How To Eat Sushi

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How To Eat Sushi. An all encompassing guide to enjoying sushi the polite way. Watch, learn and enjoy. One of the hottest food topics in the 21st century.

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lol according to the video, she drank her Tea wrong at the end


She is doing so many thingd wrong during first 1, 5 minute it is pointless to continue.
Why did she BITE nigiri???
Then she put sticks wrong way...
It is terrible.


It is very common to mix wasabi with soy sauce, nothing strange with that.
Some people choose to put the wasabi directly on the sushi instead, but its completely personal preference.
There are cases where it is considered rude though, and there are places where you aren't given wasabi at all since the chef has already put it in.

Also, there is no strict order for eating the sushi, as the variations between restaurants and prefectures are too great.

These days leaving rice on your plate is not nearly as rude as it was during the wartime when there was a lot of famine and most of the time leaving piece of rice or two on your plate goes unnoticed and especially foreigners are forgiven for such behavior.

However, never, ever rub your chopsticks together.
Compare it to your quest starting to wipe of dust from your table and taking out their own utensils after saying to your face that they don't want to use your dirty ones.
If you indeed have splinters in your chopsticks, you're better of just saying it directly to the host and asking them to replace them.
But secretly or openly rubbing them against each other to get off splinters is like saying "Wtf are these cheap ass chopsticks, how do you dare to give cheap shit like this to me".


I've broken every rule mentioned here and the Sushi still tastes damn good!


Step 1: Pick up sushi
Step 2: Put in mouth
Step 3 : Enjoy!


some good advice but the Hashioki (chopstick rest) are for keeping the chopstick tips (the food end) off the table. Not the other end as demonstrated


It's easy. Dip sushi in soy sauce which contains a little bit of wasabi and then start to eat one piece at once according to colors from bright to dark. Only use the chop sticks for pickled ginger and wasabi.


I'm curious... how would you eat those really huge pieces, such as the ones that are 3inches wide. Yuga restaurant serves a roll call "Funky Chicken" which is literally 3 inches across per piece. My hubby has a huge problem eating these & it would be nice to explain to him how to eat that kind of roll. One whole bite is near impossible, even for an over-eater like him. I would show him, but I'm a vegetarian so that would never happen. Also, be nice if you show how to eat hand rolls properly.


3:52 rude because she is drinking tea with one hand. Caught!


There are so many things wrong in this video.

1. Nigiri dunked in soy sauce several times.

2. Nigiri bitten in half.

3. Wasabi mixed into soy sauce.

4. Holding wrong end of chopsticks.

5. It is way easier just to use your fingers to pick up the sushi.


This "guide" has too many rude mannerisms. Sushi lovers find a different guide for advice
On the proper technique on ordering and eating.


Is there an etiquette to which hand to handle chopsticks with? I notice you using your left hand, and I'm left handed too. Is that acceptable?


yeah, you should make a video on "how to eat sushi when you're stoned"! :D That'd be awesome!


Good wasabi isn't hot. It's actually suppose to have a slightly sweet flavor with very little heat. Places that use cheap wasabi will be hot and a little unpleasant. Some places in Japan even grate their own wasabi so it isn't as harsh(^v^)


Sushi looks good when people eat it or on tv. I really want to eat sushi. But what will the sushi taste like. Please reply.


omg this is all wrong xD mixing wasabi into soy sauce is rude !!


I wouldn't want to see myself when I ate sushi for the first time.... I think I broke every single one of these rules.


European/American etiquette can get every bit as complicated. Most people aren't anal about it, though, or don't even care except for some very basic manners, which is why you never hear of it. Ever taken an etiquette class here? I don't know about Japan, but you'd have to be in a really, really special setting to need this much formality in a typical Western meal. Could be that most natives are way more casual about sushi than this ;) But I don't know for sure.


Video about sushi etiquette: do this with your chopsticks but don't let the chef see you because it is considered rude


i heard aout asking the resturant about "high grade sushi" is that rude to ask them that, and what exactly is "hgh grade sushi"?
