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When you start tracking your spending, knowing how to organize that information can become overwhelming. Today, I show how I organize my budget categories and share some tips on making organization consistent when it comes to your spending.

00:00 Intro
03:30 Budget Category Organizer
04:36 Creating Budget Categories
13:50 Conclusion




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I started using Miko’s formula Nov 2018 & was debt free July 2019. I am still in awe that it was such a short period of time and now only Mortgage debt left - I use her formula every single paycheck. I swear by it 🥰 thanks Miko - Brisbane, Australia 🇦🇺


You have helped me get out of dept and we are now saving for a house! I cannot thank you enough for all your information. Hugs from Montana


Hey Miko,
Would you do a video for us who are in college and what advice/tips on what we can do to set us up for a good future?


Streamlining my categories really helped me to minimize the budgeting process and save time when closing out my budget.

Also, once upon a time Orange (Eating Out) dominated my expense trackers. Now PINK (Debt) dominates my expense tracker.

It takes time to get things to be the most EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT, but it's worth it!


Thank you so much for this video! I just received the box set this week (11/23) and opened up the Nov book and started right away. It's an eye opener on where I was spending my money when I wrote it down! $729 on what I call "Stupid Spending" when I could have put it towards my Credit Cards!. Here's to 2022 financial freedom!


I really got into budgeting. It's kinda cool 😎 😂


Ahhh THANK YOU FOR THISSSS!! I remember a little while back I had to take a screenshot of an IG post of yours that showed your labeled highlighters, so that I something to sort of guide me. It was very helpful, and now this video, ON TIME! The more I highlight month by month the more my spending is more visible and I know where/what I need to cut back on or realize if there is a new category that I need to actually start budgeting for.


I REALLY appreciate when you do very focused videos like this! It's definitely what helps me learn best! Your a great teacher!


I could say there are about three classes of categories: Fixed, Variable, Irregular. How detailed you really need a category to be may depend on which class it is within. Maybe, Irregular is only irregular if viewed monthly rather than annually. This is something you can work out over time using it.


I love how you have transactions all fit into categories, I get confused sometimes where to put them but this makes so much sense I'm going to do this thank you for teaching me something new ❤️


Thank you so much for doing this! After scavenging around the internet for printables to start with and found a few here and there but NOTHING LIKE YOURS!!!😍… once I clicked the link for the budget categories sheet I quickly found every single sheet I was looking for and then some it made my day and saved me valuable time. Your the GOAT thanks again


Miko would consider doing a video where you walk us line by line of writing out an expense tracker? Maybe for a month you’ve already done so we can talk real numbers? I understand writing down when I spend money, where it came from and where it went but I get confused about money coming in as income, money coming in from another account and how to show this from a savings expense tracker to a checking account expense tracker. Also, if I set aside $150 for groceries for two weeks why can’t I just write down that I spent $150 on groceries instead of writing down the multiple transactions it took me to spend the money? I love the program and it is changed my life and for one I am owning my debt, making plans and making some serious attempts to pay it off! I feel like I’m missing the big picture if I can’t get a handle on the expenses tracker - I’m never going to be able to proceed to close out my budget! 😳


I was lucky BLESSED to work 2 jobs at the beginning of Covid paid off 12G’s towards my car but started to slack off on my budgeting (exhausted) Will get back on track, I miss it and most importantly it HELPS!!! Thanks for all the great videos!


Best highlighters I’ve ever used! The colors are so pretty too, and have such a great variety of colors as well. Such a great video! ❤️


I love this! I agree that it’s important to decide the right amount of budget categories for yourself. I’m totally guilty of the “personal allowance” being broad and it’s usually anywhere between $200-$400 depending on the month. I don’t mind though! I know most of my personal money goes to skincare, by far lol, but it greatly varies per month.


I jumped on the cash budgeting in January and found this is absolutely great I have found out where my money has been going and have saved money and paid off 2 debts it's an amazing feeling I am so happy I found the budget mom


Ugh! I struggle with my household category.. but I’m going to make this chart for next month and utilize it going forward-great!


I had been looking for this video for weeks, never quite had time to watch it as I had tried doing my own categories numerous times with lessons (not failure). I finally got time to watch this and it helped breaking down the categories, letting me have insight on what is truly what in my own budget. Thank you so much Miko!


Thank you for this printable. I need this because I can’t keep all the categories consistent!

There is only my boyfriend and me and our grocery budget is $600. I’m going to break out groceries, delivery, and eating out. It’s really the Grubhub that kills us because of all the fees. Even pizza is now $60 to be delivered!


This is a very helpful video. I recently got off track with my budgeting, but I am really excited to refocus on budgeting.
I know you've explained about budgeting categories before, and I've implemented those ideas, and really enjoyed budgeting. But, something about this video just opened my mind up even more. Thanks so much for all the work you do to continually provide us with help. It is much appreciated! Janet.
