12 Extreme Frugal Living Tips! | Clever Girl Finance

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Are you looking to save more money? Well, there’s saving money, there’s frugal living, and then there’s extreme frugal living. Depending on your dedication level, you might be a candidate for extreme frugal living.

While not for everyone, extreme frugal living is a lifestyle that involves aggressively cutting back on your spending and saving money wherever possible. That said, for some extreme frugal living is a perfectly normal way of life! For me, it’s all about creating a balance and I certainly use some of these extreme frugal living tips.

If you’re interested in seeing how extreme frugal living works and how you can start incorporating frugal hacks into your own life, keep watching this video for a few ideas.

#extremefrugalliving #extremefrugality


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Use half the amount of laundry detergent, use only a Pea size of toothpaste when you brush your teeth. Use a waterpick daily before you brush your teeth at bedtime will save you money at the dentist office. Anytime you drink coffee rinse your mouth afterwards. When you cook make enough for a couple extra meals and freeze for another time. I make the mess one time, saves time.


I’m FiRE…because of fugal living… I’m 54, retired . I’m still fugal because of habit.. but I don’t have to be anymore. Now I can give to friends and family.


I bake my own bread, hot sauce, apple cider vinegar, cookies, and homemade wine, cut back on eating out, and the salon I am natural now


I got two frugal tips!
1) saving money not just cutting your own hair but by doing your own eyebrows, nails, braiding etc. Braiding costs up to 300$ a session in my city and finding a beginner style and looking at tutorials on YouTube is good. Just set aside one day to do parting, then one day for braiding and another for installation if you're SUPER new and overwhelmed. Just practice and don't be perfect.
Eyebrows depend on if your eyebrows are thick. I have sparse brows so I just bought a tweezing kit and do that for 7$ and never pay anyone. If you got thicker brows it's a lot harder but for my husband and his ultra thick brows I use these face tools by flawless which was less than 20$ and can be found easily at discount stores.
And shaving too! A lot of people over look the expense of shaving even if it's just razors. I haven't used money on razors or a waxer in so long! I bought an epilator and that for me gets rid of all the hair for up to a month. And the best part is that I don't need a new one ever. Only charge it. You could also use sugar wax which is way more healthy for your skin than regular waxing and can be made 100% free in your own kitchen. It's also good for sensitive skin I love sugar wax.

2) food scraps to feed your own at home garden. Even if it's just herbs and not tomatoes or onions it's still food you don't have to spend money on at the store! Making your own food for free is cracked. And there are also a load of organizations (specifically for black people) that invest and teach you how to have your own at home gardens that can fit in your apartment or community. I've met with a group who works on food towers, which is more vertical space for your crops, that you can feed with your food scraps. And this group in particular gives you the tower and shows you how to use it for free. And if you wanna go even more crazy with planting and getting free plants you can proplift in Walmarts or home Depot on your next visit. This is more of a hit and miss and does not work on every plant in the store but can end you up with a load of plants to sell for sure. And the best part is that propagation is a fairly easy and hands off thing to do for succulents. Almost passive income??


1. Make your own detergent & cleaning products
2. Borrow everything
3. Don’t throw away food (freezing food, meal planning, etc)
4. Go vegan or vegetarian (cut out expensive meat)
5. Aggressively cut expenses (unplug appliances, take cold showers)
6. Give up your smartphone (rely on the landline)
7. Sell things you own
8. Stop gift giving
9. Use cloth diapers & reusable menstrual products
10. Cut your own hair
11. Stop eating out completely
12. Downsize your home


Hub's first meal he made for me was a homemade pizza Including homemade dough. It was THE first time my stomach didn't get upset!
The sauce was fresh tomato mixed w a little tomato paste seasoned with oregano & thyme from the farmer's market & he grated the mozzarella and parmesan cheese himself.
He had my heart as soon as he took out the cast iron skillet 😂


It absolutely surprises me when people says “eat all your food or freeze it before expiring” as an extreme frugal living tip. I’ve done that my whole life, not as a frugal way of life but as a sustainable and responsible way of life. It’s not about the money for me, it’s about the good use of resources. Same with the less meat eating. There’s not a problem of money since there’s very cheap yet delicious pieces of meat, but it’s healthier eating more balanced and eat more plant based meals.


I just purchased your book from Barnes & Nobles. Proud to see a fellow Nigerian making a difference in so many lives. Looking forward to reading the book. Now I’m going to rewind and watch this video fully 😊🙏🏽


Since July my family and I have stopped eating out for the next 12 months and purchasing coffee at a coffee shop we make our coffee at home our goal is to save money especially for a down payment for our future home


I do a few of these things but I didn’t think that they were extreme. I stopped gift giving a long time ago. I am a vegan and I cook at home about 90% of the time. I maintain my hair and mine and my daughter’s hair and all other beauty treatments. Nails, pedicures and facials.


Use your library instead buying cable, books and video games.


Had a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. Husband passed on to a better place. Downsized to 1 bedroom apt, then rented a room with bath. Now live in 440 sq ft with bf. Even have space for indoor greenhouse for growing veggies & flowers. Love the simplicity. James gf


Meat is so expensive so three nights a week we have quiche and muffins, soup and salad and breakfast for dinner. When we retired we moved to a smaller ranch home and when we had to remodel our shower area we made it handicapped accessible . When we got a new roof I called the insurance company and after we sent them a copy of the payment they lowered our insurance . We also went down to one car which works just fine.


Please, please, please do not make your own "detergents". Those recipes use soaps (in other words, they are not detergents at all), and they will ruin your modern appliances over time. That will cost you SO much more money to repair or replace than just shopping strategically for actual detergents. I always see this as a tip, and it drives me nuts because it's TERRIBLE as a long-term strategy for saving money. Just purchase store brands or shop sales, and make sure you're not using more than you need per wash. That will serve you so much better in the long run.


I have an apple tree so use apples and homemade jam to make strudels. I even make my own pastry


What I enjoyed about your video you went straight into the frugal tips alot of the videos I've been watching do far to much talking before it gets into the video so yours was very freshing well done,


As one income for 2 adults i must be extreme to be without debt supporting our current and our future house. Saving to move, pay taxes, emergencies, burthdays, xmas..reasons to spend never end. Budget is everything! I just started doing my own nails. Had to buy many tool, polishes, uv light to get set up. But its saving me time from sitting in the salon for hrs and money... as gels.. w foil or stamp fancy designs would cost a lot. Same w homemade detergent have to buy several things initially but once set up can last for yrs. I dabble in doing my own haircuts since C. Seema no matter where i took my very thick hair to it was sub par cuts often going back to fix the cuts and upset leaving salons. Now if i make a mistake its my fault and a learning point. When i made much less $ yrs ago i made cheese from our spoiling milk, made home made bread, used crock pot several days a week and took bfast and lunch to work. Now that i make more and budget right i can eat out cheaply if i chose, if not money rolls over.


I'm a grandma and I've told the adults in the family to NOT buy me gifts (if I need something I'll buy it for myself). But I do buy gifts, Christmas & birthdays -- only for the children! Also, the adults in our family did not buy gifts, for me or my brother when we were kids. But we had an aunt who brought a homemade cake every time she came to visit...we loved that!


Great ideas! I already do most of them!


I have tried reusable menstrual products and I was like...where have you been all my life... never going back to disposable ones it has been 2 years now
