warning signs of alcohol abuse disorder.
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I'm 6 days sober so far thanks to aa. Thought I could do it on my own but man I was wrong


I know as a alcoholic in recovery (2 years sober) one thing that sucks is alcohol is socially expected! Ive had to explain to people why i dont drink!! A addict doesnt have to explain to anyone why they stoppped doing drugs!!


my late spouse was dead at 62 from excessive binge drinking, had blood pressure also. Would not attend AA. Found her dead in the house. Had a massive stroke.


If anyone needs a faith-builder, the day I stopped drinking was the day I broke the spirit of alcoholism in the name of Jesus the Son of God, the King of the Universe and commanded it to be GONE. I tried literally EVERYTHING else, including AA, which I still attend. But without the power of the Son of God, I was never, ever able to heal. I feel like someone needs to hear this.


I have a close relative who is an alcoholic and I can see plainly it's affecting her memory and physical appearance. Problem is, her husband is also an alcoholic. I don't know how to approach her or if I even should.


Im 30 days sober alcohol free but i need to be educated more on this and its not much out there. I need more understanding. The only way i find it is to buy Matthew Perry book. He mentioned alot of things i relate too with fight this problem.


Alcohol has been classified as a poison. Stands to reason it will damage anything it comes in contact with inside the body.


I participate it for 12 hours while I'm at work😛


I want to stop I really do but I feel so lost and scared im not sure what to do anymore I tried talking to a counseler but he quit answering my calls I don't want to die I want to live and have grandchildren but I feel so lost and stupid.


Alcoholics often trigger me because my stepdads were abusive drunks


If i quit drinking then what am i supposed to do about my physical pain? My emotional pain from anxiety, from being a minority? How am i supposed to cope if i cant escape?


Alchol made me do it yah sounds like something my abusive stepdads would say


Alcoholism is a symptom of severe loneliness and fear. It is desperation.


This is a serious and important issue no doubt, but it needs to be discussed more frequently than just once a year, then maybe you’d get more views and attention on this problem. A couple things, I disagree that this is “genetic”, it can be for some but not all. There are people who grow up with alcoholic parents and have even been exposed to alcohol during birth, yet never drink. It’s about choice, you can choose not to become an alcoholic by not drinking in the first place. Also, alcoholism is indeed “a moral failure, character flaw and a weakness”, you can’t just blame it all on genetics because you need to hold people to a certain level of personal accountability and that should be the first step to recovery. As for the mental health aspect, if we’re not funding mental health institutions, it can be even harder to get support so we should start there. As Chicago mayor I’d explore prohibition again, I know it failed historically but I’d look into how I can limit the manufacturing, sale and purchase of alcohol and other types of drugs in this city.


And I’m drinking a beer while watching this


Hell i love drinking alcohol makes me who I am
