Best Catholic Bible Translations

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Favorite Formal Translations:
Apparently The Augustine Institute plans to make premium bibles with the ESV-CE, by next year. I hope that's the case. The translation is great but so far they only offer a paperback edition.

Favorite typeface/layout and overall construction of bible:
I picked both of these up from Catholic Bible Press and they are amazing. It really should be the standard for Catholic bibles. I hope this is a sign that publishers are taking Catholic Bibles more seriously.

Favorite Functional Translation:

Favorite Compact/Pocket Editions:

Background music:
and Gloria XIII & Credo VI
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Very useful video! Especially with the multitude of Catholic translations out there and the confusion between what translations are used in the lectionary vs. what's used in the Divine Office vs. what bibles are approved by Bishops' conferences, etc., this is a great resource. I myself, after dabbling a bit in just about every translation, have come to really appreciate the NABRE (yes, even the notes!) and with its "optimal" equivalence, I find it is apt for both serious study and devotion. The textual notes, introductions, and outlines provided in the text bring it almost to the level of a study bible, and you can buy a new paperback version in the States for like $4.


This is probably the best video on YouTube, thank you so much for making this. God Bless


Fantastic video! Very helpful. I have been struggling for years with these highly academic versions. I am hitting the Pauline Sisters' bookstore as soon as they open this morning, getting either the New Living Translation, New Catholic Bible or Jerusalem Bible. Thank you. Greetings from Toronto, Canada🙂.


Man I am so happy you guys got the ESV.


Thank you for this excellent and thorough review of the many Catholic Bibles available today. Very helpful!


Thanks a lot for this beautiful review. I'm not a native English speaker, and upon reading these translations for me the New Living Translation has been the most enjoyable. So I'm now more inclined to start by reading this version. Thanks a lot, God bless you


This is excellent and so well presented. Thank you so much. I enjoy your videos. 
God bless you.


I read Scripture in the mornings with the New American St. Joseph's version and cross reference with my DR. I also have the Didache. I enjoy the cross referencing for hopefully a deeper understanding. God Bless and thank you.


Thank you for this critically needed information. I have tried to purchase a Bible recently on Amazon, and it is very difficult to purchase a Catholic Bible--the selection is very limited. Even searching outside of Amazon, not all of the companies you listed showed up on my search--after days of searching, I purchased an NAB, an older version of the NABRE, because I was looking for giant print. I also appreciate your explanation and comparison of translation. I became aware of these differences some years ago from the website Bible Hub.


Exactly what I needed. Thanks so much!


This was incredibly helpful with all the comparisons. Thank you so much✝️🙏


This is an excellent, informed overview. Thank you!


This video has a lot of good information that I've been looking for for a long time. Thanks!


Excellent comparison and gives me guidance on what Bible to use. I have the NAB RE & I just ordered a NRSV being in Canada. But I might consider looking into NLT version as well as it gives more functional translations. Thank you.


Great video—thank you for sharing your hard, important research! I value readability above all, since I don’t want to be tempted to circle bad punctuation or get frustrated by run-on sentences. To my editorial taste, the ESV and NCB(V) are the translations rendered into the most elegant English. The NCB(V) is quite a find and such a sleeper! For the record, I have eight of these translations myself.


This is a great video. I own all these translations except for NJB. I find they all have their strengths and weaknesses. But overall, my favorites are RSV-2CE for literalness and elegance, with ESV-CE a close second (some lingering Protestantisms turn me off), and JB for enjoyable everyday readability. NLT often comes in handy when I need clarity on a passage in everyday English. NCB is pretty good, too. It strikes me as what the NAB could have been, with a better ear for good translation and (much) better study notes.

The Knox Bible is also worth mentioning. It loses the archaic language of the Douay while still retaining the refined and reverent linguistic register.

Thank you for all the work you put into this!


Thank you my Lord bless every body in SriLanka and whole world Amen


Awesome. Thanks so much for your work 👌🙏


I've decided to go with the ESV-CE as my main Bible. The approval of India and Scotland of this translation helped me to go with this version. I like the RSV as well, but have given up on seeing a complete RSV Catholic Study Bible from Ignatius Press. I understand that the Augustine Institute will be publishing one next year. The ESVCE also then allows me to stay within the KJV tradition, to use other ESV products, and to participate with Christians of other 'traditions' in Bible Study.


Thank you for teaching me that I cofuesed so much about many kind of catholic bible. I'm korean. So I was very cofued which English bible was appropriate for me. After watching this video, I was able to find the english version bible that I wanted. May God's grce always be with you.Thank you!
