HOW I TRACK MY BUDGET || tips & tricks from minimalist finance geek

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I am a total unapologetic geek and love tracking my budget. I've been doing this ever since I started earning an income as a teenager and over the last decade especially have really enjoyed perfecting the art of tracking my finances via my excel spreadsheets. In this video I share about my experience tracking a budget plus some tips that have helped me simplify and get this whole process of tracking and balancing finances down to just 1 hour per month. I also share about how you can purchase my budget spreadsheet online, or feel empowered to create your own!

(near bottom of page)

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Yessss to charles schwab! I made my decision to get their debit card solely based on the fact that I get my ATM fees reimbursed! I am such a sucker for tracking my budget and I too have been doing it for years! I am absolutely loving it! It helps me keep on top of it all and it's so much fun! video!! :D


I love this topic, too! I'm reading The Art of Money by Bari Tessler right now and I'm really loving how you're doing a lot of the things she's talking about. My biggest takeaway so far is to do body check-ins before each (major) money decision, to see where emotions show up in your body and then you can explore that feeling. 💗 Love your channel!


thanks for that video! i am also super excited about that topic. ive been playing around with different ways to track my finances, right now in the beginning of the month i withdram the money i want to spend and then each week i put that exact amount in my purse. that way i know how much money i spend and have left for the week / month all the time. i wish you wouldve gone a tiny bit more into detail on how you sum it up in the end of the month. so much love to you!


Really needed this video right now. I just finished a book by Michelle McGagh called "The No Spend Year: How I Spent Less and Lived More" and feel very motivated to create a spend-less challenge for myself.


Ugh, I need this so much. I love that you made this video! I HATE budgeting, as I'm easily overwhelmed with it and like you I felt I needed to do it daily and it was so tedious and for what seemed like little payoff. I need to learn Excel. I also want to eventually have my own businesses as well, so I need to develop these skills. One hour a month for all your budgeting is amazing! Thanks for the inspiration, as always. It would be so great if I could someday find this area of life actually FUN, and rewarding.


What I get out of your camping traveling lifestyle is ...

1) Eat right
2) Don't live in debt

Many people get those two things wrong (I'm one of them).


I know this video is much older now... But your budget spreadsheet link just opens up a bunch of spam links for me and doesn't take me to your website anymore. Maybe my phone is bugged, but I just wanted you to know in case it needs to be fixed <3


Where do you envision yourself in 20 years. ( if you do!) from interested.


Oh god I thought it said 'fiance' and I almost cheered in my office


Thank you Brittany for posting this! I just watched it three times in a row! :-) Super helpful to understand more detail about how you track. A good reminder to me as well to revisit your 'Simplify' programme. Love your videos, you have such great energy! Thanks again for all you do! Debs XOXOXO


Brittany, very off topic here, lol.... I know you're not a makeup wearer and it may be out of your comfort zone... but it would neat if you did a makeup tutorial video just for fun. Would probably go viral just because it's so different from your normal videos that people are used to. Ok, call me crazy, lol :)


This was interesting to listen to. I use a budget app called Moni and it's so simple I thought of you when I found it. All you do is press + when you add income and - when you subtract an expenditure. Works for me, but then again all I wanna know is if I'm over or under budget. Dunno how well it would work for more complex budgets involving multiple businesses and people. Thanks for sharing!


I am so glad that a budget works for you. I want us all to be free of the Monetary System.


I'm so bad at this. I've signed up to things but I could never keep up with it. I'm bad at planning though. It does not come easily to me so thanks for creating this :)


These sort of life skills always seem like such a chore in the beginning. Then with some discipline and time it becomes automatic and that's where the fun begins.


God, you are such a nerd and I love you.


Honestly I think excel is limited and not as user friendly as Tableau, but I think that's partly because I really love open source software ....


Thanks for making this !! Do you ever see yourself merging your finances with Connor. Like having a mutual pot as opposed to separate and then some joint?


I always look forward to your videos! Keep them coming, we want more.


Do you have any recommendations for credit cards, since you have multiple? For your travel credit card, for example, do you use a certain airline's credit card? etc
