Why you've been lied to about 'hard work'

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Why is it that some people work very hard and never experience wealth? After all, we have all been told that "hard work" is the key to economic success.
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People always want to punish those who figured out how to make money more efficiently than them.


Thank you for putting another nail in the coffin for the Labor Theory of Value


Do what you Love, and you will be Good at it, and be Happy!
Loving Life is Much Better than Loving Money!!


solar powered submarines : Expensive on work, cheap on usefulness


Excellent points here. I do feel like many have been "lied to" so that they think as long as they "work hard" they should earn as much money as they want. But in a free market, the end result or the product that is produced is what's really important. And even worse, if we begin to try and reward all "hard work" equally, what will eventually happen is more and more people will simply claim that they have "worked hard" when they actually haven't, but will still expect all the rewards they feel entitled to. The idea of rewarding all "hard work" equally is a bad idea right now and will only get worse over time.


It is the 'result' of an action and not the 'intent' thay determines it's objective value. If I intend to feed my newborn but do not for whatever reason take the action to feed my newborn, the result is my newborn is hungry and eventually dies. No matter my 'intention' the 'result' is objectively what matters. Granted, that is an extreme example, but accurate none the less.

Now, 'intent' does have subjective value, but in a limited capacity. There is a difference between a mistake that results in a death versus a deliberate action to kill someone. Intent tells us the likelihood of a repeat occurence of the 'result' we have witnessed.

Applied to say Marxism/Socialism, or any of the collectivist ideologies, often proponents are confused by intent vs. results. The intent of these ideologies is rarely to harm, but in fact to help those around them. Yet the repeated result history shows is that they do cause harm. Even Che in his memiors lamented that he could never get his communist ideologies to work in Cuba dispite his best efforts and the lack of interference at the time. They just never yielded the result he intended.

Thank you for great content and I look forward to further videos!


Work shouldn't be hard. It should be beneficial.


I think what people mean is that hard work will always pay better than less hard work - all things being equal.


I am probably just not understanding right, but based on the demand or value of the products someone's hard work and time creates is what determines wealth? If that were true wouldn't all the cheap laborers working on Apple products be quite wealthy?


I'm so grateful to blue collar workers. A world without white collar workers would be disappointing, but a work without blue collar workers would be nearly impossible. It's true that the skillets are valued differently for different reasons, but the answer is not redistribution of wealth, nor is it for everyone to become white collar so they can make that white collar money. It should be about doing something that feels satisfying, and I love people who get satisfaction from hard work. My cousin has worked his solo tow truck business for years and though he keeps thinking he'll retire, he realizes he feels satisfaction in his job. That's awesome! 💜 My dad worked as a professor at a university for his whole career and he felt satisfaction in his career, didn't retire until he was 73 by his own preference. I teach which is not known for being a well-paid career choice but I genuinely love working with most of my students. I don't care that someone makes millions for movies or sports, that's not what I want for my life.

Whatever you do, choose a challenge that will leave you feeling satisfied and people will appreciate your work ethic. 🤙

Unfortunately, I recently requested a deep, detailed move in/out cleaning service for a small, empty home, and after 6 hours by two "professional" cleaners (12 total labor hours), I found several missed or poorly done areas... 12 labor hours by two professionals in a 1500 SQ ft empty home should have left the home looking almost new.

I hire professionals to do what would be hard or impossible for me. I didn't feel they valued their work or took satisfaction on their job, which was expensive and frustrating for me who had to pay them AND redo much of their work. I hope they can either find satisfaction in developing their skills OR find something else that will light that fire in them. 🤙


You can work hard all day digging a ditch in your backyard that nobody asked you to dig.

You can spend 2 minutes making a lemonade in your front yard lemonade stand and make $1.

The difference? Market demand for your lemonade drink is far higher than the market’s demand for a hole in your backyard. It’s not how hard you work, it’s what people are willing to pay for that labor.

Why is this so hard to understand?


Im 61 and found out that all the years i worked were for naught. I shouldn't have ever made the military a career.


The thing is that the steel worker actually works and the woman on the computer just typed away on a computer all day in a comfortable room . And steel works works in a extremely hott room pounding steel and some steel workers help build skyscraper s ? How could you possibly compare working on a Fucking skyscraper and pounding steel vs sitting on your ass and doing nothing? Off course the steel worker should be paid more


This is why robots replacing labor will just make happier people and won't crash the economy and take away jobs. Just opens the door for more opportunities and better paying jobs.


Thus the old adage, work smarter not harder.
