Why Isn't Your Knee Healing? Uncover the Hidden Truths 7 Months After Knee Replacement Surgery

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This YouTube video is centered around addressing concerns related to prolonged knee pain and recovery issues following knee replacement surgery. It's particularly beneficial for individuals who are in the post-operative phase of a knee replacement and are still experiencing pain or mobility issues several months after the surgery.

The video discusses a question raised in a Facebook group by a member who is seven months post-op and still needing a walker or cane due to knee pain. The speaker, a physical therapist, emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help if pain persists post-surgery, especially beyond the three-month mark. They recommend reconnecting with a physical therapist or consulting the surgeon if this hasn't been done. The video stresses that while the knee hardware might appear normal on x-rays and there are no signs of infection or instability, the patient's pain and limitations are real and warrant further investigation.

The therapist in the video suggests that seeking a new perspective from a different physical therapist or an occupational therapist might be beneficial. They highlight the importance of examining not just the knee but also adjacent areas like the ankle, foot, hip, and lower back, and considering non-orthopedic issues such as autoimmune or hormonal conditions that might affect recovery.

The target audience for this video includes individuals who have undergone knee replacement surgery and are not experiencing the expected level of recovery, as well as their caregivers or family members. Watching this video can provide them with insights into why their recovery might be different, the importance of ongoing professional care, and the potential need to explore various aspects of their health to understand and address their prolonged pain or mobility issues.

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About the author:
Hi, my name is Anthony (Tony) Maritato, PT. I am a licensed physical therapist and owner of Total Therapy Solutions. I have specialized in helping clients recover from total knee replacement surgery since 2002 and have created this video to help YOU.

Total Therapy Solutions
5900 Long Meadow Dr
Middletown, OH 45005
(513) 539-2886
Рекомендации по теме

I had a left total knee replacement almost 2 years ago, had pain from my knee that was horrible, surgeon said everything was great, seen his assistant, she said she thought the pain was from my lumbar, long story short, I had a nerve ablation, and knee pain stopped, honestly I thought she was crazy, but she was correct.


Had both knees done 4 years ago, everything looked fine in the x-rays . I have 120* flexion, hike lift weights, stairs, but if I overdo it I’ll be sore . I’ve always thought that you replaced the joints but not the tendons, attachment’s etc . I’m 77 and glad I had it done 👍


Very good advice. Case in point; TKR leaves many leg, hip and other muscles weak. These can all contribute to knee pain because all share in carrying your body’s weight. If they are weak, your new knee, weak itself, gets more of the weight.


Thanks Tony for this video as I appreciate it and makes me feel reassured that the pain, stiffness and sore times with my new knee is typical and to be expected. I had a total knee replacement 4 1/2 months ago. Still finding my knee is stiff and sore at times. I've been doing physiotherapy every 3-4 weeks, doing home exercises for my knee every day and going to a community center gym, riding a stationary bike, stretching exercises and lifting reasonable weights 2-3 times a week. Doing really well. However, you can over do it. I now have a hernia that will have to be fixed and recently I put my lower back out. My back is feeling better now, but I'm going to cautiously going to get back to being active again, but will be patient and more restrained with my progress and to no over do it. I'm 60 years of age.


I’m 7 months post TKS. I don’t have too much pain however my flexibility is limited. I do a boot camp type workout (F3) twice weekly, do yoga once a week and recently started a stretching regiment Stretch Zone) twice a week.

I’m not able to run just yet but I wasn’t a David runner before surgery.

My surgeon evaluated me two months ago and said everything looked great. I’m feeling great, can walk with no pain and will let time take care of the rest and getting my flexibility back.


Good advice as always. I have 4 more weeks of PT, so far, so good. I have swelling if I over do things and don't take time to rest a bit, use the rolling pin and at times, use compression stockings or wraps. I don't think that's too unusual. In a few weeks, I'll go back to chair aerobics. Working on the machines in PT. And doing both legs, why do the surgical one and not the other?


4th of May, 2021, I had DKR and BOTH KNEES still in pain (more so on right knee), 110 degrees flexion on right, 115 left...


I am 6 months out my ortho said I know have fibromyalgia it a sad im an energizer bunny I walk garden some dance knee great never had problems before now sometimes my body aches so much im taking Moment any ideas doing my fresh food etc


My surgeon is ordering skyview bilateral knees xrays and a ctscan. He said that I may have to have laparoscopically surgery or another knee surgery. I don’t want to do the knee surgery again! I’ve had both knees replaced last year


I got a lot of 🤷🏻‍♀️ and deferred. Maybe scar tissue, maybe debridement needed. My OS retired and sent me to another OS. The new Dr said I need a revision (in this case another new knee so he can remove scar tissue properly & by the way no guarantee it will resolve the issue). This was 2yrs after LTKA. 4 years later and I’m deferring because the recovery from this and other surgeries on the same knee took so long that I’m going to put up with it for a few more years of <90 flexion until I retire. Will never do this again while working. Never. Every time, even with diligent and out of pocket PT it was still an 18 month to 2 year recovery for me. PS: Pain meds didn’t work for any surgery I’ve ever had so I’m thinking that’s a factor. Hope to see a pain specialist before all this starts again. 😏


Hi, i had a knee partial meniscus surgery 7 weeks ago and still having pain, swollen knee. It's frustrating .


I would say my knee replacements have been a failure, I have had two replacements and a revision which is what they call doing the operation they have to replace again. It has been a 10 year problem, the Doctor has lied about the outcome. The Doctor then refused to see me again . If I had to do it all over again I wouldnt!


My surgeon just gets mad if I tell him my problems. I'm 14 months post op. The x rays show everything fine, but they never take a look at the soft tissue. I think they messed up when they put me back together, regarding the soft tissue. I have neuropathy from the knees down and the surgeon refuses to acknowledge the surgery caused that (though i had none until I woke up form the surgery). My knee is strong. I can hike and exercise, but it grinds when I flex and always hurts, especially at night. The neuropathy causes my feet to feel like a water balloon most of the time. I have to massage my knee, shins and toes at night every couple hours or they will be numb. I've just hate how surgeons think they are god, yet they pass off the bulk of the surgery to a PA, once the implant is completed.


9 months after TKR. Found out the knee is too large. Still swollen


Yes it's been 3 almost 4 months for me and if I walk too long it swells up I am miserable


A second orthopedic surgeon consult should be considered. Perhaps the wrong size implant was used. The operating surgeon may be unaware or unwilling to consider this causation.


I’m over 4 mos out and can’t walk more than 20 minutes.. my surgeon doesn’t give a rats ass about my pain .. the knee works his job is done


i just want to walk without a waddle..
