Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) - Treatment Options Explained By Dr J S Rajkumar, Lifeline Hospitals

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Dr.J.S.Rajkumar, the prolific laparoscopic surgeon from Lifeline Hospital Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India), popularly known as Dr.JSR, explains the acid reflux treatment options in detail.
The transcript....
Hello friends, this is Dr. Rajkumar from Lifeline Hospitals and I am going to be speaking to you today on treatment, especially surgical treatment options for a very common problem faced by millions of people - Acid Reflux Disease - otherwise known as GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.
In the previous segment we discussed about the cause and today in this segment we will discuss about treatment. To know more about diseases like Gerd, acid reflux, stomach cancer and obesity, we would like you to subscribe to this channel to understand about yourself and about the various treatment options available.
Let's discuss today about surgical treatment options for Gerd. Does everyone with a heartburn require to be cartered to the operation table? Nope, we tend to evaluate patients based on how long they have had their acid peptic disease or Gerd and usually people who have suffered for at least two years, who have responded to PPI's or proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole, rabeprazole etc. - responded and then bounced back again with the heartburn and all of these patients are subjected to a 24 hour period study.
What is this study? It is a special study wherein we pass some fine acid sensors through a tube with the size of a hair right into the gullet and stomach.
These acid sensors collect data, valuable data for us over a 24 hour period so that we are able to understand. One, how much of acid is being secreted. Two, how much of it is coming backwards.
Three, whether it is accompanied by bile so that we can have what's called a combined acid and alkaline reflux. Four, whether the patient has significant symptoms at night the nocturnal refluxes or throughout the day etc.
Based on this data we calculate and we are able to evaluate which patient requires laparoscopic surgical treatment.
Let's talk about how we do this. Four or five small holes and even that nowadays we can do that even through a single hole so called single port surgery. We evaluate a patient's fitness for surgery then a laparoscopic surgical option is performed wherein we tighten up the muscle called the diaphragm through which the gullet passes so that there is a snug fit of the gullet. Then we take the stomach and wrap it around the gullet in such a way that the acid and the alkali are not permitted to come back upwards. The operations sounds complicated but is a fairly simple procedure and it takes me all of 25 or 30 minutes to perform.
Patients are usually home in a day or two and over the last 15 years, we must have performed close to 2000 such operations of whom more than 95% are permanently cured of their acid reflux symptoms. A small proportion come back requiring tablets to keep the acid under control. But overall this is an operation that rids the patient's severe heartburn symptoms, prevents the patients from having vomiting by preventing a Barrett's changes on the gullet its actually an operation that will prevent Esophageal cancer, prevents them from having laryngeal cancer and all the other complications that we earlier spoke about.
Thus in a well chosen patient with acid reflux disease or Gerd, if he is Evaluated and assessed pre operatively in a proper manner, he can have a fabulous relief of his symptoms and possibly prevent cancer by an excellent laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgical option.
To know more such stuff like this please do visit us and join us and subscribe on our YouTube channel and let me end by telling you that however complicated a problem appears solution can surprisingly be simple so visit us and find out that solution.