Formula E - the future of motorsport?

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Formula E is a unique contest between futuristic cars - one that could completely redefine how we view motorsport and the car itself.

This looks like a Formula 1 car. It's an open cockpit single-seat racer and it shares a similar design, aside from the slightly squatter spoiler, more pronounced wheel covers and the absence of a silly nose.

However, it sounds slightly different when it's started, because this is a fully electric, zero-emissions Formula E racing car. If you thought F1 sounded a bit different this year, then the sound of this is something else.

Rather than the silence you might have expected, this car produces a relatively high electric whine. It's less of an assault on the eardrums than its F1 counterpart as it's about 50 decibels quieter. That's because instead of a 1.6-litre V6 turbo engine and two energy recovery systems, this car uses an electric battery known as the Rechargeable Energy Storage System or 'RESS' to power the wheels via an electric motor.

According to official figures, the maximum output of the electric power train when it comes to race-day will be 200 kilowatts - the equivalent of 270bhp. Flat out, a Formula E car is expected to see off 0-62mph in approximately three seconds, before reaching an FIA limited top speed of 140mph.

While it's not quite F1 pace, it's easily enough power to make things interesting when the first of the 10 city circuit races gets underway later this year in Beijing.

Formula E will undoubtedly be a challenge. Not only will practice, qualifying and the race all take place on the same day, drivers are also going to swap cars mid-race - a result of the limited battery life currently available.

There'll also be a limit on power during the one hour races. Again, partly to save energy, but also to encourage overtaking, with drivers able to use a 'Push to Pass' system to briefly access their car's full power, which serves a similar purpose to Formula 1's KERS system.

Purists may argue that Formula E isn't racing, and there will be complaints about the perceived lack of performance. However, Formula E isn't trying to rival F1. From mandatory pit stops so drivers can change cars, to a short calendar of street only races, this is an entirely different prospect.
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I can't wait for this to start!! 


A LOT of people getting bent out of shape over the cars not being "noisy" enough. That kind of nonsense is why I will turn on a NASCAR race and NEVER actually watch it. I don't need to be made deaf to enjoy auto racing. Somehow I don't think the lack of noise will be an issue. This given that a lot of the same people complaining that the FE cars are not noisy enough are the SAME people that are bitching about the new F1 cars not sounding "right".

BTW, if that last line bothers you, it is precisely because it applies to you.

The swapping of cars rather than some crazy rig that swaps the batteries, is more of an issue to me. Other than that, FE ought to be very interesting.


Sorry guys, but this is s**t. Since it's not able to do 270 kph average in Monza like old F1s and be as fast as hell for look at every track and every condition, I am not interested. This is so slow! We are supposed to make the cars faster.


This man should be fired fom AE. Ok, but about the F-E- I think this is interesting, because it is very different. All cars are the same, which is also interesting, but second season teams will actually make cars for themselves, so performace is going to increase. So yeah, it is rather slow and emotionless, but this is just the begining of something new and I'd be happy to see how it develops.


If they concentrate more on the racing and the fun of it, unlike the money making machine F1, I'm in. And if it's successful, this would be a good news for the electric cars in general.


Zero DIRECT emissions. Not ZERO emissions.


if they have a problem with sound, the sport can still be good fun by limiting aerodynamic downforce to bare minimum, just enough for high speed stability. there we would see a lot of drivers trying to control the car's power with a bit of slipping and sliding. 


this is like racing a cat as compared to a sheetah.


I love f1!! And love endurance racing!! I also love technology and this is very cool... pure racing is about being the fastest out there..its about winning and proving that you are the best regardless of what noise the car makes!! Its the same as cycling! By being a racing driver you are competing and the main motivation for all racing drivers is to compete for victory.. and that's exactly what these guys are going to do..


I'm honestly looking more forward to this than next season's F1, mainly because the locations are interesting, the rules aren't as stupid and the technological difficulties that need to be overcome are pretty big, and it will be interesting to see how the cars compare. F1 just got a bit meh, I want to see Formula H (hydrogen) :P


jarno trulli said the car was more dificult to drive than a classic f1 car...


These are rules for first season where each team drives same car . But if there is enogh interesf in this sport, rules shoud be like this : battery can more weight than, motor must not be bigger than, at any point maximum voltage diference should be no bigger, battery swap should be possible . This could be interesting . And noise - if car uses maximum base frequency of 300hz at inverter and 5 phase system, sound would be similar to V10 reving at 18.000 rpm .


Why not just make a hybrid, we still get the sound, speed and economy.


As per Newtons laws if you use energy you create emissions. Even a cyclist emits 15g/km CO2 based in a light breakfast!


Sick of this "Future of Motorsport" crap!! Ask A1 GP or Super League formula about that! I don't wish Formula E ill, but it should create it's own identity & ignore comparisons to F1. Look at Touring Cars, BTCC, DTM, V8 Supercars (Ignore the currently awful WTCC)! There all different but still brilliant in there own right!Quit dragging out this cliché statement every time something new comes along!


The problem is Formula E is all about "climate enthusiasts" and "sustainable racing", rather than an being an appealing, entertaining sport. 


Nice idea but please AE stop the b&££5817 about these being zero emission! Most of china is coal fired and so are we in UK!


Watching formula e is like eating a veggi burger, ill pass on that thx.


wat bollocks silly electric at pit stops they charge the battery


Yea....and I bet theres an app for it too. meh.
