THE TRUE NATURE OF REALITY - Arthur Schopenhauer Philosophy!

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This video is all about Arthur Schopenhauer's philosophy found in his book "The World as Will and Representation". He believed to have discovered the underlying nature of reality and I tried my best to summarize his philosophy in this video. Hope you enjoy!

Music by Joe Hisaishi (Spirited Away soundtrack)



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At long last, I was able to finish another video on philosophy. This one is based on one of Schopenhauer's most famous philosophies and I hope you enjoy it. This video was really tough to work on due to a lot going on in life currently and my day job taking up a big portion of my time. It was my subscribers and viewers, however small in number, that motivated me to keep pushing on. Thanks for your support and hopefully you guys will continue to look out for new posts. If you're new, I would greatly appreciate it if you considered subscribing and liking. It really helps keep me motivated to continue with this youtube channel. Also, Drop some suggestions for topics I should discuss down the road. Cheers!


The music distracted me and I kept thinking of Chihiro and the spirit land.


This is the first time I've seen Schopenhauer's philosophy used as the premise for a self-help positive thinking ideal, although you had to rope in Nietzsche in the end to do it. I've often thought a lot of Nietzsche's own project was to invert the consequences of the will that Schopenhauer laid out in the fourth book of "Word as Will".

You completely by-pass the conclusions about the existence of the will and its effects on living things, as Schopenhauer presented them. That is, in his words, "life is suffering". Just hinting at the idea of becoming ascetic because of "the dark side of this phenomenon" is desire doesn't make up for that at all - as far as Schopenhauer was concerned, there was no "light side". He was renowned for his pessimism. His work kicked off a whole philosophical movement based on pessimism. Every other reference to his philosophy deals with it. Weirdly, you didn't even mention the word.

You don't have to believe it yourself, of course. But to leave it out like this, and then just jumping to a quick version of Nietzsche's inversion, leaves out pretty much the whole conclusion of Schopenhauer's philosophy. I'm not sure it makes sense to approach a philosophy such as Schopenhauer's and just treat the pessimism of it as a mere footnote. It was the natural conclusion to his theory of the will.


I'd like to give credit to the people that created this video, not just BD Design Company. Who is the author?


Buddhism, as I understand it, would not teach, "one must get rid of your new car to be at peace." Buddhism would teach, "one must not be attached to ones new car to be at peace."


Added to religion/ irreligion playlist. Thanks for your views.


The essence of what Schopenhauer conveys (as does Buddhism) is that life is suffering. He's not really a "self-help" kind of guy except to say the experience of great art and music can give one some measure of consolation. Schopenhauer isn't known as a pessimist for nothing. For him, The Will is a blind and purposeless force suffering itself via its myriad manifestations, without end.
For me, Schopenhauer understood one half of the dynamic very well but totally missed the other half. Humans are simply not in a position to know if anything actually transcends this seemingly material world, and if so, what. This doesn't stop us from speculating on the matter though. I personally find it comforting to think what I actually am here, in this life, as this character, is just a perspective from which my higher, truer self suffers this world; not as an end in itself but as a necessary means to a valuable end.


Life happens when free will takes over.


"I dreamed my crush"
My dreams 0:47


I disagree with the point that you make at 4:30. Yes, you will have contentment as you have everything you desired, yet now you will always have that fear of losing all of this and needing to start again at the back of your head. This will never give you peace. Sure, if your definition of peace is a very shallow one like simply being at ease, then yes it will be enough. But when you want to transcend who you are and reach higher states of consciousness, than that fear needs to be resolved or otherwise it will never leave you alone. As Lao tzu said: "Gain by losing, lose by gaining."


Well done!...My personal interpretation of Buddhism and Schopenhauer's philosophy is " to be here and now in this world", knowing that desire is just endless striving. So, let's enjoy the ride, and on the way smell the flowers, but let's not cling to it all... because it is all a dream.


does the conclusion mean, going with the flow?


People seem to strive for the highest dimension but what about the opposite to life in some really high dimension what about the bottom of all realities what is the lowest level of reality where does existence originate from. Timeless Eternal Chaos that's my guess.
