Beta Blockers Pharmacology Nursing (Mechanism of Action) Selective and Nonselective

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Beta Blockers Pharmacology Nursing (Mechanism of Action) Selective and Nonselective

Beta blockers pharmacology nursing review of the mechanism of action, side effects, and nursing implications of selective and nonselective beta blockers (beta adrenergic blockers).

Beta blockers work to block the beta receptors in the body. This will prevent norepinephrine and epinephrine from binding to the beta receptor sites. This results in decreasing the response of the sympathetic nervous system.

There are different types of beta blockers and the type depends on what beta receptor sites it blocks. There are beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3 receptor sites in the body.

Beta 1 receptors are mainly located in the heart and kidneys. Beta 2 receptors are located in the lungs (bronchioles), GI system, vascular smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, ciliary body of the eye etc. Beta 3 are located in the fatty/adipose tissue of the body.

Selective beta blockers, like Atenolol/Esmolol/Metoprolol, block only beta 1 receptors. Therefore, they are sometimes referred to as cardioselective.

Nonselective beta blockers, like Propranolol/Sotalol/Timolol, block BOTH beta 1 and beta 2 receptors. These medications should be avoided in patients with asthma and COPD because they block beta 2 receptors, which can lead to bronchoconstriction.

Please see the video for nursing implications for beta blockers.

#betablockers #pharmacology #cardiacpharmacology

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Hey Everyone! Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget:


Sarah ! I just took boards and got my license number this week. I've watched your videos for years.

Thank you SO MUCH for helping me become an RN! ❤❤❤👩‍⚕️


If you start a nursing school I would pay private university prices to attend it . Thank you for taking the time to make all the recordings and sharing with others.


You are amazing!!! I got through Nursing School watching you and learning from you. And I am proud to say you also helped me PASS my NCLEX!!!!


I was studying Nursing for almost 3 years (I dropped out in my last semester due to mental health issues 😒). These videos were used by a lot of students. You don't even know how helpful it was for us. I am sad I have never finished and got diploma (I still can finish it) because nursing school was best experience in my entire life. Mentally I am in a better place now, so maybe in few months I will sign up for finishing my studies which starts in October. Also, I have tachycardia and high blood pressure and I take Metoprolol, Propranolol. This video is very helpful for someone with those diseases.


The only teacher I ever needed ❤️ I passed in 2019 after religiously watching your videos, I’m always coming back to your vids to review too! Thank you so much!


Good job! I’m a well season nurse but still watch your videos for refreshment. Today’s students are lucky to have you tubers like you.


Took a pre-test, got an F. Watched this video. Took the test again, went from F to A. Perfected the post-test! this really helps. Really confused by Non and Selective drugs. Got to read more of those. Thanks so much!


I’m a super visual learner. Thank you for using color and the whiteboard. I feel like it sticks better compared to generic power pint sides. Thank you for helping to decrease my anxiety learning this stuff 💙


Sarah, during this hard times (covid19) you've been my teacher! I'm so grateful!


I just wanted to say thank you so much for this. Sometimes reading this in the book is hard to understand. You make it so much easier by breaking it down!


Hi Sara
Just want to say "Thank You" so so much from the bottom of my heart for making videos that help people like me to pass their NCLEX RN. I listen to your videos whenever i am driving going and from work, and whenever i have free time. It helps me a lot.
Thank you again.
God Bless you for what you do.
Manuel RN(Finally i can put RN)


OMG this video helps me a lot. I fqiled my pharm exam, and i found this video after that. I understand know sone mechanism through your explanation. Thanks a lot.


Thank you Nurse Sarah! I passed my nclex on my first try and this topic helped me a lot. God bless you more! All love from the Philippines. ❤️


I’m in pharmacy school and I’ve watched a couple of your videos, you’ve helped so much!! Thank you so much


Hey Sarah I just wanted to say thank you for all the videos you post. I have had some health issues over last few years that required 4 major surgeries while trying to pass my boards. It was very difficult and while trying to recover I was unsuccessful in passing boards. I took my boards this week and passed and I thank you for a lot of the material from your videos helped me pass. Thank you for what you do. David


I love you! Your the boss!!!❤‍🔥💯 Great nurse, great explanation, very professional and enthusiastic.


You are a legend! I wish all of my lecturers in uni are as in depth as you are. Youre explanations are always easy to understand. Thank you so much!


Always look professional, neat, and clean 👌 👍. well explained 👏


with my first paycheck as an RN, I'm going to buy so much of your merch... Thank you for what you do!
